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Barnen i Bullerbyn #2

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286 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1949

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About the author

Astrid Lindgren

1,038 books3,497 followers
Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren, née Ericsson, (1907 - 2002) was a Swedish children's book author and screenwriter, whose many titles were translated into 85 languages and published in more than 100 countries. She has sold roughly 165 million copies worldwide. Today, she is most remembered for writing the Pippi Longstocking books, as well as the Karlsson-on-the-Roof book series.

Hans Christian Andersen Award for Writing (1958)

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Profile Image for Julie G .
934 reviews3,372 followers
April 14, 2018
I don't want to write for adults. I want to write for readers who can perform miracles. Only children perform miracles when they read.
--Astrid Lindgren

Well, Ms. Lindgren, don't sell yourself short. . . as an adult, you performed many small miracles yourself with your writing.

For example, as I finished reading the last three chapters last night, you made two grouchy, fighting-like-ninja daughters declare a cease-fire when their anger turned to hilarity as I read chapter 12 The Cherry Company. It was a miracle, a game changer, right before bed! (By the way, their adult mother was laughing just as hard as they were).

You never insulted your young readers, even in 1963, when children's lit still had a long way to go.

One more miracle: my 7-year-old, who is notoriously hard to please, said she'd give this book a TEN out of FIVE stars.
Profile Image for Manybooks.
3,380 reviews104 followers
May 8, 2017
Astrid Lindgren's Noisy Village series was one of my favourites when I was a little girl (well actually, the German language translation, where the village, the hamlet is known as Bullerbü). When I was a child, I just felt and knew that I absolutely adored the sweet and enchanting episodical nuggets of carefree childhood in a turn of the century Swedish village (actually, less than a village even, but three interconnected farms). Now, rereading this series for the first time in decades, I can truly appreciate and understand how simply wonderful the first-person narrative of seven year old Lisa really is. Astrid Lindgren has so perfectly captured the innocent, but also astute voice of an imaginative and observant child (the voice sounds authentic and never artificial, like how an actual child should sound and not an adult author writing as a child, or more to the point, pretending to be a child).

With such a glowing preamble, why then only two stars? It has NOTHING to do with the story itself, and EVERYTHING to do with Florence Lamborn's translation, or rather what has been changed and is missing in the translation. Not only are the episodes arranged rather haphazardly, there are episodes in the second book (in this translation) that in the German edition I read (and likely also in the Swedish original, but that is speculation on my part) appear in books one and three. But even more of an issue is the fact that there are numerous episodes, numerous chapters which do not appear at all, which have seemingly been entirely omitted (expunged) by the translator. And that, at least for me, is not only flabbergasting but also totally unacceptable, and for me, a massive insult to both Astrid Lindgren and her legacy as a children's author.

This whole (to me) fiasco does make me wonder at the reasons why certain chapters have been omitted in their entirety (actually almost nine of them, as far as I can tell) and the more I consider the possibilities, the more silly these reasons seem and the more perplexed and even livid I tend to become. It is beyond the scope of and for this review show a detailed list and analysis of the omitted chapters and why (or at least possibly why) Florence Lamborn has chosen to not include them in her translation(s), but suffice it to say that I firmly believe that the chapter where Lasse (or rather Karl in the Noisy Village translations) pretends to be a water sprite has been left out because Karl is briefly nude (oh horror). This is such a fun and in all ways innocent chapter, but I guess American prudishness considers it offensive in some way (come on, the boy is naked for something like one sentence, and all that is stated is that Karl sits on a rock in his proverbial birthday suit, playing a pipe, pretending to be a water sprite). Frankly, it is high time for an updated English language translation of this series, and one that keeps the episodes in order of appearance and does NOT omit entire chapters, entire episodes!
Profile Image for Ivonne Rovira.
2,096 reviews216 followers
April 23, 2018
What luck! Happy Times in Noisy Village arrived just in time to get me through another illness. Nothing will distract you from feeling sick like one of Astrid Lindstrom’s Noisy Village books. Happy Times in Noisy Village is the sequel to fabulous The Children of Noisy Village, which I was luckily able to read on Audible. While the sequel isn’t on Audible, the paperback version gave me the chance to enjoy Ilon Wikland’s lovely illustrations.

The six children of Noisy Village — 9-year-old Lisa; her mischievous older brothers, Karl and Bill; and neighbors Anna, Britta, and Olaf — don’t live in an actual village at all, but in a grouping of three farmhouses, as was the way in Sweden long ago. The three farmhouses got the affectionate nickname because of all of the ruckus an active pack of children can create.

The tales, set at the turn of the 20th century, are deceptively simple — helping out an ailing teacher, baby-sitting, selling cherries to passersby, outwitting the smug boys, pulling a baby tooth, and a Midsummer festival — and Lindgren, best known for Pippi Longstocking and its sequels, always turns them into gems, never cloying, as they easily could have been.

It might be tempting to read this book immediately; however, trust me: You’ll be glad if you save it for your direst hour of need — and need of distraction. Highly recommended to readers of all ages.
Profile Image for Luisa Knight.
2,905 reviews1,003 followers
April 5, 2019
I LOVED the first book, The Children of Noisy Village, and would highly recommend reading it. This one was good too, but not quite as good. Still worth the read though; as additional stories with the characters you love is always a good idea!

Ages: 7+

Cleanliness: Sweden has a custom with witches on Easter - this is referenced a few times. Kids pretend/hear stories about elves and fairy spirits. Children decide not to ask their parents for permission to leave the house at midnight to look for a fairy - better to tell them after. The words stupid and idiot are used and "good heavens" is said. A boy is stark naked, pretending to be a water spirit.

**Like my reviews? I also have hundreds of detailed reports that I offer too. These reports give a complete break-down of everything in the book, so you'll know just how clean it is or isn't. I also have Clean Guides (downloadable PDFs) which enable you to clean up your book before reading it!

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Profile Image for Julie J..
520 reviews32 followers
November 2, 2022
Die Geschichten rund um die Kinder aus Bullerbü gehören nicht grundlos zu den Weltklassikern. Es sind einfach rundum-Wohlfühl-Bücher bzw. Geschichten.
Ich lese mich nochmal langsam durch alle Lindgren-Büchern, mit einer neuen (erwachsenen) Perspektive. Es hat sich nichts geändert.
Bullerbü ist Sonne, Schnee und Jahreszeiten.
Bullerbü bedeutet Freundschaft, Abenteuer, ein bisschen Gefahr und auch mal Streit, aber vor allem viel Spaß.
Wenn man an all die Dinge denkt, die man gern hat und sich im Herz ein warmes Gefühl ausbreitet … das ist das Gefühl, das man hat, wenn man „Wir Kinder aus Bullerbü“ liest.“
The stories about the children from Bullerbü do not belong to the world classics for no reason. They are simply all-round feel-good books or stories.
I read through all the Lindgren books again slowly, with a new (adult) perspective. Nothing has changed.
Bullerbü is sun, snow and seasons.
Bullerbü means friendship, adventure, a bit of danger and sometimes quarrels, but above all a lot of fun.
When you think of all the things you like and a warm feeling spreads through your heart ... that's the feeling you get when you read “The Children of Noisy Village."
34 reviews
April 22, 2024
Eine schöne Kindheitserinnerungen, die ich auch jetzt wieder gerne als Gute-Nacht-Geschichte vorlese. Mal etwas spannend, mal lustig, eigentlich eine gute Mischung ABER einige Rassismen sind (in der Ausgabe von 1988) vorhanden. Die kann man beim Vorlesen aber umschiffen.
Etwas anstrengender ist das durchgehende Jungen/Mädchen Thema und der Tonfall, obwohl es genauso geschrieben ist, wie kleine Kinder erzählen
Profile Image for Isabella Leake.
117 reviews2 followers
February 2, 2023
Guess what?! There's a second Noisy Village book! Same translator, same illustrator, same characters and narrative voice...just a new set of anecdotes. Somehow I'd forgotten about this book since my last Noisy Village spree, but when I remembered I immediately requested it through interlibrary loan. My children and I devoured it in four days.

Originally, in Swedish, there were actually three Noisy Village books. Chapters from all three were selected for the English translation (Children of) in 1962, and then a second volume (Happy Times in) with further chapters drawn from all three books appeared in 1963.

Despite being cut from the same cloth as Children of Noisy Village, this sequel is a little less fine. The stories are still delightful, but they don't hang together quite as well; as a rule they are longer and more complicated and sometimes a little sprawling. Happy Times in Noisy Village is well worth reading if you love and can't get enough of Noisy Village, but if you read only one, go with the first book.

My hypothesis is that the translator Florence Lamborn, or whoever selected the chapters that make up this book, had her pick of all the great chapters for the first book, and then had to do some scraping of the barrel for the next book. For instance, we get five chapters in the first book dealing with Christmas and New Year's, and then a chapter about Easter (all taken from the first two Swedish books). Then the second book depicts no holidays except Midsummer. Had the two translations been planned at the same time, perhaps there would have been a more even distribution of holidays, and a better balance of long and short chapters. Even more regrettably, there are a number of great chapters from all three books that never made their way to English readers, at least in the US.*

In any case, in neither English book do we get a good sense of Astrid Lindgren's arrangement and pacing of the original volumes. A new translation in three volumes done by Susan Beard with new (much less charming) illustrations was published in the UK in 2014 and then recently republished (with an even newer set of illustrations, also lacking in charm). The new translation looks very good to me, maybe even a bit closer to the Swedish idiom, and it preserves all the chapters in the order they originally appeared. Next time we take a foray into Noisy Village, we might just do it via this new set of books.

* My alternative hypothesis is that Florence Lamborn was merely translating all the chapters from Bullerby Boken, the collected Noisy Village volume, which had appeared in 1961 and which both English books claim to be a translation of. In this case, the selection and arrangement of chapters (though not the breaking up of the book into two volumes) might have been Lindgren's own. I haven't been able to find a table of contents of Bullerby Boken to see what was included in that volume.
Profile Image for Maya Yankulova.
161 reviews24 followers
March 23, 2020
Книгата е много интересна. Момчетата не могат да пазят тайни - момичетата винаги ги разкриват.
2,262 reviews5 followers
September 23, 2012
This book is pretty darn sweet. It is all about the lives of three boys and three girls who live in three houses out in the Swedish countryside. They do things like take care of their teacher when she is sick, sell cherries on the side of the road, and take care of a baby who gets into mischief. Maybe the only thing people might not like about it is that it sometimes uses the word "stupid."

Interestingly, in the orignal Swedish their houses are not called Noisy Village, but Bullerbyn. And in England, it is Bullerby. It was changed to Noisy Village for the American edition of the book. I personally love "Noisy Village" though!

This is the sequel to "The Children of Noisy Village" but I haven't read that because unfortunately I couldn't get a copy.

Also, this is by the author of Pippi Longstocking, so it makes me want to read that book, although I've heard it is not as great (?)
Profile Image for Pam.
1,302 reviews
April 26, 2015
I am enjoying the historical nature of these Noisy Village books, in that, although they are fiction, they certainly tell about what it was like to be a child in Scandinavia in the first half of the 20th century. I find I enjoy hearing about Lisa's days with her family and friends and all of the things they did together. Lindgren is good at writing in the voice of a child, and captivating the reader to continue. The children are thoughtful and smart and capable, and their parents let them take care of each other for entire days - and they did it very well. I was surprised when the kids were allowed to take care of baby Kerstin with no adults to help, but they did manage to get through it (except when the baby painted herself with shoe polish - but they cleaned her up well). If you are looking for a quiet, quick book to read and enjoy this is a great choice.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
10.8k reviews456 followers
February 20, 2023
I wish I could read Swedish or German so I could read the unabridged, un-bowdlerized book. This is charming unto itself, though. It's what the Penderwicks should have been, imo. Btw, completely episodic; you can share one chapter a day with your family even if it takes a year to get through it.
Reread for a 'comfort' read and for a theme. Just wonderful. So glad my OKC library has a nice new paperback of it.
Profile Image for Kiki.
374 reviews8 followers
June 11, 2021
Muutama tarina oli tuttu Melukylä-elokuvasta, jota tuli veivattua pienenä VHS-kasetilta.
Hirmu ihania ja hauskoja kertomuksia eri vuodenajoilta!
Vähän häiritsi se, että monia asioita kuitattiin sukupuolen varjolla (pojat on poikia jne), jota en muistanut Lindgrenin kirjoissa olevan. Mutta ehkä tässä tapauksessa kirjaa voidaan pitää viattomana aikansa tuotteena.
Profile Image for Jelka.
960 reviews
March 30, 2021
Starts out very stong with chapters around Christmas and New Years in Bullerbü. Second half has some stories I don't enjoy as much as others in this series. Also features my least favourite story: Inga und ich gehen einkaufen.
May 20, 2024
Reading about the adventures of children in the Swedish countryside was so much fun, and made us laugh so many times. It's so interesting learning about their everyday lives from the games they play to the way they celebrate holidays. We loved this book and want to read it over and over!
237 reviews2 followers
April 18, 2023
Such a cute read. I have always loved Pippi Longstocking, a character created by this same author.
What a sweet vision of a swedish rural village and close knit neighbors
Profile Image for Emily.
184 reviews6 followers
January 30, 2024
Third time reading this book to my kids over the past 7 years and it never fails to make me and the kids laugh! I probably laugh the most, but the kids are entertained nonetheless. My favorite story is of the grandfather’s tooth extraction when he was a young boy. Oh how good we have it in modern times 😂
Profile Image for Laura (Book Scrounger).
758 reviews50 followers
October 19, 2023
3.5 stars

I probably would have enjoyed this more if I'd grown up with it, but I didn't, so better late than never. It is a lot of fun, with an amusing child's perspective and plenty of rural antics. It reminds me a little of Adventures with Waffles (a more modern book from a similar location), but this came first. I'd say it's aged well for being almost 70 years old as well as a translation, but as a parent I definitely get the "times have changed" feeling at times when reading about some of the things the kids did (unsupervised swimming and boating, etc.).

Update: the kids enjoyed this one, especially the bits about babysitting a toddler.
Profile Image for Heidi Burkhart.
2,335 reviews54 followers
December 29, 2022
Such a delightfully charming book by Astrid Lindgren, the author of the famous Pippi Longstocking books. This is another of the Noisy Village books. Perfect for a read aloud to lower elementary students.

Ilon Wikland adds much life to these stories with her lovely illustrations.
Profile Image for Madeleine.
6 reviews13 followers
July 15, 2018
I really liked this book because it seemed very old fashioned and talked about someone's life in a different culture and country
Profile Image for Shannon.
667 reviews34 followers
February 7, 2021
A dear little book! The girls loved the characters' funny and innocent interactions, especially one harmless trick the girls played on the boys involving some false teeth. I appreciated the variety of personalities in the children, with the choleric Karl and the sweet Olaf and the precocious Anna, all interacting with realistic rivalry but, above all, loyalty and sweetness.

My oldest repeatedly commented, "I wish WE could have adventures like those children!" Since those children's adventures are enterprising, outdoor, all-together-now adventures, I was happy to hear it. They were eager, for instance, to have an outdoor picnic because the children in the book did. Today, despite the cold weather, they all put on jackets and enjoyed just that with some friends. I love books that inspire such desires!
Profile Image for Celestine.
648 reviews9 followers
April 27, 2021
Melukylät (ja Lindgrenin tuotanto noin ylipäätään) on niin kivaa luettavaa! Tässä monet yksittäiset tarinat olivat tuttuja esimerkiksi Lapsen joulu -kirjasta tai Melukylä-elokuvasta, jonka katsoin useasti nuorempana, mutta ei se oikeastaan edess haitannut. Ehkä se, että tämä osa on jäänyt minulle vieraaksi, johti siihen, että tämä ei aivan lumonnut samalla tavalla kuin ensimmäinen osa. Silti tykkäsin tästä kovasti, oli tämä sen verran sympaattista ja hauskaa luettavaa. Jäi vain mietityttämään, minkä sodan syttymistä sanomalehdessä pohdittiin! Mihin aikakauteen Melukylä edes sijoittuu?

On hyvin todennäköistä, että minulle on luettu tämä, kun olen ollut pieni, mutta koska en ole satavarma asiasta, en merkkaa tätä uusinnaksi.
Profile Image for j_karlovska.
593 reviews17 followers
July 6, 2019
I'm not going to write a different review for The Children of Noisy Village, Happy Times in Noisy Village and Nothing But Fun in Noisy Village because they're all absolutely wonderful and I had all these stories in one volume as a kid, I take them for one. This was my favorite book when I was little, I made my mum read it to me all the time, I've read it myself when I was older, I knew it by heart. These kids and their adventures were always so near and dear to my heart, I wanted to be one of them. And it stands the test of time, I absolutely loved to reread it.
1,094 reviews2 followers
October 23, 2020
I had a lot of books by Astrid Lindgren when I was little. I read the same books to my daughter. My oldest grandson was 4 last time we went to Sweden and visited Juni backen. It's a wonderful place for kids where you can visit Villa Villerkulla, Pippi's crazy house. On "The Story Train" you fly over many worlds that Astrid created. She wrote so many amazing books about different characters. https://www.junibacken.se/

I look forward to visiting Sweden again so my youngest grandson gets to go to Junibacken.
May 4, 2023
I Bakkebygrenda bor Lisa sammen med storebrødrene Lars og Bosse. Der bor også Berit, Anna og Ole. Seks barn er akkurat passe mange, til å kunne finne på mye moro sammen, synes Lisa. Hun forteller om vinteren i Bakkebygrenda, med snø og ski, aking, julefeiring og påskeegg. I tillegg fortelles det om våren, da Ole fikk en liten søster.
Jeg leste ut boken i 2019, og likte den veldig godt! Bøkene til Astrid Lindgren er alltid koselig å lese, og til høytlesning for barn er denne midt i blinken. Koseligere bøker, skal man lete lenger etter!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
596 reviews1 follower
April 4, 2019
This book is the charming sequel to The Children of Noisy Village. The story-telling is so much just how any 9-year-old (like our protagonist/narrator, Lisa) would tell a story. This book is a series of stories of the adventures of Lisa and the other children of Noisy Village. I can imagine my own 9-year-old daughter (who loved this book) telling stories just as this book was written.

So sweet. So lovely.
Profile Image for Heather.
526 reviews
November 2, 2019
Noah: 4 stars "because it was very funny because Karl and Bill were like 'aaaaaaghhhhhhh!' But but but yeah booboo. Because they were very funny. They were just so so so so so funny. I love it"

William: 5 stars "because it was a very funny book and I loved the first book. I also loved it when Karl went to bake cherries but then he went swimming, forgot all about the cherries and then came back and his cherries were burnt. And he said, 'Cherries should not be treated this way.' I love it."
Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews

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