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С вкус на сол и мед

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Трогателен и емоционален роман за скръбта, любовта и новото начало...

Франки бяга от погребението на годеника си – събитие, което преобръща целия ѝ живот. Алекс е първата любов на младата жена и двамата са заедно още от гимназията. Плановете за семейство и живот „докато смъртта ни раздели“ са пометени фатално от нелеп инцидент. И сега Франки се отправя към затънтена местност в горите на щата Вашингтон.

В бунгалото, собственост на семейството на Алекс, ги няма лелите ѝ, които да я нахранят, дори когато ѝ липсва апетит, няма го и голямото шумно и лудо италианско семейство, което винаги се грижи за всеки свой член. Там обаче Франки среща Джак и неговата очарователна малка дъщеря, сближава се с екстравагантната Мериам и преоткрива по-малката си сестра Бела, с която са се отдалечили една от друга през годините. Неочаквано и без да го е търсила, Франки намира нови приятели, които не само ѝ помагат в този тежък момент, но успяват да ѝ върнат вкуса към живота и към невероятната италианска кухня, която предлага рецепти и за тъжни, и за щастливи дни.

И Франки разбира, че не може да се крие нито от семейството си, нито от миналото си, нито от истината за Алекс, която предпочита да не научава. Този забележителен роман е истинско пиршество за сетивата и носи послание за прошка, надежда и много начини да откриеш любовта и да дариш обич.

Красива приказка за любовта и загубата и за начините, по които семейството, приятелите – стари и нови, и дори едно пролетно ризото с топъл бананов хляб могат да донесат облекчение, промяна и надежда.


Хана Тъниклиф е родена в Нова Зеландия, но се определя като истински номад. След като завършва социални науки, тя заминава първо за Австралия, после за Англия, след това за Макао, а известно време живее в каравана. Работи в сферата на човешките ресурси и професионалното развитие, но загърбва тази професия, за да стане писателка. В момента живее в Нова Зеландия със съпруга си Матю и двете си дъщери. „С дъх на чаени листа“ е дебютният ѝ роман, след който „Ентусиаст“ публикува и „С вкус на сол и мед“.

Научете повече за авторката и книгите ѝ на: http://www.hannahtunnicliffe.com/

328 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 2015

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About the author

Hannah Tunnicliffe

6 books123 followers
Hannah Tunnicliffe was born in New Zeland but is a self-confessed nomad. After finishing a degree in social sciences, she lived in Australia, England, Macau, Canada and, memorably, a campervan named Fred. A career in human resources temporarily put her dream of becoming a writer on the backburner. She currently lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband, Matthew, and their two daughters. The Color of Tea is her first novel.

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Profile Image for Julian Lyubomirov.
228 reviews43 followers
June 23, 2019
Още една историйка за млада вдовица, която напуска цивилизацията и попада в малък кръг от добродушни хорица, които я приемат с отворени обятия. И, разбира се, сред тях намира друга голяма любов, но с разликите, че това не се случва във втора или трета глава, ами накрая.
Освен роман, както може би става ясно от описанието на творбата, това е и кулинарна книга, съдържащи някои от традиционните сицилиански рецепти. Мен ако питате, слюнка не ми потече, защото има далеч по-вкусни.
Иначе ми харесва начинът, по който авторката описва мъка и ретроспекции - при второто забелязах на няколко места едно плавно и красиво сливане с настоящето, почти неусетно, което повечето съвременни писатели не умеят.

Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books379 followers
September 18, 2015
This book starts at a funeral with Francesca (mostly known as Frankie) struggling to deal with the death of her fiancé Alex and the, at times, overpowering ministrations of her Italian-American family. She flees to an abandoned cabin owned by Alex’s family. There she meets the bubbly Merriem, Jack the cottage caretaker and his charming, effervescent daughter Huia.
But it is not quite freedom in the cottage for her sister Bella with whom she shares a relationship fraught with anger and resentment, turns up along with several other people at times, some family, some not. I really liked Frankie. Her grief came across as real and I loved Merriem, Jack and Huai. I got the feeling there were something off about Alex but it wasn’t quite what I initially thought.
The novel flashes back to the relationship between Frankie and Alex which started when they were teenage sweethearts at school. I have to say I wasn’t sure what she saw in Alex. That aside, I enjoyed this book and the way over time Frankie’s attitudes and responses to certain people and events changes. This is an enjoyable read that I read quickly as it kept me interested throughout. If you are into Italian food several recipes are included as an added bonus.
Profile Image for Shelleyrae at Book'd Out.
2,526 reviews535 followers
April 20, 2015

Season of Salt and Honey is a bittersweet story of grief, love, family and food from forkandfiction.com blogger and author, Hannah Tunnicliffe.

Overwhelmed by grief after the death of her fiance, Francesca Caputo flees the sympathies of her well meaning family, seeking refuge in an abandoned cabin owned by Alex's parents in a forested area of Washington. All Frankie wants is time alone to mourn the loss of forever, but her solitude is repeatedly interrupted, forcing her to reassess everything she thought she knew about her relationship, her family and herself.

"We were high-school sweethearts, just like everyone dreams about but no one actually has, because that kind of thing only happens in the movies. I knew right in my bones just how lucky I was. I knew everything was perfect, and did all the right things to keep it that way. Until now."

Frankie's grief at the loss of Alex is raw and biting, I felt for her and could understand her wish to be alone. She is craving peace and quiet, and the time to wallow in her happiest memories, but eventually Frankie is forced to confront some painful truths about her relationship with Alex when an offhand comment shakes her to the core.

"A loss that had started long before the ocean took him for good."

Despite her desire for solitude, Frankie is befriended by caretaker, Jack, and his impish daughter, Huia, as well as the generous spirited Merriem, who all provide unexpected comfort as Frankie struggles to comes to terms with the changes Alex's death has wrought. I liked these charming, enigmatic characters who offer kindness without expectation.

Frankie's family is delightful, stereotypically Italian there is no escaping their loving, if somewhat suffocating, concern. While her Papa is a solid, comforting presence, Frankie's aunts, Zia Rosa and Zia Connie, fuss and worry, cousin Vinnie makes mischief, and her estranged sister, Isabella, camps on her doorstep, reminding her of things she would rather forget.

Frankie's family equates food with love, and Season of Salt and Honey includes the recipes for a handful of Italian dishes served and shared within its pages, including Pitta Mpigliata (Sweetbread rosettes with fruit and nuts); Lingua de Suocera (Marmalade filled pastries); Spring Risotto; and Pasta alla Norma (Pasta with eggplant, tomato and salted ricotta).

"The smells of the forest — the damp dark of the soil, the bleeding sap of the trees, the lemony cedar smell — all vanish in the company of the Sicilian food: the pungent garlic in Zio Mario’s salami, the vinegar pickling the vegetables, olives bobbing in brine, roasted peppers, the ubiquitous, sunshine-coloured olive oil."

With lovely writing and a measured, almost lyrical, tempo, Season of Salt and Honey is a poignant novel embracing both the sourness and sweetness of life.
Profile Image for Paris_love.
274 reviews16 followers
May 3, 2019
Книгата определено ме спечели с корицата и заглавието си , но май очакванията ми бяха твърде високи. Историята става за убиване на времето , но нещо не ми достигна ,за да я заобичам . Цялото ревю е тук https://booumouse.blogspot.com/2019/0...
Profile Image for Paula Sealey.
515 reviews84 followers
April 20, 2015
When Frankie's fiancee Alex dies in a tragic accident, she is overcome with grief and can not bear a return to the apartment they shared, or to the coddling of her close Italian family. Instead, she flees to a tiny cabin owned by Alex's parents in a remote part of a forest. She has no idea how long she intends to stay, but just wants to be alone. Her family though have other ideas, and soon they begin to pitch up to check on her, including estranged sister Bella, the family mischief maker. As Frankie wrestles with her emotions and revelations concerning her relationship with Alex, she has to decide if a return to her old life is possible, or a new one is waiting in her future.

The title of the book initially drew me in, it sounded so evocative. And indeed, the title completely matches the theme of the book, sad and sweet. With such brilliant writing, I couldn't help but feel moved over Frankie's situation. Her grief is deeply emotional, but not overwhelming to read about as we are treated to characters from Frankie's wonderful Italian family alongside her unravelling story. They are a riot, Aunties, Cousins, and her lovable Papa, who always descend with plenty of Italian delicacies, described in mouthwatering detail. Neighbours from her forest hideaway are a great addition. I wanted to run barefoot with Huia and pick mushrooms and garden with Merriem, I think you'll want to as well after reading this. A very beautiful and emotive story I highly recommend.

*Thank you to the publishers for providing a review copy through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Мариша.
205 reviews22 followers
December 25, 2015
Тъжна, но и щастлива книга, силна, освобождаваща ... - четеш, потапяш се в меланхолията на романа, в истиността на делника, в неговата атмосфера дори, мислиш за някои истини мимоходом, докато си припомниш усещането от хиляди стари твои болки, плачеш, и някак ненатрапено се докосващ до някаква мъдрост - не логична, или опитна, или житейска... а една чиста мъдрост на сърцето. И се успокояваш заедно с яснотата на развръзката...
Profile Image for Guida Brown.
258 reviews
October 20, 2016
The storyline is good: Frankie needs a break from the world after Alex, her fiancé, dies, so she takes off to his family cabin. Since she's from an Italian family, though, she doesn't get much alone time. Good so far.

The execution of the story, though, is awful. Author Hannah Tunnicliffe "is a self-confessed nomad," and this book shows it. It's set in the USA's Pacific Northwest, written from the first-generation American Frankie's perspective, but the language is a mess. We don't use "meters"; we don't have "expiry dates." Then add the Italian phrases that, evidently, only a Sicilian will understand, and I just kept wondering, "What's the point?"

I dialogue-read the book just to get to the end.
Profile Image for Nicole LaRosee.
2 reviews4 followers
February 28, 2021
This book was an absolute waste of my time. There was no real story line and almost every character was highly unlikeable; especially the main character, Frankie Caputo, who was childish, ungrateful, and entitled. The story went absolutely nowhere. If you’re thinking about picking this one up, don’t bother.
Profile Image for Cassi.
64 reviews
January 23, 2017
The recipes were fun and I'd like to try them sometime. I couldn't seem to get into the rest of it, though. Would probably be a good beach read if I had the day to myself.
Profile Image for Linda Kissam.
37 reviews1 follower
November 29, 2015
The newest book by author Hannah Tunnicliffe is going to tug at your heartstrings and your stomach – quite literally. Part novel, part cookbook, this is a good example of how a book can crossover into several genres. I’ve been noticing this trend for a season or two now. I like the result. Why can’t an author spin their tale and weave in some good recipes at the same time to pepper the plot? Done right, this sort of storytelling is engaging, unexpected and charming. It is not quite near enough to be a “cook book” — yet it definitely is a cook’s book — one that will stir your heartstrings, ignite your imagination and have you in the kitchen for tea and Banana Bread (Recipe p. 194)

Season of Salt & Honey is the journey of Francesca (Frankie) Caputo through life, love and loss. After the death of her fiancé, Frankie needs time and space to work through feelings – both hidden in the farthest reaches of her mind and the ones on the surface bubbling over in every breath she makes. She takes refuge in her finance’s timeworn forest cabin in the soothing Washington forest to sort herself out. Her path to recovery is filled with quirky neighbors, comfort food, and a painful self-awareness that is going to take twists and turns you won’t see coming. Kleenex is recommended.

Season of Salt & Honey is an easy read. It is also one of those stories that stays on your mind a while after you finish reading it. I experienced a strange duel sense of melancholy and joyfulness at the same time after finishing this book. The author gives us a glimpse of what personal salvation looks like, but she does not finish the story line. I wonder if this is a two-parter? I, for one, would welcome that.

Caution: Before reading this book, identify a local Italian deli to run to. You’ll need to pick up a few items for your kitchen pantry as you will definitely crave warm, soothing Italian comfort food and an espresso or two as you read through the book. Peruse the recipes before you read the book. Your time away from the book, can be well spent in the kitchen. Or, if you have a book club, assign each member a recipe and share as you discuss. There are also discussion questions and an author interview in the back to guide your book club time.

This book was reviewed by both myself and Adrianne Morrison. Sometimes I enjoy the give and take of friends reviewing books from different perspectives. The review above was a summary of our two interpretations. I took the hard cover version, Adrianne took the kindle format. Both were easy to work through, meaning not all cookbooks translate into a good read on Kindle, but this one was fine. We both felt that the book should have had photos of the recipes. We also thought it would make a good gift or book club selection.

For a look at two of the recipes featured in the book click here http://www.examiner.com/review/blendi...
Profile Image for Cheryl.
5,622 reviews216 followers
September 1, 2015
I found this book to be sweet and charming. I was breezing through this book with quick speed. Frankie is a nice woman. Although even with all of the back and forth flashbacks to the past with her and Alex, I never really felt the love between them. In fact, I grew tried after a while of the flash backs with them together. The only good thing was that I good to see who Frankie was as a person and how she had matured in the present. Frankie's sister, Bella was cool. I liked Alex's brother, David. Who I grew closer to than Alex.

The recipes in this book were an added bonus. There were plenty inserted in this book. A nice thing because some books mention recipes but you only get like 2 or 3. Not that the book has to have tons or one for each chapter but a few more than just 3 is nice. Plus, I thought that the recipes featured in this book tied in nicely to the story.
1,173 reviews5 followers
July 18, 2018
Men come and go, but sisters are forever. Or not?

Frankie Caputo's fiance is dead. Torn, she runs off into a forest cabin just to be alone.
But world follows - some genuinely care about her, some are neighbours, some might not be welcome here. Like Bella, her difficult sister. The bad girl, the one who might show her that she was not living the perfect life.

My problem with this book is that I can not relate to the heroine. Frankie is selfish and immature, the world is supposed to turn around her.
I hope that all the wisdom found in revelations small and big will make her a better person.

Overall I like the food mentions and all if the clichey, loud and warm Italian family. Not sure if this kind of family really exists, but surely it would be nice to have them having my back.
Profile Image for Maxime.
190 reviews25 followers
August 10, 2015
I received this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Francesca 'Frankie' Caputo has it all figured out. She's finally going to marry the man she loves and then they will live happily ever after. But when a freak accident cuts her fiancé Alex's life tragically short, all of Frankie's future plans suddenly disintegrate.
A tale of love loss friendships i really enjoyed this book and i recommend p.s if you love your food as much as reading you will love the recipes that are tied into the story.
375 reviews
November 28, 2018
This book was fine. Someone handed it to me and said something like, "You like to read. Here is a book." Not the type I would normally pick up but I felt pressured to read it. It was ok. Would make a decent holiday read.
Profile Image for Faye.
477 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2016
Loved this book it had a good story line but a peacefulness about it even though the events were sad. I loved the recipes throughout the book. Look forward to Hannah Tunnicliffe writing a third book.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
319 reviews6 followers
February 27, 2018
I have finished another wonderful read by Hannah Tunnicliffe.

'Season of Salt & Honey' is her second novel - Her first The Colour of Tea.

'Season of Salt & Honey' is a novel of of love, grief & antipasti. Francesca 'Frankie' Caputo has it all figured out. She's finally going to marry the man she loves and then they will live happily ever after. But when a freak accident cuts her fiance Alex's life tragically short, all of Frankies future plans suddenly disintegrate.

Drowning in grief, Frankie flees from her overbearing Italian- American family, and escapes to an abandoned cabin owned by Alex's parents, where she reluctantly connects with her forest neighbours - effervescent, flame-haired Merriem, kind, handsome Jack & his sprite-like daughter, Huia.

As her heart slowly begins to heal, Frankie discovers a freedom that's both exhilarating and unsettling to everything she has always known for sure. So when her old life comes crashing back in, Frankie must decide: will she slip quietly back into her safe, former existence? Or will stronger, wiser Frankie Caputo stand up and claim her new life.
Profile Image for Domic.
736 reviews15 followers
May 6, 2018
Hach. Hat mir sehr gut gefallen! Von der gleichen Autorin habe ich ja bereits "Der Duft von Tee" gelesen, das fand ich auch schon gut. Und dann hat Frau "Bücher in meiner Hand" das Buch noch empfohlen, da musste es doch ganz nach vorne auf meiner Leseliste.

Okay, ein kleines bissle nervt dieses Herumreiten auf der italienischen Herkunft der Protagonistin Das scheint aber was typisch italo-amerikanisches zu sein, das hat mich auch bei den Büchern von Adriana Trigiani, die ich ansonsten sehr mag, immer schon ein bissle gestört.

Insgesamt fand ich die Geschichte gut erzählt, die Stimmung hat mir sehr gefallen. Dabei hat natürlich geholfen, dass ich das Buch im Urlaub am Meer gelesen habe. Und auf unserem Tisch in der Ferienwohnung stand eine blaue Schale mit Zitronen, genau wie auf dem Titelbild. Da passt das Buch wie die Faust aufs Auge, oder?
484 reviews2 followers
February 2, 2018
I enjoyed 'Season of Salt and Honey', Hannah Tunnicliffe's novel exploring grief, loss, and love and the power of family and friends. Told simply without any sense of manipulation or tear-jerking false drama the story unfolded slowly and gently. We learn of Francesca's loss and her attempts to come to terms with it, with flashbacks revealing more about her relationship. Family members try to help (sometimes with hilarious results) and we meet new friends as she establishes herself in a cabin in the woods. Her relationship with her sister moved sensitively towards a resolution. A bit of a dated publication trend now, but the inclusion of recipes that you actually wanted to make was a bonus. Other reviewers have summed it up well: sweet and charming.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,534 reviews16 followers
February 25, 2023
(3.5 stars) Frankie is devastated by her fiance’s accidental death and flees his funeral to go to his family’s cabin to be alone and grieve. As she tries to find a way forward, she meets new friends who help to support her. But her life is about to change when she finds out some information about Alex that alters her view of him and is also facing eviction from Alex’s parents. Along the way, her Italian family tries to support her through love and food. Frankie must face the truth and find her path back to living her life. The book contains recipes for the foods described in the book.
Profile Image for Corinne Johnston.
794 reviews
August 28, 2017
An enjoyable read, though I admit a little disappointment when I first realised it was set in America. I'm looking forward to this great author setting a book in her homeland NZ. The linking of food and fiction is done better here than in many other attempts I've read, maybe because of the Italian, Sicilian links...the food has meaning in itself, so when combined with fiction the meanings strengthen.
650 reviews15 followers
November 19, 2017
Grief and despair, love and loss, family and friends, betrayal and a sprinkling of Sicilian recipes all combined in a novel about Francesca, thrown into a complete tizzy following the tragic death of her fiance in a surfing accident. How can she make sense of his loss and life without him? How can she find comfort in her over-bearing family and the long lost treacherous sister she is sure has abandoned and deceived her? Can she come to terms with the almost in-laws who never liked or accepted her? Unable to deal with any of it, Francesca runs to the cabin in the woods that brought so much comfort and pleasure to Alex before his death. Will she completely unravel in these woods, or will the shelter of this place bring her the relief she so seeks?
Read Season of Salt and Honey, if only for the mouth watering recipes. You will not be sorry that you did.
423 reviews2 followers
August 17, 2017
too much honey and not enough salt in this story. The author is from New Zealand and is writing about Americans in Seattle, but they do not use the words "petrol" and "mate" in Seattle (or any of the US, as far as I know). I read it because I so enjoyed her book "A French Wedding". While I would recommend "Wedding", I would not recommend this one unless you like your stories really sweet.
Profile Image for Bailey Wright.
76 reviews
May 15, 2018
A good light read. Nothing spectacular about it, nothing terrible about it. A very quick read (read in just a few days), and captivating enough to keep turning the pages. However, the story was not overly complicated, or imaginative. I did like the combo of food and nature, two things I love, but other than that, it was just okay.
Profile Image for jill crotty.
187 reviews3 followers
October 13, 2019
I loved this book so much! But I think mostly because the main character is Italian American. She has a huge loving loud family that takes care of each other. So many of their traditions remind me of my family. This book deals with grief, family, love, and forgiveness. It was a quick read that was well written. I loved the author sprinkled traditional Italian recipes throughout the book.
Profile Image for Terra Stone.
2 reviews
November 28, 2021
Нямах нужда, точно от този сюжет за момента, но ме грабна от първата глава и вече не можех да го оставя недочетен или "за по-късно".
На пръв поглед прозаично, нищо ново под слънцет, но те дълбае в дълбочина и те кара да се замислиш, да се вгледаш в дреболиите и да искаш да направиш това, което все отлагаш и отлагаш.....
Profile Image for Dawn.
180 reviews
June 3, 2017
This story of a young woman finding herself after the death of her fiance was a surprisingly upbeat read. full if food, family and new friendship, it is a story of hope and renewal. Visual descriptiveness and recipes were a bonus.
Profile Image for Loretta.
629 reviews19 followers
August 26, 2017
I still liked it even though it needed a finer-toothed comb during the editing process to remove all of the Brit-isms that made it through...petrol, meters, mate (instead of friend), etc. Those were just a minor annoyance, but did make the setting feel less authentic.
Profile Image for Linden.
264 reviews2 followers
January 7, 2018
Reading this book made me want to cook more, or maybe just wish I had some Italian in my heritage. A lovely study of grief and nature and family. Coincidentally, I listened to an interview with Amy Florian, who speaks and writes about the grieving process, while reading this book. This added a great deal of color and nuance to the reading experience.
Profile Image for Kathleen McRae.
1,561 reviews8 followers
August 6, 2018
This was an enjoyable and easy read with pretty good storyline that I thought was very good at pointing out the stages of grief and the family and friends that get us through this very difficult time in life.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 118 reviews

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