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Парижкият сладкар

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Вдъхновяващ, сложен, балансиран и неустоимо апетитен също като класически френски сладкиш. Такъв е дебютният роман на британската авторка Лора Мадлен, чието действие се развива в Париж и се завърта около живота в една прочута сладкарница.
Какво да очаквате от „Парижкият сладкар“
Завладяваща история за любов, френско сладкарско изкуство и предателство
Атмосферата на чаровния буржоазен и бохемски Париж в края на Бел епок
Напрегнато академично разравяне на мистериозни отминали събития и страсти
Два паралелни разказа в две епохи: Париж 1909 и Кембридж 1988
Жив, интересен и богат литературен език
Париж 1909. В прочутата сладкарница Клермон случайността среща млад човек с Жан, дъщерята на собственика, и му разкрива свят, за чието съществуване не е подозирал и който безвъзвратно го омагьосва: свят, изпълнен с нежен крем и стопен шоколад, със златист карамел и въздушни сладкиши. Но не само вълшебствата на френското сладкарско изкуство имат съдбовна роля за Гийом дю Фрер. Там младото момче намира и любовта на своя живот.
Кембридж 1988. Почти осемдесет години по-късно докторантка попада на снимка на дядо си като млад заедно с приятелска двойка. „Прости ми“, е изписано с неговия почерк на плика, криещ черно-бялата фотография. Заинтригувана от тайната на дядо си тя се впуска да разбули една история за забранена любов и непростимо предателство. Сериозно препяствие е официалният биограф на дядо й, решен да направи сензация от тази история.
Двата разказа се срещат, за да разкрият края на историята, в която съдбата си знае работата.
ключови думи: За Нея

352 pages, Paperback

First published April 23, 2015

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About the author

Laura Madeleine

5 books109 followers
Laura Madeleine is the bestselling author of The Confectioner’s Tale, Where the Wild Cherries Grow, The Secrets Between Us and An Echo of Scandal.

As Lili Hayward she is also the author of The Cat of Yule Cottage and A Midwinter's Tail.

She lives in Bristol, but can often be found visiting her family in Devon and plotting with her sister, fantasy author Lucy Holland. You can find her on twitter @lauramadeleine or @lilihayward and instagram at lauramadeleineauthor and @lilihaywardauthor.

Laura is represented by Meg Davis at Ki Agency.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 362 reviews
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,860 reviews14.3k followers
September 25, 2016
3.5 Two stories, eighty years apart, in present day a young woman searching for answers relating to a scandal in her recently passed away, beloved grandfather's life. Her grandfather name os J.,Stevenson, so imagine my surprise when the past story picks up in Paris and narrated by a young man named Gui. All becomes clear as the story progresses and it was a aha moment for me when it connected.

A well known patisserie in Paris, a young man who is given the opportunity to learn to be a chef, some beautiful sweet creations and a forbidden love. A good story, well written, less light than the cover would leave one to believe. A good balance between past and present and both sections featured likable characters, actually one of the few books where I liked both parts equally.

Enjoyed this very likable story and one of my favorite things about it is that the ending rather surprised me. Didn't go for the strictly predictable ending.

ARC from Netgalley.
Profile Image for Jess.
509 reviews132 followers
March 4, 2017
How do you sum up a book that was "Ok"? A book with a pleasant story that rambled along at a steady pace yet did not touch or speak to you? I'm not really sure how to review this one just yet. It was a nice read but nothing stood out that would allow me to recommend it to anyone.

I'll try to think more on it and come back with a better review.
Profile Image for Aditi.
920 reviews1,443 followers
January 19, 2016
“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”

----Kahlil Gibran

Laura Madeleine, an English author, pens her debut novel, The Confectioner's Tale that portrays the story of a young man falling for a famous pastry shop's owner's daughter that blossoms into something forbidden, meanwhile, somewhere 80 years later, a PhD student discovers an old photograph of a pastry shop in Paris in her recently deceased grandfather's treasure, that takes her back in time to solve a beguiling mystery surrounding that forbidden love story of that young man.


At the famous Patisserie Clermont in Paris, 1909, a chance encounter with the owner's daughter has given one young man a glimpse into a life he never knew existed: of sweet cream and melted chocolate, golden caramel and powdered sugar, of pastry light as air.

But it is not just the art of confectionery that holds him captive, and soon a forbidden love affair begins.

Almost eighty years later, an academic discovers a hidden photograph of her grandfather as a young man with two people she has never seen before. Scrawled on the back of the picture are the words 'Forgive me'. Unable to resist the mystery behind it, she begins to unravel the story of two star-crossed lovers and one irrevocable betrayal.

Petra Stevenson is determined to protect her deceased grandfather's reputation from the hands of his biographer who is digging dirt on Petra's late grandfather's untold past when he used to live in Paris in the year 1910. Petra, on the other hand, jumps into a race with the biographer to get her hands on her late grandfather's secrets from the past before him, that leads her into the life of a young man, named Gui du Frere, who landed up a job at a famous pastry shop in Paris, where he met and fell in love with the owner's beautiful daughter that finally developed into a forbidden love story of those times.

The story revolves between two timelines- 1988 and 1910. The present reflects the legwork of Petra trying to unravel her late grandfather's past and protect him from public humiliation, and the past reflects the story of a young railway laborer named Gui du Frere, who is trying hard to make a decent living despite aiming high for a successful married life with his beloved, Mademoiselle Jeanne Clermont. The shift from one timeline to another is done quite ideally by the author. There is a bit of mystery element in the story line which could have been portrayed with finesse and twists, rather than thus spreading it out in front of the readers.

The writing style of the author is crisp with an articulate narrative style that changes from one timeline to another. The mystery behind the scandal could have been portrayed in a much better way, since it became bit predictable near the end. But the story is quite captivating to read since given the fact that the story takes place in the early 20th century Paris. The readers can easily delve themselves into the heart of the story as the story progresses with a moderate pace.

The characters are well developed and the demeanor of the main character, Gui, is very impressive and leaves a mark in the minds of the readers after the end of the story. The author has projected the story of Gui with so much heart-felt emotions, that the readers can easily contemplate with his pain and along with the story the hearts of readers yearn for Gui's fight for love. On the other hand, Petra's character could not create a lasting impression, moreover, her story is not portrayed with much depth.

The backdrop of Paris is captured vividly by the author, especially for painting the time of an early 20th century Paris, by not only highlighting the culture of those times, the streets, the people and the language. The story is like a time machine, that not only transports back to Paris but also takes the readers to a late 20th century England. The food plays a huge role in the story since it is centered around a pastry shop in Paris. The delicious pastries mentioned in the story are bound to make the readers hungry for not only food but also with an alluring and compassionate love story.

In short, the story is enthralling yet evocative filled with deep emotions and delicious pastries.

Verdict: A timeless read for all the historical fiction readers.

Courtesy: Thanks to the author, Laura Madeleine , for giving me an opportunity to read and review this book.

Profile Image for Regina.
248 reviews10 followers
May 10, 2015
So I could just boringly 'blah, blah', blah' about the dual narrative, the writing style, the characters etc etc.

However, all that is screaming at me is, 'go to Paris, visit a patisserie, eat the mouth watering desserts described in the Confectioner's Tale!'.

Okay, so on a serious note:
- a really good debut
- captivating and easy to read
- history, mystery and romance
- scrumptious

If the above sounds appealing, then read it.

Thankyou to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this delightful book and to review it.
Profile Image for Fiona MacDonald.
758 reviews177 followers
April 28, 2020
What a wonderful story and mystery to transport me to another world in these scary times we are currently living in.
We switch in dual narrative between a scandal in 1910 Paris to Cambridge university in the 1980s.
Patisserie Clermont is THE café to be seen in at the turn of the 20th century, and for one lucky man who happened to be in the right place at the right time, he has been given a glimpse into the most delectable and delicious workings of the chefs in the kitchen. Guillerme du Frere starts off as a pot washer in the kitchen, but before long has moved up the ranks to help the more senior staff create the gorgeous cakes and pastries. Daring to dream bigger for the first time in his life, he has also fallen hard for the owner of the cafe's daughter, and before long a love affair is brewing.
Back in Cambridge in the 80s, Petra, a young academic is trying to research her grandfather's past after finding a photograph of him and 2 other people at Patisserie Clermont in 1910 with the words 'Forgive me' on the back. She can't bring herself to imagine he has done something so bad.. but what she does find will change her life forever. Suddenly, the past and present are about to collide and scandals and secrets are blown wide open.
There was something so magical about this story, and I was absolutely hooked from the first page until the last. I was desperate for the story to end so I could know what the secret was, but I also couldn't stand to get to the last page because then it would be over, and I wanted to savour as much of Paris and the heartbreaking story that unfolded for as long as possible.
Painstakingly written and as sumptuous as you can imagine.
Profile Image for Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews.
1,146 reviews1,528 followers
September 20, 2016

A chance encounter, a patisserie, back and forth in time, and secrets that will keep you turning the pages.

We meet Guillaume du Frere in 1910 who started out as a railway man, met the daughter of the owner of a patisserie, and then saved her life. Saving her life took Guillaume away from the difficult railway work and into the sweet, hard-working life in a patisserie.

We meet Petra in 1988 who is writing a thesis and stumbles upon the files of her grandfather who has a secret that is well hidden but a secret that she wants to uncover.

THE CONFECTIONER'S TALE was a fun, breezy read for me even though it took a few chapters to get going.

I enjoyed the characters, the time travel, the delicious pastries, the mystery​ of what her grandfather had done, the love story, and a few other secrets.

Ms. Madeleine's writing draws you in, puts you in Paris 1910, makes your mouth water at the mention of the sweets, and seamlessly takes you to 1988 as you try to put together the pieces along with Petra to solve the mystery of what the words "Forgive Me" meant and what they had to do with her grandfather and his secret.

The beautiful cover adds to the sweetness of the love story as well as the intrigue of THE CONFECTIONER'S TALE.


This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation in return for an honest review.​
Profile Image for Katie B.
1,431 reviews3,092 followers
June 11, 2018
This book was right up my alley because it had a decades old family mystery, France and England as settings, and yummy descriptions of pastries. The action goes back and forth between a granddaughter in 1980s England digging into the past of her now deceased grandfather and a young man in early 1900s France who is captivated by the confectioner's daughter.

While the author might not be on the same level as Kate Morton, the story held enough interest and I ended up finishing it up in one evening. My only real criticism of the book is despite the fact the grandfather plays such a big role in the story line, some key moments just felt unsatisfying. He almost felt like an underdeveloped character. Overall, it was an entertaining read and will leave you craving some sweet treats.

I won a free copy of this book in a giveaway by Book Mama Blog . I was under no obligation to post a review and all views expressed are my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Veronika Can.
263 reviews33 followers
January 17, 2021
Nepaprastas meilės pasakojimas. Jis vargšas. Ji pasiturinti. Jų meilei prieštaraujama. Bet jie įsimyli ir padarys viską kad nebūtų išskirti, o jei kas išskirs, jie vėl ras vienas kitą. Virtuvė, saldūs aromatai, nuostabūs kepiniai. Kažkaip norisi lyginti su knyga 'Šokoladas' :) Bet tuo pačiu ir tikras skurdas, kai trūksta maisto, rūbų.. Knygoje vienas skyrius praeitis, vienas - dabartis. Istorija ir paslaptis. Vaikino ryžtingumas ir merginos drąsa. Graži knyga pradedant viršeliu ir baigiant puikia istorija. Saldu, bet tuo pačiu ir kartu.. Senasis Paryžius, kuriame viskas taip sudėtinga..

🖋️ Šis metas skirtas tik tau ir man - niekam daugiau. Rytojaus čia nėra.
🖋️ Tokiems kaip mes vyrams nėra ko prasidėti su tomis cukrinėmis mergelėmis.
🖋️ ...lengviau ne gilintis į priežastis, o tiesiog nesustojant eiti pirmyn.
🖋️ Dabar žinau dar mažiau, nei žinojau vos pradėdama.
🖋️ Aš privalau sunkiai dirbti, - tarė jis tyliai. - Tai mano šansas.
🖋️ Sąžinė - baisus dalykas. Metai po metų ji auga tarsi rašalo dėmė ant šilko, kol apima visus mūsų veiksmus, praeitį ir dabartį.
🖋️ ...kraujas pavirto šampanu, kuris beprotišku greičiu burbuliavo po jo kūną.
🖋️ ...nenorėjau tokio gyvenimo, koks man buvo suplanuotas.
🖋️ - Bet kaipgi tavo sužadėtinis? - prisivertė paklausti.
- To niekad neturėjo įvykti. Buvau per jauna, kad žinočiau.
- Ką žinotum?
- Kad atsirasi tu, - atsakė ji. - Kad aš galiu pasirinkti.
Profile Image for Shelleyrae at Book'd Out.
2,526 reviews535 followers
May 27, 2015

Unfolding through dual timelines, The Confectioners Tale by Laura Madeleine is a pleasant blend of history, romance and light mystery.

In the present (well, 1988), Cambridge PhD candidate Petra Stevenson is desperate to protect her adored late grandfather's reputation from being sullied by a biographer promising to reveal his role in an old scandal. Anxious to deflect any dishonour, and hoping to discover a more benign truth, Petra doggedly works to piece together events that took place in Paris nearly 70 years ago.

The alternating narrative is set during 1909 in Paris and slowly reveals the story of Guillaume (Gui) Du Frere, a railway labourer from Bordeaux, his forbidden romance with Mademoiselle Jeanne Clermont, the daughter of a famous Parisienne confectioner, and ultimately the scandal involving Petra's grandfather.

For me the strength of the novel lay in the historical timeline, I liked the characters of Gui and Jeanne, delighted in their meeting, their secret romance, and despaired when scandal threatened to destroy them. I also thought the author's depiction of early twentieth century Paris was evocative, and I enjoyed being behind the scenes of the Clermont Patisserie.

An easy, simply plotted story with a satisfyingly sweet conclusion, The Confectioner's Tale is a novel with general appeal.

Profile Image for Katie (hiding in the pages).
3,170 reviews278 followers
January 19, 2018
I like stories that go back and forth between modern time and history, especially when there is a slight mystery to uncover.

The 1988 story tells of Petra. Her famous grandfather has passed away and a biographer uncovers a potential scandal. She's determined to solve the mystery before this man can. On the flip side, in 1910 Paris, we are treated to the story of a forbidden love story of two people from different classes--the rich and the poor.

I enjoyed the historical story more than Petra's, yet felt gypped and disappointed with the way the two stories tied together at the end. I felt that there could have definitely been more to it to satisfy and complete my time spent in these pages. It was a sweet tale, but I just wanted a bit more.
Profile Image for Diane.
500 reviews10 followers
February 3, 2018
Such a delightful story by Laura Madeleine, my first by this author. The Confectioner's Tale is told in side by side chapters set in 1910 and 1988...the story of two families and how a mistake made in 1910
resounds through the generations. I loved the writing, the story and the settings both in Paris and in Cambridge, England. I recommend this story to readers who enjoy dual time stories and who particularly enjoy a book set in the early 1900s. I have another of Laura Madeleine's books, Where The Wild Cherries Grow and I will now begin that story.
Profile Image for Eva • All Books Considered.
425 reviews70 followers
September 23, 2016
Review originally posted at All Books Considered: 2.5 STARS

I was really looking forward to this one -- I mean: Paris, a love affair and chocolate?! I couldn't ask for more. Sadly, the execution of this one resulted in something more boring than romantic. This is told intercalary between Paris in 1909-1910 and Cambridge, UK in 1988. Graduate student, and granddaughter of a famous author, Petra finds her grandfather's affects include a picture from Paris in 1909 with handwritten note. She decides to discover the history of this note. So throughout the book, we are lead to believe that her grandfather has done something absolutely awful. Once Petra actually solved the mystery, it was such a let-down and so not something to spend your life worrying about. This one just missed the mark -- I didn't think the 1909 story was romantic or charming and the 1988 story of solving the mystery was also boring. I would definitely skip this one. The Confectioner's Tale came out in the U.S. September 20, 2016.

A cloud of white swirled high into the air on his left, as a chef measured out sugar as fine was powder. It drifted towards Gui and he breathed in deeply, tasting it in his lungs.

There were a thousand noises: spoons clattering, liquid being poured in glugs, a deep unctuous bubbling from the stove. Heat blasted him in a roar as someone opened an oven. it carried the glorious smell of fresh baking.

Gui's mouth was watering as he tripped forward, trying to look at everything at once. Mahogany shelves lined the counters, stacked with glass bottles and jar, like something from a fairy tale. There were whole, plump roses steeping in honey; purple-stained sugar, thick with lavender, tiny jars of crimson threads, cherries and peaches suspended in syrup as if they had fallen there form the trees.

The luxurious scents wrapped around him. Butter, his nose relayed, cream, nuts, brandy chocolate . . .
Profile Image for Marketa.
110 reviews742 followers
October 5, 2017
Stopro to bude tím, že romantické knížky nečtu tak často. Protože tahle mě neskutečně nadchla.
Profile Image for Maria11.
1,928 reviews38 followers
September 11, 2016
Well I give it 3 1/2 stars.

The writing was great and the back and forth time jump, didn't bother me too much. But the past time line was so much better then the present one by far. I wanted more of that. The past never really talked too much about her grandfather and I would of liked more of that.

I have to say the ending made me very mad. I can't believe how unfinished the story was. Too many loose ends and not enough answers. It left Petra's life up in the air. I would have given so many more stars if the ending was complete.

I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley for a honest review.
Profile Image for Lydia Bailey.
413 reviews23 followers
October 20, 2021
Not up there with ‘Secrets between Us’ in my opinion but another great story from Laura Madeleine. I think my main fault with it is that it’s too similar to, ‘Where the wild cherries Grow’ - particularly with the european cafe & class divide themes. 3.5* overall from me but rounding up rather than down due to the lovely ending x
Profile Image for Joanna Park.
541 reviews78 followers
February 10, 2017
1988: Throughout her life Petra has always been incredibly close to her Grandad Jim, known to the world as the famous writer JS Stevenson. When he dies she is understandably very upset, especially when it transpires that his entire estate has gone to her estranged father and has given permission for an autobiographer to have full access to his papers in order for him to write an official biography. She is further infuriated when the autobiographer hints at discovering a huge scandal that her Grandfather had covered up. Determined to discover the truth for herself she finds a photograph of her Grandfather as a young pman with two strangers and the words "forgive me" scrawled on the back. Petra is intrigued and immediately sets out to try and discover what it means and save her Grandfather's reputation.

Paris 1910: Guillamme (Gui) du Frere arrives in Parris to take up a job on the railways. After a night out goes a little awry he ends up at Patisserie Clermont and meet the daughter of the owner Mademoiselle Clermont. There is an instant attraction between them and Gui soon become intrigued by Mademoiselle Clermont and life at the Patisserie. When Paris is hit by a flood Gui saves Mademoiselle Clermont's life, he is offered a job at the patisserie and is soon thrown into an exciting new world that he never knew existed. Gui and mademoiselle Clermont's attraction to each other continues to grow and they take more and more risks to spend time together. But being from two very different social classes and lives does their love stand a chance of is their love doomed right from the start?

This is a fantastic book! The author immediately draws you into the story with a great narrative, perfectly placed action and gentle unfolding of secrets. The descriptions of life in the patisserie are very vivid. You feel like you are there along with Gui watching all the action unfold, smelling the sugar and caramel and feeling the heat from the ovens. The developing love story between Mademoiselle Clermont and Gui is beautifully told. Their encounters with each other are very realistic going from shy, awkward meetings to full on passionate ones. the love story wasn't the only story running throughout the book which made the book more intriguing and means that it will appeal to a wider audience. The author has created some very interesting and colorful characters. They all come from very different backgrounds with very different personalities which help in keeping the reader more absorbed and in involved in their stories. The ending contained a twist that i didn't seen coming. This rounded off the story perfectly as it was suitably poignant, heartwarming and satisfying.

I would definitely recommend this book to others as i thoroughly enjoyed it. The very fact that as a busy mother of two i managed to read this book in less than a week is proof that i couldn't put it down. I actually looked forward to reading it every night.

Thank you to the author, St Martin's Publisher and Netgalley for giving me an ARC in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Zoe.
2,055 reviews286 followers
September 13, 2016
Mesmerizing, heartwarming, and incredibly clever!

This story is set in two time periods, Paris in the early 1900s and Cambridge in the late 1980s, and is told from alternating points of view. Guillaume, a hardworking labourer who meets and falls in love with the privileged daughter of a famous pâtissier. And Petra, a young student, who endeavours to solve an age-old mystery plaguing the memory of her beloved grandfather, a famous journalist.

The writing is exceptionally descriptive and atmospheric. The characters are loyal, determined, and strong. And the plot, although simple in nature, flows effortlessly between time periods and enraptures you with not only drama, emotion, mystery, and romance, but with the inner workings of the finest pastries imaginable.

This is truly an intriguing mix of family dynamics, secrets, treachery, and enduring love and is a commendable debut novel.

Thank you to NetGalley, especially St. Martin’s Press, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

All my reviews can be found on my blog at whatsbetterthanbooks.com
Profile Image for Austra.
709 reviews99 followers
February 26, 2018
Meh. Nav divu sū vērts. Sākums bija tīri jauks, bet tad sāku nežēlīgi garlaikoties. Ideja ir jauka, bet pavirši nostrādāta. Brīžiem autore ir uzrakstījusi tik skaistus teikumus, ka ir patiess prieks un gribas vēl tādus. Bet tad viņa atgriežas pie sižeta un kaplē tik tālāk bez īpašas iedvesmas. Es tiešām nesaprotu, ko viņa domāja, mēģinot izpildīt tik daudz žanra klišejas, piemēram, iebāžot papildu romantisko līniju tur, kur nav ne laiks un lappušu skaits to attīstīt, ne arī kāda jēga. Un arī varoņu izpildītās stulbības ir tik daudz, ka ne uzskaitīt. Vienīgais mierinājums, ka grāmata no bibliotēkas un nav jāapraud zemē nomesta nauda.
Profile Image for Nessa.
1,672 reviews67 followers
June 15, 2019
I listened to this on audiobook.

It was the gorgeous cover that drew me to this book first, but then when I read the blurb and saw that it was historical fiction with a daul timeline storyline, I was like yep definitely got to read this as love those sort of books.

I really enjoyed the story to this, didn't take me long to get into it at all and I was soon captivated by the secrets and mystery of it all.

The ending was lovely, thought it bought the story to a perfect conclusion and I really liked how the author did it.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,073 reviews374 followers
July 22, 2017
Maybe a 2.8 or 2.9? Light and Fluffy, certainly not a not to be missed. A poolside read for sure. Not a complicated or particularly compelling plot, though the love story does make one want to root for love to prevail. One is not sure of a few things. For one, why the present day main character is on such a tear. One also wonders what it is they present day characters actually know that is so compelling to them, because our read of the story compels us more. They have so little to go on. "Scandal" is clearly over-rated and overblown in this tale. Two: The title is confusing, and not that relatable to the story. I'll tell you what was great though. The life of Guillame, the descriptions of the Patisserie, and the confections that were created there. And of course the brief descriptions and experiences of 1910 Paris, from the Patisserie to the Belle Epoque, to the nightclubs, to the alleyways and railways. That was a bit fun, but ultimately the whole thing passed the time enjoyably, but was ultimately forgettable.
Profile Image for Karyn.
157 reviews17 followers
November 11, 2019
Its a sweet love story about the upper and lower classes of that period, interwoven in the background of a cafe for the rich and the living quarters of the poor. There is a hint of mystery, which keeps you turning the pages, to know what happened in the past and what the future held for the couple.
I loved the descriptions of the sweet goodies in the cafe and the comparison to what the workers had for their break.
The author has done justice to interlink the chapters, with the past and the present, giving it a fair ending.
Profile Image for Jenny Q.
1,036 reviews55 followers
April 16, 2020
I really enjoyed this. It was exactly what I needed to sweep me away for a couple of days. However, I can't deny that there are some holes left at the end of the story, and I think the reader deserved one last chapter in the historical storyline. But it gets four big stars for emotion, unputdownability, and the descriptions of French pastries!
Profile Image for Belinda.
506 reviews14 followers
March 31, 2015
It's 1909 and Guillerme du Frere is leaving the provincial town of Bordeaux to travel to Paris to work on the railways. At the same time, in 1988 PhD candidate Padra Stevenson is struggling to cope with her grandfather's death. She is also gravely worried, because when clearing out his effects she found an old photo of her grandfather with two other people, with "Claremont" and "Forgive me" written on the back. What did her lovely, kind and brilliant grandfather do in early 20th Century Paris that he needed to ask for forgiveness so blankly?

Guillerme steps off the train from Bordeaux onto a crowed platform in Paris. He is swept away by the crowd and bumps into a beautiful wealthy woman, knocking them both to their feet. Before he can speak, she is pulled to her feet and away, but he remembers her ice-blue eyes. His new job soon dominates his everyday life but, after receiving his first pay packet, he and his workmates go out on the town. After (unknowingly) trying opium for the first time, Gui wakes up in a gutter, with his pockets completely empty. Trying to find help he wanders down an alley, bumping into delivery men delivering sugar and flour to one of the favourite locations of Paris' wealthy: Cremont's Patisserie. To his surprise, standing there with a clipboard monitoring the deliveries is none other than the beautiful woman from the train platform, Jeanne Clermont. The delivery men want to chase him away but seeing the state he is in, she allows him to sit quietly and drink chocolate chaud until he is feeling better. To show his thanks, he agrees to return the following weekend to help with deliveries. From there, his relationship with Jeanne and Clermont's develops.

Back in the 1980s, Padra is not having a good time. She is very behind on her PhD thesis and has been placed on academic probation. Even though she knows she should be working on her thesis, she can't stop thinking about her grandfather's life in Paris and what he did that he was so sorry for. To make matters worse, another scholar is writing a biography of her grandfather and has promised to expose his scandalous secret. Petra is terrified that her grandfather's reputation will be tarnished for the sake of a publishing success. Helped by her friends and supervisor, she starts an investigative race with the would-be biographer to find out her grandfather's secret before he does and, hopefully, also find her place in the world.

The book alternates chapters from Guillerme and Padra. This is the second book I've read with this structure in a month (the last one being The Girl in the Photograph) and, as with that book, I much preferred the story set in the past than the more recent one. Madeleine very effectively paints a picture of Paris just after the turn of the century: the poverty living alongside the wealth; the seediness of the brothels and dancing girls; and the feeling of falling in love. As a postgraduate student, I really understood how Padra feels - the vague sense of panic every time someone brings up your thesis and the constant feeling that you should always be writing. I also loved the 80s touches - typewriters and fax machines and rotary telephones. However, the 80s is just not as fun as fin-de-siecle France!

To me, The Confectioner's Tale felt like a movie. The plot was simple and direct, the secondary characters had no inner life of their own and existed only to help the protagonists and the resolution was obvious but very satisfying. This is not a problem - I love movies! But, although it is very well told and engaging, there is not a lot of depth to this story. I actually kind of hope someone does makes a film of this book because it would be gorgeous, sumptuous and lovely to behold. Three and a half stars.
Profile Image for Alba.
505 reviews105 followers
January 25, 2016
Originally posted on: http://www.albainbookland.com/2016/01...

I love historical fiction, Paris and baking (and baked treats) so I was not surprised that I enjoyed this read so much. Laura Madeleine's debut takes us to Paris in 1909 and her detailed descriptions of the different neighbourhoods, their buildings and its people paint a clear and easy to imagine picture of how the city of love must have been back then.

In Paris we meet Gui, a young man from the country that travels to the city with a good friend to find work and be able to send some money back to his mother. The two friends start working for the railways but soon Gui finds himself in a total new environment. After meeting the beautiful daughter of the owner of one of Paris renowned Patisseries, he manages to find a job in its ovens and as he falls in love with the young girl, he also finds another passion: baking the most extraordinaire creations.

But the story not only takes place in Paris at the beginning of the century. Many decades after, Petra discovers that her beloved grandfather, a famous British historian, was involved in a scandal in Paris back then. Something he had kept as a secret all his life. But what is the connection between these two stories? This mystery kept me glued to the pages of The Confectioner's Tales for hours. I wanted to know what had happened back then that had hunted somebody's life so much. It was actually not that big of a scandal at th end but I certainly enjoyed finding out.

The Confectioner's Tale is a well crafted story with a beautiful setting. I could totally picture myself in a patisserie in Paris eating some macaroons while people watching. It's a story that entertains, keeps you wondering and makes you part of it. What else can you ask for?
Profile Image for Paula Sealey.
515 reviews84 followers
April 20, 2015
In 1900's France, young Guillerme du Frere is working on the railways, when a chance encounter leads him to meet and fall in love with Jeanne Clermont, daughter of the famous owner of Patisserie Clermont. In 1980's England, Petra is struggling to complete her thesis at University while simultaneously trying to defend her beloved late Grandfather's reputation from a biographer, keen to expose a scandal from his past. As Petra investigates further, she finds correspondence from her grandfather to a 'du Frere', suggesting he had something to apologise to him for.

An entertaining dual timeline story, there is plenty of rich detail concerning France in the 1900's, including lovely depictions of the patisserie. I found this part of the story absorbing, but unfortunately if fell a little flat during the chapters set in modern times. Petra did not come across as a likeable character, and I didn't feel her Grandfathers role in the scandal would have been particularly newsworthy in the 1980's. I had imagined it would be something a little more shocking. A nice read however, and the dual timeline is well handled.

*Thank you to the publishers for providing a review copy through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Shae Bright.
125 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2019
Magical. I very much enjoyed the story of Guillaume and Jeanne. I also loved how this book time shifted so easily. It was not confusing for the reader as some can be. Many times throughout the book I found myself in parts where there was NO WAY I could put it down and stop reading at the spot I was at. Towards the end it was all I could do to not page ahead the last 50 pages to see how it ended... (I liked the ending, BTW. I thought it did the story justice...)
8 reviews
August 19, 2019
Нежна, лека и увлекателна книга, която прочетох с удоволствие. Определено историята на сладкарница Клермон ме грабна и държа будна до последните страници.
Profile Image for Paola.
120 reviews2 followers
March 19, 2018
Per una golosa come me il romanzo "Una deliziosa pasticceria a Parigi" è stato amore al primo sguardo. Se poi ci mettiamo quei succulenti macarons in copertina, il libro è comprato in meno che non si dica. Il contenuto mantiene le aspettative, con uno stile fluido e leggero l'autrice intreccia una storia dal gusto un po' retrò, sentimentale quanto basta, dolce, ma senza cadere nello stucchevole, intrigante e golosa. Alla fine degli anni '80 Petra, studentessa a Cambridge, si imbatte in una lettera del tanto affezionato nonno Jim, famoso storico appena deceduto, nella quale chiede intensamente perdono a un certo Guy de Frere. Incuriosita dalla cosa parte alla ricerca di maggiori dettagli scavando nel passato del nonno. Alternando presente e passato scopriremo pian piano la storia di Guy e Jeanne, del loro amore proibito e di come i loro destini si siano incrociati con quello di Jim. Da sfondo a tutto questo l'elegante pasticceria Clermont dove si sfornano dolci deliziosi per palati raffinati. Sembra di vederle queste meravigliose creazioni: macarons, tartes tatin, sfoglie e bignè, il profumo aleggia invitante nell'aria. Sembra davvero di essere lì a osservare i pasticceri all'opera. Splendida la cornice di una Parigi magica di inizio 900, dove ai quartieri alti si contrappongono vie intricate, bordelli e bassifondi. Per Petra sarà un viaggio non solo fisico che la condurrà a Parigi, ma anche e soprattutto interiore. Si troverà di fronte a scelte che ribalteranno il suo futuro, ma al tempo stesso ciò che incontrerà durante il tragitto sarà una ricompensa adeguata. Inizialmente confesso di non aver provato simpatia nei confronti della protagonista, troppo giovane e impulsiva, però nell'evolversi della vicenda si é riscattata soprattutto perché ha riportato alla luce una storia così bella. Lettura piacevole e intrigante, da gustare con bel cabaret di finissima pasticceria!
Profile Image for Caitlin Vaille.
364 reviews34 followers
June 2, 2020
This was a really fun read! I loved the atmosphere, the baking elements, and the light mystery throughout. I was never very attached to the characters, but they were likeable enough. I felt like the entire plotline of Petra's thesis could have been left out-- it was pretty unnecessary. Overall, though, I really liked this book as a classic feel-good Parisian story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 362 reviews

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