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Готварската книга на мама Муминка

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В "Готврската книга на мама Муминка" са събрани рецепти за любими ястия от цялата Муминска долина, например Снусмумриковата грахова супа за излет, картофена запеканка за гладни мумини и овесената вкусотия от Далечното островче. Книгата съдържа близо стотина рецепти: салати, супи, закуски, десерти, лакомства за край лагерния огън, похапванки за излет, солени и сладки печива, консерви, топли ястия с месо, риба и зеленчуци. Не са забравени и инструкциите за приготвяне на напитки. Включени са както лесни основни рецепти, така и малко по-трудоемки и с малко помощ успешно можеш да организираш пиршества, досущ като онези в Муминската долина. Рецептите са гарнирани с черно-бели илюстрации и цитати от прекрасните мумински книжки на Туве Янсон.

144 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1993

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Sami Malila

15 books2 followers

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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews
Profile Image for karen.
3,997 reviews171k followers
October 20, 2019
milliliters??? grams???

yeah, yeah - i'm not a horrible enough person to expect that european-published cookery books should be written in stubborn-american measurements, but at the same time, i am an american who is terrible at the math, and i do not want to ruin my "moominmamma's pear surprise" by adding too much lingonberry jam, now, do i??

fortunately, looking at these recipes, the majority of them seem to be fairly forgiving. i doubt that "finnish fish bubble and squeak" will be ruined by too many grams of "assorted fish" if i miscalculate.




and the honey and butter on toast sandwiches doesn't even have measurements! phew!

this book is wonderfully illustrated, with moomins and friends engaged in the act of making food

enjoying picnics

gleefully smooshing berries

and… whatever this is

that is not something i wish to eat, thank you.

there are also excerpts from the various moomin books, and the result is both a beautiful and fun addition to my novelty-cookbook collection.

but it's not "novelty" in terms of "no one will ever use it to actually make food." the moomins are creatures who love to eat, and some of these recipes sound like things i would like to eat on a moomin-organized picnic:

delicious spinach rice bake. a promise! of deliciousness!

vegetable patch summer soup! once i wrap my head around turnips being a summer vegetable, i will eat this with gusto. (recipe for gusto not included)

both explorer's mushroom ragout and mushroom stew

and whomper's special pudding.

i will make all of the above, and hopefully soon

however, i will probably never make the "smoked baltic herring spread" which involves herring, gherkin, creme fraiche, and cottage cheese. i have no quarrel with those ingredients individually, but my brain is having difficulty making sense of them all glopped together.
and, i personally feel that nine different recipes for variations on gruel/porridge is a little bonkers, but then, i'm not a gruel-enthusiast. maybe i could become one. maybe that nameless yearning i am feeling has a name, and its name is "millet."

but even if i never make any of the jams in this book (i want to be the kind of girl who makes jam, but the chances of my actually ever taking the time to do it are pretty slim), this is still so beautiful to flip through and dream of also being the kind of person who owns a wicker picnic basket and has a bunch of moomin-shaped friends to sit and eat a formal picnic with, with assorted containers of exotic (to me) delicacies like rowanberries and pumpkin marmalade.

yum. just yum.

come to my blog!
Profile Image for ollie.
9 reviews2 followers
March 31, 2023
this review will be very sentimental but idc: i need everyone to look into cookbooks of the stories they cherish —  it'll heal your inner child (especially if your mental health isn't the best, and you struggle with cooking, i highly recommend trying this out).

this book has been such a delight to follow, with easy recipes and cute excerpts from the story - I don't recall the last time the process of making food has been this joyful or exciting to me. as far as i'm concerned, this book is perfect. and because moomins were a huge part of my childhood, reading it and following the recipes felt like coming home after a long journey; a book in a form of a tender hug served with a sweetened cup of tea and fresh pastry from someone you love
Profile Image for Suvi.
886 reviews147 followers
March 31, 2017
The title is a tad misleading. A well-rounded introduction to Finnish cuisine this is not, because there are only a couple of traditional Finnish foods. The concept is more like a collection of recipes that are simple and perfect for the spirit of Moomins. The colours of the layout are subtle: black, white, and red. That makes it easier to follow the recipes when there are no extra decorations or loads of pictures (granted, I like food porn, but I'm more fond of the simple style of vintage cookbooks). The quotes and illustrations make the book nice and cozy, continuing the harmonious style of the Moomin books (my favourite was Moominpappa reading Agatha Christie and drinking mead/juice/wine/vodka/whatever).

The recipes themselves were a bit of a hit and miss for me. Grated carrots and oatmeal in a pie dough doesn't sound very tempting to me, nor does making risotto out of frozen vegetables. I prefer fresh ingredients when available. It's cheaper too. On the plus side, the recipes are easy to alter according to your budget and the contents of your fridge, and the ingredients are easy to find from regular grocery stores (the spices are pretty basic as well, nothing spicy here).

Overall not the best find, but I did write down a few simple dishes for days when I don't feel like cooking anything complicated, and there were also some good ideas for small snacks and sandwiches. This would be a nice addition to the kitchens of families with children, because a lot of these dishes are easy to prepare together with a child, or let them prepare a sandwich or something like that. I on the other hand prefer food that isn't quite so simple and - sorry to say - bland.

Anywho, my blog has pictures of the dishes that I tested: http://elegiakirjat.blogspot.fi/2014/...

Favourites: cauliflower soup, anchovy & onion sandwiches, potato salad
Profile Image for Anastasia.
59 reviews
February 7, 2022
Люблю цю книжку ніжною любов'ю. Час від часу пробую звідси щось нове, також є страви, які повторюю. <3
Profile Image for Elsi.
441 reviews2 followers
September 24, 2022
Ehdoton suosikkikeittokirjani! Tässä on sellaisia tosi simppeleitä kotiruokareseptejä, juuri sellaisia ruokia, joita syöden olen kasvanut. Reseptit ovat helposti muokattavissa mieluisiksi, itse tein kaikesta kasvisversiot.

Omat lempparini:

Muumien tomaattisalaatti - Ihanan kesäiset maut ja värit
Retkeilijän sienipannu - Aivan paras resepti syksyn sieniretkien sadolle
Linssikeitto Nuuskamuikkusen makuun - Täydellistä opiskelijaruokaa kylmiin talvi-iltoihin
Nuuskamuikkusen mietiskelyliemi - Yksi lempikeitoistani, varsinkin flunssaisena
Omenapannukakku - Syksyn ehdoton herkku teehetkiin
Profile Image for Anna Nesterovich.
586 reviews27 followers
Shelved as 'cookbook-on-trial'
March 14, 2024
Yay! That's the first cookbook I bought in years, but when I found out it exists, I just couldn't resist.
p. 11 - 4 stars - How to brew and infuse tea - I'm not sure anyone needs to be told how to make a cup of tea, but if anyone does, this recipe is quite comprehensive for making a basic cup of tea.
p. 25 - 4 stars - Mushroom Stew - A very nice mushroom stew and a way to finally use that tarragon I've been growing.
p. 39 - 3 stars - Lighthouse-keeper's Fish Pie - It's as much a pie as lazy cabbage rolls are rolls, which is not at all. Which I guess is the point. Still, I wish it'd taste better.
p. 40 - 5 stars - Oven-baked Fish - This is how you make ambrosia out of cod.
p. 43 - 5 stars - Mouth-Watering Onion Pie - Eye-watering for sure. I hate cooking onions! But the result is amazing.
p. 45 - 3 stars - Oven Pancake - A pancake not in a pan... I feel like there should be a word for it. Maybe a casserole? Anyway, the dough is mostly the same as for pancakes, so whatever. A big drawback in the instructions is that the recipe calls for 1 L of milk, but then doesn't tell you how big is the baking tray supposed to be. It seems like a pretty important detail. Still, we ate it. Nobody complained.
p. 56 - 4 stars - The Hemulens' Special Syllabub - Wow, it's not too sweet. Such a relief after all American cookbooks I tried. The recipe is also well within the capabilities of a 7yo.
p. 57 - 3 stars - Sniff's Favorite Biscuits - If you have coconut you don't know what to do with, there is pretty much nothing else in the kitchen, and you have plenty of time, that's the way to deal with the situation.
p. 59 - 4 stars- Meringue Moominesque - A good cake that's easier to do than I thought. Very tasty, if not particularly easy to eat 😅 The only problem is it doesn't keep, not even a little, not even through the night, and there are only two people here...
p. 60 - 1 star - Carefree Mother's Biscuits - That was quite a disaster. I'm not sure what exactly went wrong, but the result was way too sweet and turned into a mono-biscuit in the oven. Adding twice the amount of oats helped a little, but not much.
p. 126 - 5 stars - Fillyjonk's Muffins to Grandma's Recipe - So many pineapples to so little flour!!! The dough looks really runny. But. 5 minutes of prep, 15 minutes of waiting, and no way to stop eating untill they are gone.
p. 126 - 4 stars - Vanilla Circles - They looked just like those little cookies from my childhood! But no, not them.
p. 126 - 4 stars - Vanilla Circles - The cookies turned out rather flat for me, spreading out way too much, but they tasted exactly like those Danish cookies in pretty tins.
p. 126 - 5 stars - Fisherman's Lemon Cake - That's the easiest lemon cake recipe I've ever tried. It's also the fluffiest lemon cake in existence.
Profile Image for Clouds.
228 reviews641 followers
Shelved as 'x-y-z'
October 31, 2013
[the interesting words are in the comments]

Before being introduced to this book through Mark's juvenile (but funny) swipe at Goodreads Censorship policy, I had never heard of the Moomins. Here's what Wikipedia has taught me:
The Moomins (Swedish: Mumintroll, Finnish: Muumi) are the central characters in a series of books and a comic strip by Swedish-Finn illustrator and writer Tove Jansson, originally published in Swedish by Schildts in Finland. They are a family of white, roundish fairy tale characters with large snouts that make them resemble hippopotamuses. The carefree and adventurous family live in their house in Moominvalley, though in the past their temporary residences have included a lighthouse and a theatre. They have had many adventures along with their various friends.

In all, nine books were released in the series, with five picture books and a comic strip being released between 1945 and 1993.

The Moomins have since been the basis for numerous television series, films and even a theme park called Moomin World in Naantali, Finland.
So now you know.
Profile Image for malune.
34 reviews
December 6, 2019
It was really cute, short and sweet. I loved the illustrations. This gave me so much nostalgia. I got to re-live my childhood.
Profile Image for Maria.
2 reviews
January 31, 2014
En kokbok med recept som är enkla att följa. Recepten är indelade i nio kategorier: Till frukost, Till lunch, För kvällsmålet, En sommarkväll, På trädgårdsfest, På utflykt, På skördekalas, En vinterkväll och På födelsedagskalas. En del recept är namngivna efter karaktärer i muminböckerna medan andra har vanliga namn. Boken innehåller citat och illustrationer (svartvita) ur Tove Janssons muminböcker.

Själv föredrar jag kokböcker med bilder på maträtterna men det skulle inte ha passat in i den här boken. Boken har en varierande receptsamling och jag rekommenderar den för alla som gillar Mumin.
Profile Image for Casey Browne.
214 reviews15 followers
May 18, 2023
But honestly, from what I’ve made from this excellent book, everything is either delicious or sounds delicious 😋.
Profile Image for Snufkin.
564 reviews7 followers
April 7, 2012
This is excellent! I've cooked many things from it now, soups salads cakes YUM!
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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