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The Saturday Supper Club

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Wanted: four amateur cooks to compete in a supper club contest. Rules: four strangers, four weeks, four houses, four dinner parties. You could win a cash prize, or you might lose your heart. Eve had her world torn apart when Ethan disappeared. She has just got back on her feet, when who should walk back through the door?

406 pages, Paperback

First published May 10, 2012

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About the author

Amy Bratley

10 books25 followers
Amy Bratley works as a freelance journalist and lives in Dorset with her husband and two children. She also writes under the pseudonym Amy Miller.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews
Profile Image for Lynsey.
135 reviews9 followers
August 23, 2012
This book stirred up a range of emotions in me and I think the relationships between the characters had a poignant and realistic edge for most of the book. Eve's pain, both in the past and ongoing, struck a chord and made her a likeable character for half of the book. In the second section I felt the story take a turn I didn't want it to and fall into cliche love against the odds that only exists in storybooks. That eve would find out Ethan slept with her sister, fathered her nephew and then remain in love and patch up a big happy family was ridiculous. His over exaggerated love shouldn't have top trumped the genuine, heart felt love of joe. The ending spoilt the book for me and was less 'true love' and more 'true stupidity'!! A realisation that the less is more love of joe is worth ten Ethan's would have made this a much higher rating - what a let down
Profile Image for Melissa Borsey.
1,706 reviews34 followers
January 8, 2020
Overall not a bad story but I wasn't really impressed with the story or the characters . I thank Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.
708 reviews52 followers
August 12, 2018
Filled with so much overwhelming emotions and feelings!
Till the end came, with disappointment.
I loved all the food and cooking and the perspective of a Café, and it’s decorations, and the ideas. But Joe’s fate should never ever have been so, after his constant efforts of being with Eve! 😕
Profile Image for Carolina.
37 reviews27 followers
June 24, 2014
Ojalá pudiese fragmentar esta única estrella de calificación, así podría darle una calificación más justa.

Este libro trata de una chica llamada Eve que se ve involucrada en un concurso que se llama "Las cenas del club de los sábados" por hacerle un favor a su novio, pero resulta que uno de los concursantes es el "amor de su vida" que hacía tres años se fue sin decir nada. Después de una serie de eventos, situaciones, que se yo, se entera de la verdad que es realmente horrible.

Cuando leí la sinopsis no pude pensar que estaba a punto de desperdiciar cinco horas de mi tiempo que pude usar en cualquier otra cosa. Y es que no es mi masoquismo puro lo que me hizo continuar, es que esperaba o ilusamente guardaba la esperanza de que mejorara. Cuando lo comencé no era mala la idea, pero solo fue cosa de uno o dos capítulos, después medio libro se la pasaron entre que Ethan (su ex-novio) y Eve hablaban de lo que pasó o no, que si Eve le decía o no a Joe (su actual novio)sobre el regreso de Ethan, la cosa es que este club estaba avalado por el periódico donde trabaja Joe y nunca se entera que Ethan es uno de los concursantes ¿En serio? ¿En qué universo puedes posponer tanto algo tan evidente?

Eso no es lo peor, lo más inverosímil fue el hecho del por qué Ethan se fue, que resulto que a asquerosa de la hermana de Eve, Daisy, lo sedujo y este como un casi santo se acuesta con la hermana. Pero él no es el villano aquí, lo hizo por compasión ¿WHAAAAAAAAATTTT? ¡Eso lo más ridículo que he leído en el mundo! Pero no solo eso, al final, y con esto hago el spoiler más grosero, a ella Eve no le importa, porque el hombre es el amor de su vida. ¡Por Dios! O sea se acuesta con la hermana, tiene un hijo con la hermana, se porta egoísta dejándola tirada con la culpa, después con el dolor y así como así ¿es amor verdadero?

Es un libro ridículo, absurdo por donde quiera que se vea, no me sentí atraída o identificada, ni hice click con alguno de los personajes, mal escrito, no sé si en la traducción se perdió algo, pero es burdo y muy mal libro Solo porque este año me he topado con libros detestables, pero este en el año es el tercer libro que jamás en la vida recomendaría, una pérdida de tiempo.
Profile Image for Erika.
49 reviews
October 18, 2012
Not a great work of literature, but worth reading for a bit of fun and escapism. If you want an easy read with a touch of humour to balance against more serious books, give this one a go. It doesn't employ a lot of brain power, but leaves you feeling content when you finish it.
Profile Image for Carly.
328 reviews11 followers
September 2, 2017
A delicious book that always had me wanting more. I felt like I was watching 'Come Dine With Me', the characters were bursting with life. Very unpredictable, a sign of a good story.
Profile Image for Jeanette.
1,129 reviews58 followers
September 19, 2019
Every now and again i like to try something different from the usual genres that i read. 'The Saturday Supper Club 'was one of those reads. Not sure what really attracted me to give this book a try, other than the synopsis reminded me a of TV series that i used to watch ages ago. Am glad i read this book, which i found enjoyable and managed to make me smile in parts. Recommended.

My thanks to Netgalley and the Publishers for my copy. This is my honest review, which i have voluntarily given.
Profile Image for Chloe.
167 reviews62 followers
May 16, 2012
Amy Bratley's second novel The Saturday Supper Club is one read I have been looking forward to for a while. I really enjoyed her first book, The Girls Guide to Homemaking and was hoping this would be a similarly good read too. From the synopsis, it sounded something a take on the popular television show Come Dine With Me which is just brilliant, and therefore certainly made the book sound even more appealing. I have to confess that I rather love the cover as well - it has a bit of a old-fashioned look and charm about it and the gorgeous cake slap bang in the middle is pretty tempting too! Sadly, the book was going to be a 5 star read as it was fantastic but there is a small but for me significant reason it had to lose that half a star!

Eve is happily living in London with her boyfriend Joe, who she got together with after the disappearance of Ethan, the love of her life. She's opening a café and everything seems to be going well. When Joe begs her to take part in a supper club for a local newspaper, she reluctantly agrees but doesn't realise it's going to change her life completely. When she opens the door to her first guest, she's shocked to find Ethan standing there. What is he doing back in London, and why exactly did he run away 3 years ago never to be heard from again? Join Eve, Maggie, Ethan and Andrew for four evening's of delicious food, and a few surprise revelations along the way too!

The book dives straight in with the first meal at Eve's home, and I enjoyed that there wasn't too much setting up and it got straight into the action. Instead, Bratley choses to tell the backstory between Joe and Eve deciding to take part in the supper club, and then Eve and Ethan's relationship through little flashback throughout the first few chapters, and it was fun to read. It flitted back and forth rather easily, and I loved how I was left in suspense in parts because something would happen, and then it would jump back to another flashback, and I'd be left wondering what happened, which was fantastic! The book is written in the first person from Eve's point of view, so the flashback type of narrative works really well, and it really allows us to get into the mind of Eve and understand her reactions and why she does what she does in the book.

The dinner party part of the book was really fun to read. The book is split into 4 parts - one for each of the dinner parties and the story with Eve, Ethan and Joe progresses around these. Bratley writes the dinner parties with humour, but also manages to throw in some amazing descriptions of the food being cooked, the drinks being drunk and the homes of the people involved too. Some bits made me laugh out loud, especially poor old Andrew, and I really enjoyed getting to the know the 3 other contestants alongside Eve. They were all very different, and that's why the book worked so well, because they each bought something to it, and I liked how Bratley really set these people up as their own characters as well, not just there for the purposes of the supper club. My favourite was certainly Andrew, you can't help but feel sorry for the guy and you know his heart is in the right place!

So, why did I have to knock half a star off this otherwise fantastic book? Well, without spoiling it at all, it has to be because of the ending. I was left thinking "WHAT?!" because I just couldn't understand why it happened, and I was most displeased with the decisions made! Strangely though, The Saturday Supper Club is one one of those books where the ending is completely obvious from the beginning, which I really liked but it did leave me disappointed when it did conclude in a way I wasn't happy with! However, despite this little niggle for me, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the book and zoomed through it in a couple of days because it was fantastic. I loved the writing, the plot and the characters, and the addition of some delicious sounding suppers didn't hurt either! It's a novel twist on a tried and tested telly format, but it worked really well, and Bratley has written a wonderful book that you'll want to devour in one sitting! Recommended!
Profile Image for Clare.
411 reviews42 followers
February 1, 2014
So... boring. I didn't care about the characters at all. I pitied Eve, but I felt like she was being unbelievably stupid. Neither Ethan nor Joe seemed like good romantic options to me. Ethan is very selfish and self-centered and self-obsessed (you get the message right?) and Joe was borderline creepy. He was obsessive and manipulative and it seemed to me like an unhealthy relationship, no matter how much Eve talked about his "steadiness" and "goodness".

The dinner party side of things was set up and then more or less completely ignored. I don't even know who won (although whether that's because it was never mentioned or because I was so bored I wasn't paying attention I don't know).

The ending was one of the worst I've read. Everything got built up and overdramatised and then Eve forgives all with just one kiss. I don't think a kiss (no matter how good) can mend everything that happened.

Overall I would say I am very disappointed in this book and I am unlikely to read any more of Amy Bratley's books, and I definitely don't recommend this one. It was an ultimately depressing book with no happy ending (not because the writer didn't intend one- more because whichever man she chose she was in for a miserable life). I would have been so much happier if she had decided to be single for a while. The hope of a happy relationship in the future would have bumped this up to three stars. However, I was too let down by the underwhelming plot and characters, and that ending just killed any remnant of good feeling I had towards this book.
Profile Image for Heather.
328 reviews7 followers
July 30, 2012
An excellent 2nd book from the author of The The Girls' Guide to Homemaking, there were more twists and turns than a roller coaster, with each one taking you on a path to somewhere exciting!

Heartaches, heartbreaks and the all important unexpected bits!

Loved it!
Profile Image for Jo Anna.
3 reviews
April 10, 2013
I wanted to give this book a higher rate, but I can't because I don't quite like the ending. The ending gives me the - 'what??-kind-of-feelings'. Great and unusual story-line for me though. By the way, thanks for the Lovebird Chocolate Cake recipe.
Profile Image for Beth.
119 reviews12 followers
July 15, 2012

Love this book. Nice easy read. Chick lit at its best
Profile Image for 3min45secs.
64 reviews3 followers
March 4, 2018
The book starts with us finding out that Eve and Ethan had been in a relationship together before Ethan's impromptu departure. Eve has been lumbered with competing in the Saturday Supper Club after someone dropped out. Eve has always been interested in cooking and likes to make meals with different ingredients and to experiment with the food she has. The competition is between four different people, a different house every week and a different meal, the winner gets a £1000. A bit like Come Dine With Me for those who watch it.

I started off liking Eve at the beginning of the book, I liked how she has made a life for herself once Ethan had abandoned her and moved to Italy. She was still wondering why he had left, and what had happened but she was starting to move on. She was now going out with Joe, a lifelong friend. They have known each other since childhood as Joe and Eve lived next door to one another.

Eve has decided she does not want to work in the usual mainstream office or a job that she does not like she decides to go after her dream of opening a cafe. She works along with her best friend Isabelle to get the cafe up and running before Isabelle moves to Dubai with her husband to further his career. In order to help Eve along with the cafe, Joe does what he can when Eve needs more money. However, she cannot get Ethan out of her head, now he has returned and turned up at The Saturday Supper Club, Eve is now questioning everything she knows. Does she love Joe? Does she still love Ethan? Why has Ethan suddenly turned up?

Eve is very close to her Dad and her sister, Daisy since their mum died years ago. Both Eve and Daisy were young when they lost their mum but Daisy has never been able to move on from this and is very resentful to Eve for being able to adapt her life following their mum's death. I was not keen on Daisy and the more I got to know Eve I started to dislike her. The character that I thought was strong, independent and resilient is actually a naive, silly, really annoying person! She is so hung up on Ethan she can't see anything else but what her life "could have been like". She is so annoying! Did not like her. I wanted her to stand up to Ethan and tell him where to go and realise what she has with Joe, or even to realise if she doesn't want to be with Joe then Ethan is horrible. He is creepy and slimy and big headed and if you haven't guessed I don't like him. Eve has these unresolved issues with Ethan but thinks her own family are perfect and ideal. Before she goes trying to change other people and making their lives better she needs to look at her own family and the phrase, "those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones comes to mind".

One character I really liked was Maggie. Eve meets Maggie as one of the other contestants at The Saturday Supper Club, along with Andrew who I also liked. Maggie is fun, exciting and adventurous. I was unsure of her to start with as I thought she was going to be shrill and high maintenance. In the end, she could quite easily be my favourite character out of everyone. She is insightful, informative and down to earth. I would like her as my friend. Although, she is very beautiful and that can be intimidating sometimes I suppose.

The story is engaging and interesting, there are twists and turns throughout and things which I definitely did not see coming. The decisions Eve makes, I initially agreed with and then she decides against them and changes everything, however, sometimes she realises she doesn't want her life to go a certain way so changes it again. All of these twists and turns were great throughout the story and kept me focused and wanting to read more. I found myself listening to the story on a morning on the way to work which I never do as I find I can't always concentrate. It did help that I became stuck in traffic in the snow and it took me an hour and a half to travel a 5-mile journey to work. I became particularly engrossed in the story on this day.

Penelope Rawlins reads the story and she has a nice voice to listen too. It is relaxing and she has good dexterity in her range. However, I was not keen on her boy voices. I rather wished she had just continued to talk normally when being male. She sounded a little silly when being male as this is obviously not a voice which comes naturally to her.

Overall I really enjoyed the story. It was funny, engaging and had lots of twists throughout. I would definitely recommend this story to others and would like to read more by both the author and the narrator.

Rating 8/10

10-Word-Review: Definitely read it but try not to shout at Eve.

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Profile Image for Vicky.
264 reviews6 followers
October 24, 2019
From Hallowe’en to… Valentine’s Day? I have to admit, I couldn’t resist picking up this book, just because it made such a change from my usual reading fare (ie. hard fantasy). I was in the mood for something a little lighter, something to summon back those long summer days. This proved to be just the ticket.

The story’s premise is simple: Eve is volunteered for the local Saturday supper club by her boyfriend Joe, a journalist. Every week, four people get together in one of their houses and cook a meal. The winner (very Come Dine With Me) gets £1000 and a write-up in the paper. Except there’s a problem. Because one of the Saturday supper club is Ethan, who broke Eve’s heart three years ago when he disappeared for no good reason. Now he’s back… and sparks will fly. Dun dun dunnnnn.

Cooking up some characters

I’m still in two minds about this book, really. On the one hand, Amy Bratley’s writing is actually very good: she sketches out characters in deft strokes, conjures up the atmosphere of London in summertime (hot, muggy) and made my mouth water every time people started laying food out on plates. I especially loved the family dynamics- so tenderly drawn- between Eve, her father and her sister Daisy, all of whom never really got over the death of her mother ten years ago- which adds an extra nuance to all of their motivations and actions.

The only problem? Literally none of the characters are likeable. Sure, you’d expect your heroes to be flawed- hell, that’s human nature- but everybody makes such colossally stupid decisions, over and over, that you feel like closing the book (or Kindle) and bashing it repeatedly against your forehead. Eve is a repeat offender. Despite being happy with Joe, she repeatedly hurts his feelings and pursues Ethan even when multiple people tell her that she’s being selfish and stupid. Once or twice is fine. Five or six times later, I wanted to cry.

Sparks fly?

The romance is also a construction of pure cringe. Ethan broke Eve’s heart for a shitty reason, and even when he messes up again and again, the plot keeps bringing them back together for reasons. It ain’t cute, it’s a bit worrying, and there are so many red flags in their relationship. When they (spoilers!) end up together, you have to shake your head. To be honest, Eve would have been better off ending the story single and proud.

Soggy bottoms all around

This book could have been so much better. The romances were questionable, and the way in which family members treat each other is quite frankly jaw-dropping. I get that it’s dramatic- and the book definitely had its good points- but overall, it was a bit of a palaver.

Now excuse me while I go hunt down some comfort food…
Profile Image for PrettyFlamingo.
654 reviews8 followers
May 10, 2024
Not your usual dinner party, the supper club idea was more like a Come Dine With Me situation, which meant loads of laughs with all the different characters. There's Eve Thompson, in a relationship with her boyfriend Joe, a freelance journo desperate for a "proper job". He convinces Eve to take the place of someone who dropped out of this supper club thing the newspaper's doing. Not exactly thrilled, but she gives it a go.

Now, Eve's been with Joe since her ex, Ethan, vanished three years ago. Loves Joe she does, but it's more comfy slippers than passionate nights, especially since they've known each other since childhood. Then, wouldn't you know it, the first night of the supper club, who rocks up on the doorstep but Ethan himself! (Seriously, what is it with Ethans turning up in ex-girlfriend's lives? Must be something in the name. I just read another book with exactly the same thing!)

The story follows these four supper club evenings, sprinkled with the whole family drama. There's Eve, her dad, and her sister Daisy. Dad's trying to move on and has met someone new, which he thinks won't sit well with the girls regarding their late mum, Audrey. And he feels a bit guilty about it. Toss in Eve's best mate Isabel emigrating to Dubai because of her husband's job, and Eve's got a right old mess on her hands. They were meant to open a café together, but Isabel's off soon, leaving Eve stressed about everything – the café, Joe, her family, and how to deal with Ethan suddenly being back in the picture.

Of course, all the secrets come bubbling out eventually. No one in the family ever talks about their feelings, so now they're forced to, which makes for some refreshingly realistic interactions. Though, who knows if they'll make the right decisions! I don't think they did, and I thought Daisy needed therapy.

The editing could have been a bit tighter. I got fed up of reading about Eve wrapping her arms around her waist every five minutes. And Ethan? The smoking would have been a dealbreaker for me – Eve even mentions he reeks of cigarettes! Absolute turn-off. There's also a bit where Eve finds her dad listening to Radio 2, claiming it's "blasting out the hits of yesteryear". Maybe in the 90s, but this was 2012! Chris Evans and Simon Mayo were right up to date back then, not stuck in the past.

All that aside, it was a cracking summer read, light and easy despite the length. Even if I didn't agree with all the choices the characters made, I couldn't help but race to the end to see how it all wrapped up.

Profile Image for Jeannie Zelos.
2,825 reviews56 followers
September 25, 2019
The Saturday Supper Club, Amy Miller

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Romance, Women's Fiction

Bah, Humbug. Women's Fiction – that infuriates me. Why do we insist on having such an outdated category?
Anyway, the book. Well, I love a second chance romance, and when characters stories are unfinished like this I want to know how they will end when they meet, will that second chance take, will things work out or has too much changed.

Sadly it wasn't a great read for me. I love the cafe and how that was being set up, liked the idea of the supper club. I somehow felt the execution was lacking though, given the title, it didn't really take a major setting.
I found most of the characters strange, except for Eve's dad and his girlfriend. Though even Dad's actions were not right either over one event, he meant well but it was wrong. Eve was shilly-shallying between the two men, not really being fair to either. I don't like that behaviour, even though I understood her need to know, her shock at meeting Ethan again.
Some odd events are disclosed when Ethan finally reveals why he left and his excuse – well, it gobsmacked me. Really? She was upset so you ...?? and thought it wise to cuddle someone in those circumstances? What a berk, what a stupid man. I'd have never been able to trust him again.
There are times when things happen between couples that make me feel there is some exoneration, even though its wrong but this? Nope. Out Of Order Ethan. Then he took cowards way out.

I thought Joe was great at first but as we came to know him I found him a bit creepy, manipulative...and then of course things come out that confirm that for me.
Daisy – well, with friends like her who needs enemies is all I can say. Even when the story comes out she's still “poor me” “ I loved him first” even though he never had anything other than friendship with her.

Overall there were some interesting parts but the characters let it down for me, I didn't really like any of them, and that spoiled the story.

Stars: Three, I just felt with a bit of tweaking it could have been a great read for me but then I'm sure others will love it as it is. Horses for courses etc.

Arc via Netgalley
Profile Image for Wendy.
1,737 reviews4 followers
April 16, 2020
In The Saturday Supper Club by Amy Bratley, Eve and Ethan were a match made in heaven, or so she thought until he disappeared from her life in London and went to Rome three years ago with no real explanation. It took some time, but she did heal and started a new relationship with a long-time friend, Joe, a really good guy.

Imagine the tailspin her heart goes into when she opens her door to find Ethan there; he’s a guest for The Saturday Supper Club, a contest Joe encouraged her to enter. Ethan is a participant in the contest as well, which means she’ll be seeing him for three more meals as each of the four contestants take turns preparing a supper.

With her heartstrings still responding to Ethan, Eve is in a quandary as she knows Joe wants to propose marriage. She says she really only wants to know WHY Ethan disappeared from her life, but she still gets tingles from being around him.

She really doesn’t need this complication in her life right now as she is trying to renovate a building and turn it into a café.

Will they reconcile? Will Joe win out? Will Eve lose out on both of them? Will the café open? Who wins the Saturday supper club contest? These questions are answered in The Saturday Supper Club by Amy Bratley.

My review will be posted on Goodreads starting April 15, 2020.

Amy Bratley is a new-to-me author, and I did enjoy this first experience with her. I need good ol’ chick lit in my life from time to time, and this one fit the bill.

I’d like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in return for an objective review.
111 reviews2 followers
September 17, 2020
Due to COVID I’m avoiding the public library so my partner picked up this book for me from a local “library in a phone box”. I didn’t touch it for a week or more to make sure it was COVID free. 🙈🤷‍♀️ I would put this book in the “chick-lit” genre. Usually suitable reads if I’m feeling stressed and want something with no emotional impact. Unfortunately it did have an emotional impact in making me irritated by the stupidity of some of the characters. What a turmoil the protagonist lives in. On the positive said the story is quite well written and mostly trots along nicely, despite the sudden changes in a few of the characters personalities. I’m not sure if this was designed to give the story some intrigue and reduce predictability but I just found it annoying. It did interest me enough to want to know which man Eve would choose; so I skim read the last 100 or so pages to find she chose the wrong one. There is however a good life lesson to be learnt from this book, “don’t be in a relationship with someone just because you love him, it’s more important to like the person, and recognise whether or not they are a good person”. If not, get out, your heart will mend.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ann.
5,486 reviews70 followers
February 17, 2020
I loved the premise of this story. 4 amateur cooks compete for a prize by cooking 4 dinners for 4 weeks. When Eve is persuaded by her new boyfriend Joe to enter the contest she agrees so he can get a job interview. She's shocked when the first dinner guest is her ex love of her life, who left her three years ago. A nice feel good romance with the usual twist and turns. This is a new author for me and I'll be looking for some of her other titles. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Jessi.
464 reviews24 followers
November 17, 2019
The premise of this book was great. I love the idea of the Saturday Supper Club. It would have been nice if they could have focused on that more. Or on Eve opening up her own cafe, which sounded lovely. Instead it was a story with those events on the periphery, The focus was instead a huge mess of romantic relationships and family issues. The problem with that is, ALL OF THE CHARACTERS WERE AWFUL. The only one with any value was the 2 year old. The rest of the characters, though, were manipulative, selfish, immature, horrible people. I kept waiting and hoping that someone would redeem themselves, but they ended up being just as terrible in the end.
Profile Image for Emily.
29 reviews
January 4, 2022
If this had been a 'Come dine with me' parody, like I thought it would be, then I would have loved it. But there was family drama and secrets from every single person on nearly every single page. It really ruined the Supper Club, which ended up being barely mentioned past the first dinner.

If you like silly family problems, you'd probably enjoy it. I know I didn't once it got and half-way. Just spiralled into a soap-opera.
Profile Image for Jennyfer.
377 reviews20 followers
January 1, 2020
I really wanted to like this book. It had all of the ingredients I like in this sort of book: cooking, romantic triangles, self employment, etc, but it fell far short of expectations. It was difficult to invest in the characters, and the Supper Club, after being introduced as the catalyst for Ethan coming back on the scene was largely ignored. Very disappointed.
Profile Image for Valentina.
21 reviews1 follower
March 25, 2020
Non c'è un personaggio che si salvi o che sia caratterizzato in modo decente! La trama potrebbe essere anche interessante (buoni gli spunti delle "bugie" svelate nel corso della narrazione), ma i sentimenti e le azioni dei protagonisti sono prevedili e privi di vero sentimento e vera passione. Libro noioso.
Profile Image for Federica Grandolfo.
13 reviews6 followers
March 26, 2021
Il libro è scritto bene, molto (forse troppo) leggero e davvero molto scorrevole. Ho passato tutta la lettura ad inveire contro l'idiozia della protagonista, nonostante la si potesse comprendere, e a fine libro sinceramente l'unica cosa che posso dire è che discuterne con altre lettrici non mi spiacerebbe.
Ps. A fine libro c'è una ricetta che, a prescindere, non vedo l'ora di provare!
Profile Image for Jacqueline Carpenter.
Author 5 books3 followers
July 27, 2021
Modern, honest and quite deep in places. Without giving away the story Amy Bratley writes in a way that made me want to get Eve (the main character) take her for a coffee somewhere and give her my advice!! Gorgeous settings and lovable characters.
84 reviews33 followers
February 27, 2017
A pleasant light read or side read.

The characters are realistic and the novel is a pleasant read.
Profile Image for Ornella.
154 reviews
July 15, 2018
Come resistere a un titolo che contiene la parola cioccolato?? Da divorare in un sol boccone! Emozionante!!
Profile Image for Francesca P..
77 reviews1 follower
September 9, 2018
Una lettura piacevole e leggera. A tratti è un po' prevedibile, ma devo dire che ha preso dei risvolti in alcuni punti che non mi aspettavo.
Consigliato per chi cerca una lettura non impegnativa.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews

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