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The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy #3

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Красивата Брана О’Дуайър наследява силата на Тъмната вещица. Тя е в основата на кръга, който се опитва да унищожи злия магьосник Кеван. Освен най-близките й роднини и приятели, към кръга принадлежат и конете, соколите и вярното й куче Кател.

Брана се е влюбвала истински един-единствен път в живота си – във Финбар Бърк. Преди дванадесет години те се опитват да бъдат заедно, но проклятието на Сърха ги разделя, белязвайки плътта на Фин. Той не може да бъде с наследница на Тъмната вещица, защото във вените му тече кръвта на Кеван. Въпреки че са принудени да се разделят, те не спират да се обичат. Щастието им е възможно само ако Кеван загине.

В тялото на магьосника обаче се е вселил демон, който може да бъде победен единствено чрез магията на кръвта. Изходът на вековната борба между рода О’Дуайър и злото зависи от смелостта и верността на Фин. Ще се окаже ли повикът на кръвта по-силен от този на сърцето?

352 pages, Paperback

First published October 28, 2014

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,773 books53.7k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,313 reviews
Profile Image for Mandy.
449 reviews9 followers
January 14, 2015
I think this book needs a new title. "Let's Talk This to Death While I Cook and Clean"

Here's how the story goes. Branna cooks and cleans. She talks about Fin and Cabhan. Then, she cooks and cleans some more. Then, everyone discusses Fin and Cabhan. Then, Branna cooks and cleans. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Oh, there is one little scenario that happens time and again, too. Someone will have a run in with Cabhan. Perhaps, even a life threatening encounter. However, they refuse to talk about it until everyone is together. So, Branna cooks. They discuss what WE JUST READ. Then, Branna cleans. The end.

I am SO glad this series is over!
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,185 followers
December 26, 2014
Let me begin by saying that I have always loved any book written by Nora Roberts but what is going on lately with her last couple of books!!!!!

Seriously, I am starting to think that it can't be the same person who wrote such great and memorable books in the past. In fact, I have this crazy idea that this series must have been written by a ghost writer....No way could it have been NR!!!!!!!

I struggled to even finish this one....it just dragged on and on with such weird and forgettable characters...only reason I turned the last page was that I was hoping it would get better..but no, it did not!!!!!

I am seriously scared to pick up her next novel!!!!! Will I get the brilliance of NR or just some rehash?????
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,323 reviews1,159 followers
August 26, 2017
This final book in the trilogy focused on the two strongest witches in the group, Branna O"Dwyer and Finbar (Fin) Burke. It's also the final showdown between the group and Cabhan, the Dark Sorcerer.

I loved Fin & Branna, both individually and as a couple. They were both powerful witches, skilled in the art of their magic, and very passionate people. I also enjoyed the mythology in which the story was entrenched, especially the involvement of their counterparts from the past.

What was underwhelming was the story given these two to end Cabhan. Most of the book involved occasional clashes with Cabhan, a regroup of the six with Branna doing the cooking and Fin & Branna lamenting why they can't be together after they end the Dark Sorcerer. This was endlessly repeated.

What kept me in the story was the excellent narration, which was outstanding. The characters were likeable and the final encounter with Cabhan was pretty exciting. I liked this trilogy and the characters but just thought the final book would have been meatier.
Profile Image for Susan.
1,690 reviews55 followers
October 31, 2014
It's not you, it's me
Dear Nora Roberts, I think this is the book that finally ends our relationship after 30+ years. You haven't done anything wrong and you haven't changed - but I have. It's just not working for me anymore to read books about magical Irish witches who speak like fairy tale characters instead of genuine human beings. And epic battles against one-dimensional Eeeeeevil that we know will be resolved at the end of a trilogy that involves some combination of ingenues, tough broads, friends-turned-lovers, reunited-former-lovers, and lots of people uttering "so mote it be." You're a great storyteller, but I need some new stories and new voices.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,257 reviews476 followers
January 17, 2019
Sitting here a bit stunned... where did you go, Nora Roberts?

So, I guess this book or this week at work has taken a lot of energy, but my January 2019 reading experience was chugging along until this trilogy took me right off the rails.

NR is a guilty pleasure of mine but The Cousins O'Dwyer was probably the very first trilogy that I haven't enjoyed. See, there is a tried and true trend of Aunt Nora's trilogies. Book one is usually the" girl from away", book two is usually the couple that have danced around their love for years and then passion ignites, and in book 3 the characters that NR has made the reader burn to get together-does! Which is exactly what Blood Magick failed to deliver. Seriously, Branna and Finbar were as dull as dishwasher. Even their sex scenes made me yawn.

Lastly, why was this female character more fixated on cooking her man a meal instead of destroying a really evil demon? The most passion she showed was the disappointment that Fin had a better kitchen. What the hell?
Profile Image for Tanesha.
319 reviews
September 9, 2014
I almost didn't finish it. Was about 60-100 pages too long, very repetitive, and lackluster romance between the 2 main characters (Fin and Branna) considering they already knew they were in love with each other. I don't know, as big a fan as I am on Nora Roberts overall, this particular trilogy was just a "meh" for me.
Profile Image for Angela Tiu.
378 reviews5 followers
October 28, 2014
Well then. I like Nora Roberts, i have most of her books and I really like how its more than just romance with her, its family and friendship. Every trilogy features a tight little circle who all manage to become a unit in the span it takes to conquer the big evil. They plot, save the world, fall in love all whilst having fabulous dinners it seems. I like how her heroes are modern men who rib each other in a way only guy friends can understand. Still, this trilogy, while having all those elements, did feel a little meh and repetitive to me.
First of all, it bears more than a passing resemblance to the three sisters island trilogy, from the power of three (Charmed! Lol) down to the ex-lovers. The witch thing is not a fresh idea and I'm getting more than a little tired with the "as we will, so mote it be" aspect of casting spells, SURELY, there are other rhymes in the witch dictionary! I find myself annoyed by the rhyming, it makes me want to avada kedavra some of the characters.
Secondly, there's too little romance in this romance novel. I know i said it should be about family too but the whole courtship was based on the premise that they already know they love each other, all they had to do was acknowledge it and have sex. Where's the mystery in that? The uncertainty? I like easy love stories but jeez, this was too easy.
Thirdly, the rapport between the three men did not come close to that in what i still think is nora roberts' best trilogy: the key trilogy. Brad, Jordan and Flynn were awesome. They were awesome and loving in a funny, macho way. Their lines bounced off each other in ways that made me laugh out loud.
All in all, i think, to be fair, she has written a large number of novels, it must be hard to keep coming up with fresh ideas, maybe its why this book is GOOD, but dated and feels recycled. Too many novels, too few ideas. She should stop for a while. Less is more.
1 review
November 9, 2014
uugghhhhh..where do I start? let me preface this by saying I have read all of NR books and if you compare her books from the late 90s/early 2000 to the ones which she has been churning out the last few years, the latter ones are abysmal. I did not finish shadow spell and this one I skipped pages just to finish it.

I won't go through the plot summary but just write about my impression. I will also say that I usually don't write reviews. but this one I had to write. As a long time NR fan, I have been giving her the benefit of doubt, but enough is enough. All her trilogies have become formulaic. I don't have to read them anymore. There are no surprises. In Blood Magick, Branna and Fin is suppose to have so much connection and chemistry, that it is suppose to burn the pages. th e words alone does not help. everyone in the book says that, so we are suppose to believe it. Well I just did not buy it. They were both 1 dimensional characters. There's usually one female protagonist who cooks for the rest of the group, in this case it was Branna. Usually a naive one, which was Iona and the rough exterior with soft gooey heart which was Meara. The male protagonists too are formulaic.

If Ms roberts or her editor is reading this, I would implore them to not maybe publish 4-5 books a year, but perhaps take your time and devote all the creative energy on 1 or 2 books.

This book would rate negative in my opinion, but since one star is the lowest I can go, 1 star it is. If you are new to NR books, this might work for you, but not of her older fans. I have stopped buying her books and just borrow them from the library.
Profile Image for Miki.
1,205 reviews
July 9, 2017
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. So whose shame is it the third time? Okay, okay...it's mine. I just couldn't help myself.

I am SO glad it's over, though. This book completes one of the most inane trilogies ever written. I'm actually embarrassed for Roberts - she is capable of much better than this. I'm also embarrassed for me, for continuing to believe that things COULD get better.

Blood Magick had the same problems as the the last two books:
* Tired, maudlin, re-cycled plot.
* Just "TOO" precious dialogue
* Stereotypical Irish characters. Personally, I'm surprised the real Irish haven't protested. I kept expecting the "fellas" to holler "faith and begorra!" and break into a jig while singing "The Wearin' of the Green", before they hop into the "lorry" to run down to the pub, there to drink themselves blind.
* Branna is a know-it-all (no surprise there).
* Iona makes my blood sugar levels rise to dangerous heights.
* Meara gets the short end of the stick - she's hardly even mentioned except when someone needed a pat on the back or a foot soldier.
* The ending came and went, and I hardly even noticed - I had to go back and read it again, just to find out what happened, thus adding insult to injury.

The absolute worst WORST thing is that I am pretty sure (I could be wrong, but now it's stuck in my head) that the name of the villain, who is a dark, evil mage with demonic powers - is pronounced "Kevin". Sorry, it just makes me giggle. "Watch out for Kevin! Kevin is evil! Kevin will drink your soul! That darn Kevin!" It just doesn't have much of an impact for me.

All in all, sad. Just sad.
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
737 reviews241 followers
November 11, 2023
4 Estrellitas. Puedo decir que éste final de serie sí me ha convencido. En general la trilogía ha sido de las reguleras, no sabría muy bien explicar por qué. El romance ha estado bien, pero todo lo que ocurre parece que ocurre porque sí, porque es lo lógico y lo correcto, pero no te encuentras giros argumentales o sorpresas entre estas páginas.

Al final puedo decir que la trilogía merecía la pena por llegar a ésta historia, y es que Fin me tenía totalmente prendidita desde que lo conocí y Nora Roberts ha sabido portarse con él.

"Legado mágico" es el tercer y último libro de la trilogía de los primos O'Dwyer. La historia comenzó cuando Iona vino desde EE.UU. hasta Irlanda, buscando su legado y una familia y lo encontró en Connor y Branna. Los tres son descendientes de los primeros tres, unos hermanos brujos del siglo XIII, cuya madre, Sorcha, se enfrentó al mago malvado Cabhan, y se sacrificó para salvar a sus hijos.

Ochocientos años después, Cabhan sigue vivo e intentando destruir a los descendientes de Sorcha. Los primos O'Dwyer, junto a sus parejas, ya se enfrentaron a Cabhan en los anteriores libros, pero sin éxito, y esta vez le llegará el momento a sus protagonistas, Branna y Finbar.

Branna O'Dwyer es una mujer práctica, una gran bruja que se ha formado durante toda su vida, siempre preparándose para enfrentarse al mal que Cabhan representa. En el pasado, cuando no era más que una adolescente, Branna amó a un hombre, Finbar Burke, y cuando a éste le apareció la marca del mal, la del hechicero Cabhan, Branna supo que ella y Fin jamás podrían estar juntos.

Doce años después, Branna lleva un próspero negocio en su pueblo, donde vende velas y demás objectos exotéricos que ella misma fabrica. Finbar Burke ha sido amigo de los O'Dwyer toda la vida, pero desde su desastre con Branna, ha recorrido medio mundo intentando deshacerse de su marca, mientras se asociaba con Connor y Boyle para llevar sus negocios de cetrería y el picadero de caballos respectivamente.

Desde que los tres O'Dwyer se han juntado, Fin ha decidido quedarse en Irlanda, y luchar junto a ellos, siempre que Branna le deje, para destruir a Cabhan.

En éste libro, Branna y Fin tienen mucho que afrontar. En los anteriores hemos visto como Branna iba tolerando un poco más su presencia, hasta que en el suyo la pasión empieza a resurgir cuando ambos se den cuenta de que solo pueden enfrentarse al mal con su amor y su luz, y el poder que representan los tres, más sus parejas.

Su romance es el que más me ha gustado. Frustra mucho la cabezonería de Branna, pero en el fondo entiendes por qué no puede permitirse estar con Finbar. Y por parte de él, ¿qué decir? Finbar es puro amor, es luz, jamás ha olvidado a Branna, y todo lo que ha hecho en su vida lo ha hecho por Branna, porque su amor es más puro que la maldad que pudo heredar por ser descendiente de quien es.

Una vez empieza el romance entre ellos la historia será imparable, y aunque sabes cómo acabará todo, porque esta serie carece de sorpresas o grandes giros, Nora Roberts ha sabido llevar la historia y me ha convencido.

Finalmente acabé otra serie de Nora Roberts, y ya son muchos los libros que llevo leídos suyos en los últimos años, de momento me queda otro pendiente suyo, y creo que me daré un paroncito de ella para no empacharme, y volver en un futuro con fuerzas, porque realmente, leer a Nora Roberts es una delicia.
Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,237 reviews720 followers
December 13, 2014
Espresso Review of Blood Magick
“As we will, so mote it be"

I love the Ireland setting and the good verse evil theme throughout the Cousins O’Dwyer trilogy. There is witchy magic and spells to cast. We time travel a wee-bit as the cousins visit their bloodline from the past as they prepare for their final battle with Cabhan. The plot offers nothing new regarding witches but Roberts’ knows how to tell a story, and I quickly became caught up. The group as a whole has a great dynamic. Their friendships, and the way in which they support each other made me envious. Roberts’ uses language to give the spells power and it also enhances the Ireland countryside setting. Finn has been a favorite for me and his storyline tugged at my heart. Branna and Finn’s relationship overpowered the overall arc in Blood Magick. Both are strong and burdened by who they are and the hand fate dealt each. Despite their story overshadowing the outcome, Blood Magick was a wonderful conclusion to the series. This is a light, easy read and while I adore Roberts, I craved more depth.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Profile Image for Olga.
1,030 reviews156 followers
March 15, 2016
Me esperaba más de este libro y de la saga ... Es floja , flojisima.... Con el juego que da la magia y se ha quedado en nada por lo previsible que es ... Y la historia de amor ni la sientes , no he sentido la química de la pareja protagonista ( con el pasado que tienen) ... Lo dicho flojisima y no llega a la altura de lo que nos tiene acostumbrado esta autora .
Profile Image for Maureen ~Bitch Can Write A Book.
1,275 reviews30 followers
November 3, 2014
Where do I start?

I absolutely adored this long awaited book. I've said it before and I will say it again...

Nora Roberts is a feckin' genius. She tells a story like nooooo other. She is lyrical, the fluidity in which she weaves her tale is AMAZEBALLS. Reading one of her books is like music for the eyes. It ebbs and flows like a lazy river, taking us on a journey that twists, turns and leaves us sighing for more.

Branna and Fin....well we ALL knew they belonged together...but the fun was in the journey. And truly these two were the glue of the story. I adored all of the characters in this trilogy. But they were at the core of it. The tangled web was perfect, AND the unraveling of it...even better. What I love about her books is the voices of her characters. She writes her men just as awesome as her woman. I adore when she writes about Ireland, and when she adds there lore and magic. Well that is what I call perfection. Bk 3 did not disappoint me...I am looking forward to her next endeavor. This is a perfect example of why she is one of the best romance writers around. Thanks for another awesome journey!!!!
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,080 reviews393 followers
May 18, 2017
I have loved getting to know the characters in this series and as much as I have loved the original three that came from Sorcha, and the four, I couldn't wait to delve into Fin and Branna's story and get the last of the six.

I knew it was going to be hard and emotional. I even knew it might break my heart a bit, but most of all, I was hoping it would all come with not only the darkness of Cabhan defeated, but a happily ever after for our beloved Fin and Branna.

I absolutely loved this. These two! Their dynamic, their chemistry, their loyalty, their foolishness, their love, I just loved it.

Not only did I get everything I was hoping I would, I got a little bit more as well with the original three and of course the others too. This truly was worth waiting for and truly was a great finish to the trilogy, a realistic ending as much as a fantasy world full of magic can deliver.

Once again Roberts proved to me why I love her PNRs more than anything else and why she is excels at them and why they are so much darn fun to read and so darn addicting.
Profile Image for Sandy.between.books.
441 reviews45 followers
September 9, 2017
Estaría entre el 3.5 y el 4.

Siempre que tengo algún tipo de bloqueo en la lectura, que es lo que me ha pasado en los últimos meses y llego a algún libro de Nora Roberts, no sé qué pasa, pero se me quita. Sí, es mi tabla de salvación y sé que por muy flojo que pueda ser el libro en cuestión, lo voy a disfrutar desde el minuto uno y eso es lo que me ha pasado con Legado Mágico. Es el más flojo de la trilogía en cuanto a la historia de amor, pues al final se me ha quedado un poco corta. Si me pongo tiquismiquis también me ha faltado algo más de acción en cuanto a la batalla que se supone que tienen que librar al final todos los personajes que salen a lo largo del libro, pero bueno, las historias que tiene Roberts en paranormal siempre me han parecido un poco flojas en esa acción, pero me gustan. En cuanto a la ambientación y demás, como siempre es un placer leerla :D
November 1, 2014
So disappointed. I looked forward to the third and final book of this trilogy, as the first two books were quite good Nora Roberts novels. She has a definite flare for the romantic, magical depiction of stories, and I really enjoy her books. This finale however, felt very rushed, and not at all satisfying. There was not any of the mix of lighthearted and dramatic, and the ending was abrupt. Just another chapter after the conclusion, an epilogue, would have helped tremendously, but it felt like she simply was tired of the story and dint want to bother.
Profile Image for Calista.
4,544 reviews31.3k followers
October 24, 2017
I think this series could have been a duology, yet it is a trilogy. The ending was good and all the characters ended up in a good place.

The theme of magic and witchcraft and the setting in Ireland made for some great Halloween reading in my opinion. The evil forces must be defeated and luckily the hearts of the O'Dwyers are pure and strong and defeat the evil Kaven.

Fin and Brianna finally work out their own issues. This is a good solid little story. I call it comfort reading. I would start at the beginning of the series.
Profile Image for Staci.
1,403 reviews20 followers
January 30, 2015
I think I'm done with Nora. I'm tired of the same story time and time again. I'm tired of the drawn-out trilogies...tired of the same happy ending. I think I'll just stick with her In Death series.
Profile Image for Mrs. Kristin.
485 reviews32 followers
July 20, 2015
I think this trilogy sums up my feelings about why I dumped Nora Roberts. My older sister loved to read Nora Roberts when we were growing up. Both of us being avid readers, she recommended some gems to me and as a middle school/high school student I can attribute Miss Nora as a reason I continued to devour and absorb all forms of books. I have already spoken to how Nora Roberts holds a special place in my heart because she helped me love books early on and I will never forget that. I think she adds a soft touch to the landscape of mass market romance and makes it more palatable for people like me who are not fond of the romance genre in general.

But as time went on Nora Roberts became the James Patterson of romance. James Patterson was another author I read heavily in my early years before switching to John Sandford, mostly because he lost his magic when he churned out book after book and started using ghost writers (or interns) to write his books for him. I'm starting to wonder if Nora would benefit from some ghost writers as well because her ideas are so tired and over done. In every book, in every intimate scene she have ever written, the woman's hips "thrust like slick pistons". EVERY TIME! I bet you can come up with some new adjectives dear...I believe in you.

This trilogy is everything cliche about Nora Roberts. When I say she brings nothing new to the table I genuinely mean it. This is pretty much her Gallaghers of Ardmore trilogy with some elements of her Three Sisters Island trilogy combined (I am such a nerd for knowing that by way). I felt that Nora Roberts had some sort of deadline, decided to whip up a trilogy and gave us....well, she gave us this pile of recycled garbage. It's summer so I was kind of excited about dragging these books with me to the pool and getting lost in her warm romance and sweet gestures but I never once took these to the pool and ended up skimming them in my bed. I have seen other complaints about her recent novels in other reviews so I probably won't be renewing my interest in Nora for awhile...unless something totally new and fresh pops up. Her older, classic novels are delightful and I highly recommend those. I can not in good faith tell anyone to read these, unless they enjoy the feeling of true and utter boredom.

Trilogies to check out if interested:
Sea Swept - Chesapeake Bay Quartet (This is probably her best one - highly recommend)
Vision in White - The Bride Quartet (although good, super girly and frilly)
Dance Upon the Air - Three Sisters Island Trilogy
Born in Fire - Born In Trilogy
Profile Image for Susan.
4,574 reviews109 followers
December 11, 2014
Fantastic conclusion to the trilogy. Branna is the leader of her family and friends, the one who watches out for them and who wants to protect them. She and Fin have known each other and loved each other most of their lives, but are kept apart by their family histories. They discovered as teens that Fin is a descendant of Cabhan, the evil one who has been stalking her family for generations, and was cursed by her ancestor. Branna and Fin have moved from adversaries to friends to partners in the fight of their lives. They have never denied their love for each other but have had to find a way to deal with never being able to have the future together that they once had dreamed of. Though they can't see a future together, they finally succumb to their passion by vowing to take things just one day at a time.

In the previous two books Dark Witch and Shadow Spell the group has been trying to end the centuries long battle and destroy Cabhan for good. Though they have gotten close, he still lives and torments them all. They have to figure out what has been missing from their attempts before they can try again. There are the three cousins - Branna, Connor and Iona; those who love them - Fin, Meara and Boyle; and also the original three, children of Sorcha, the first Dark Witch - Brannaugh, Eamon and Teague.

Throughout the book the original three make visits to their modern counterparts, sharing information that may help in the quest. Branna realizes that they must find a way to involve those three in the final battle if they are to succeed. As the circle gets closer to finding their answers, Cabhan makes more frequent forays, trying to drive wedges between them. Each visit only makes the group stronger and more determined. There is one interesting twist that changes the balance of the circle and strengthens it further. A second twist is personal to Fin and changes the way he looks at himself.

The buildup to the final confrontation is slow, with much attention paid to each step taken. The intensity increases as the time nears and they wonder if they have everything they need. The final battle involved each one, but Fin's part was the scariest and most intense. It was spectacular and its effects on Fin would change his life.

There were several things I loved about the series. First and foremost I loved the importance of family and friendship. No matter what was going on, they were always there for each other. Each member of the circle found the right person to spend their life with, a bonding that only made them stronger. I loved the magickal aspects of the story, not just when it came to fighting Cabhan, but also the everyday uses. I felt like it added another layer to each of the characters. Lastly, I loved the location of the series. I have visited Cong in Ireland and being able to picture the land and places as I read made me feel as though I was there.
Profile Image for Melissa.
529 reviews
December 31, 2020
The first book was about Iona, the second book about Conner, and now book three moves onto Branna. This was my favorite of the trilogy. The relationship between Branna and Fin is intense and complicated. The love they have for each other is strong and pure. This final adventure of the O'Dwyer clan made my heart happy. There are a few surprise revelations that made perfect sense and made me wonder why I hadn't thought them. Nora Roberts is an amazing storyteller and does an excellent job throwing in curve balls. The big battle with Cabhan at the end is only about 3 pages long, but it is intense and makes your heart pound. A wonderful ending to a fabulous trilogy.
Profile Image for Holly .
1,367 reviews290 followers
March 18, 2015
I just realized that I never actually reviewed this. Well, it was my favorite in the series, by far, which yay for that cause it's the ender. I've always loved Branna (strong, resilient, nurturing) and Fin (intense, quiet, protective), and together, they're explosive. Passion, fire, all-consuming love. I'm so, so glad the two of them finally got their happily-ever-after because they deserved it. I also adore the relationships between all six members of the circle. They're a tightknit group of friends and family who tease and laugh, know how to step away when needed, and who love each other fiercely. They mesh so well together. The plot kept me hooked until the end. And what an ending it was! Brilliant, action-packed, and happy. So happy. <3

Actual rating: 4.5 Paw Prints!
Profile Image for Judy.
98 reviews3 followers
August 6, 2015
Let me preface by saying I love Nora Roberts and her Circle Trilogy is one of my all-time favorite series. That being said, when she wrote how slow and painstaking Branna's progress was at a couple of points, I couldn't help but compare that with my progress with the book. It felt so slow to me and I got to the point of just wanting to be through with it. (I am not one to leave any book I start unfinished). The finale was fine and the last chapter a little more engaging, but by then she had basically lost me. Having voiced my opinions here, I want to emphasize that I am looking eagerly forward to reading The Liar which I actually have on audio and will listen to on vacation this month, and the Collector, which I plan to download next!
Profile Image for Corina.
765 reviews2,468 followers
January 28, 2016
Gosh I'm so glad I'm done with this one. It was one long and boring ending of an already severely boring story.

Lots of arguing about why Finn couldn't be, isn't, and won't.

So, off I go onto something better.

Profile Image for Deea.
63 reviews35 followers
December 16, 2015
I loved Branna and Fin's story even though the first half of it broke my heart. I just can't imagine the pain to love someone that much and not beeing able to be together. All in all I think it ended just right. ♥♥♥
Profile Image for Sheila Samuelson .
1,105 reviews18 followers
July 21, 2023
Rating: 3.5 Stars!!
This was only the 9th Novel and 2nd Series ive read by Nora so i kind of knew what to expect but sadly i was a little disappointed. I thought this book was going to pick up where Book 2 ended but instead it did more time travel then it did continuing the story with Fantasy Aspects to it so i would of rather learned more about the continuation then i would of Time Travel which is why i rated it 3.5 Stars!!

The Characters were fun and interesting to read about. Brenna is still my favorite.

The Setting was OK but more discriptive in 1200s then it was in 2014 Ireland which was disappointing.

Overall an OK Book 3 in this Fantasy Series!! Books 1 and 2 were more enjoyable. I will read more by Nora in the future but hope the rest of her books and series' arent like this one was.
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1,967 reviews965 followers
November 12, 2018
I always enjoy Nora Roberts but this is my favourite kind of her books to read. Just the right amount of romance and witchiness and she’s hit the magic recipe! I read the first two books ages ago so I was fuzzy on the details at first but once I got back into it, I fell right back in love with this story and these characters! I thought the ending was great as well, it was the perfect ending to an excellent trilogy!
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