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Стъклената кухня

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Порша Къткарт никога не е изпитвала желание да напуска родното си място. Тя просто мечтае да управлява „Стъклената кухня“ – ресторант, построен от баба ѝ още преди десетилетия. Но след поредица от горчиви разочарования и загубата на наследството си, Порша е решена да започне нов живот със сестрите си в Манхатън.

Когато се нанася в една стара градска къща в горната част на Уестсайд, тя се запознава с 12-годишната Ариел и нейния наскоро овдовял баща, Гейбриъл – мъж, който трябва да се справи с трудната задача да отгледа двете си дъщери сам. Скоро едно обещание, което е дала на сестрите си, принуждава Порша да се завърне в света на вълшебната храна и силните емоции, където ѝ се налага да се изправи срещу всичко, от което е бягала. Нищо не е такова, каквото изглежда на повърхността – наяве излизат стари тайни и съперничества, а обещанието за нова любов се надига като шоколад, кипнат на тих огън със сметана.

432 pages, Paperback

First published June 17, 2014

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About the author

Linda Francis Lee

35 books467 followers
Linda Francis Lee is a native Texan now calling New York City home. Linda's writing career began when her article "There Is No Finish Line" was published in her university's quarterly magazine. But she got sidetracked from writing when she started teaching probability and statistics. Later she found her way back to writing, and the Atlanta Journal Constitution called her breakout novel, Blue Waltz, "absolutely stunning."
Now Linda is the author of nineteen books that are published in sixteen countries around the world, in languages as diverse as Japanese and Russian. Two of her most recent novels are in development for feature films, and she is in the process of co-developing a television series set in her beloved Texas. Lee's next novel, her twentieth, is a large work of fiction about the redemption of a man, and will be released in 2011.
When Linda isn't writing, she loves to run in Central Park and spend time with her husband, family, and friends.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,197 reviews
832 reviews162 followers
June 25, 2014
I initially thought this would be a nice 3 star read - decent enough writing, if not great, about sisters and whatever. Perfect for the summer.
Well instead I got stilted, awkward dialogue and prose, as well as stock characters, and a plot that was more porn than story. A thinly veiled harlequin, this novel's depiction of a woman's lust for a noncommunicative brute of a man easily set the feminist movement back a zillion decades, and all the while we have the suspension of disbelief as said woman serves as a clairvoyant via food, with extensive details of the food coupling as its own form of porn. The point of this work escapes me, and the writing certainly did as well.
September 6, 2020
Hakkıyla süslü püslü bir 5 🌟 hem de!

Keşke unutup bir kez daha okusam dediğim kitaplara bir yenisi eklendi!😍 Okurken o kadar keyif aldım o kadar eğlendim o kadar acıktım ki!🤭** Chick lit dediğimiz türün kraliçelerindendi! 🙆🏼‍♀️ Bayıldım, bayıldım ve B-A-Y-I-L-D-I-M! Keşke Portia yanımda olsaydı da kitabın sonunda sarılıp kendisinden bana çilekli tart yapmasını isteyebilseydim. 💃🏻 Hayatımda okuyup okuyabileceğim en farklı kitaplardan biri oldun. 🙌🏻 TEBRİKLER!🍾

** Diyette okumayınız.
Profile Image for Patty.
1,601 reviews102 followers
May 2, 2014
the glass kitchen
Linda Francis Lee

My " in a nutshell" summary...

Portia and her sisters Olivia and Cordelia find themselves transplanted Texans living in Manhattan.

My thoughts after reading this book...

OMG...some books are just fun and sweet and are filled with quirky sassy characters...who are just trying to make sense of what life has dealt them. This would be Portia and probably her neighbor Ariel. I will backtrack a bit...Portia knows when things are going to happen...she dreams of foods and like magic her foods find their way to the people who need them. Portia was a young Texas wife dumped by her unfaithful politician husband. She has a townhouse in NYC that was left to her and her sisters by a much loved aunt...she escapes to it. She has no money...none at all. She starts cooking for Gabriel and his daughters Miranda and Ariel...their mother has died...they live upstairs...and...she and Gabriel can't deny the attraction they have for each other. Gabriel is kind of fierce...kind of closed off...and Portia is his total free spirited opposite...but...boy do these opposites attract! Yikes! Ok..it's a bit predictable...but I still loved it.

What I loved about this book...

OMG...I loved Portia Cuthcart to pieces! Quirky, winsome, and magical...are my words to describe her! The...hmmm...sexy scenes with Portia and Gabriel...OMG...freaking amazing! Not garish, not distasteful...just extremely hot yet lovely! And how cool is it that to get to Portia all Gabriel had to do was climb down the fire escape and into her window? Who wouldn't love that?

There is a sort of traumatic ending...and the part where Portia is mad at Gabriel because she thinks he doesn't believe in her...I mean really truly believe in her...and the part where she finally stands up to her sleazy ex husband...but it was all good!

What I did not love about this book...

Not that I didn't love it but there were some unlikeable characters...Gabriel's older daughter, his mother, and his brother...all those nasty characters that make a book like this so good!

Final thoughts...

I loved this book. It was different...it was entertaining. It was quirky! I loved the love scenes...so good! Readers who want to read and enjoy a lighthearted cleverly written book...should truly enjoy this one. I want Carmen Diaz to play Portia!
Profile Image for Seda.
568 reviews173 followers
June 6, 2018
Portia gibi dimdik duran, kararlı daha çok karakter okumak istiyorum. Başlarda biraz zayıf iradeli gelse de (hem ablaları hem Gabriel’e) bütün düşüncelerimi yedirdi bana. Ben hayatımda böyle güzel diklenen, inandığını savunan ve hak ettiği değeri arayan kadın karakter görmedim. ‘Yürü be Portia, arkandayım!’ diye bağırmış olabilirim.😃😃

Sırları, entrikaları, aile ve aşk ilişkisiyle güzel bir çerezlikti. Çıtır çerez kitapların sadece tavşanlar gibi cinsellik olmadan da kendini okutabileceğinin en iyi örneğiydi.
Profile Image for Meltem (ruyalarkitapligi).
82 reviews58 followers
September 11, 2020
Diğer herkesin aksine ben çok beğenmedim bilmiyorum rs’dan dolayı mı yoksa cidden mi beğenmedim emin değilim açıkçası ,konu çok fazla uzatılmış,gereksiz ayrıntı dolu geldi bana 😞 Ben sanırım genel olarak bu tarz kitapları bundan dolayı beğenmiyorum onu fark ettim 😂 Çünkü okurken sürekli uykumu getiriyor :( neyse onun dışında canım sürekli çikolatalı pasta istedi Portia yüzünden 🥺
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
2,926 reviews420 followers
April 30, 2014
Loved everything about THE GLASS KITCHEN – think sassy southern Texas, meets sophisticated demanding Upper West Side, filled with love of family and sisters, epicurean delights, life’s lessons of forgiveness, and second chances. Delicious. . . absolutely delectable!

As a child, Portia had a dream to run her grandmother’s restaurant (The Glass Kitchen) in Texas; however, after settling for a different life (married to a senator which betrayed her with her best friend, and did not allow her to use her cooking talents); a life derailed, she finds herself divorced, and moving to Manhattan to join her two sisters, Olivia and Cordelia.

Portia is sure she was responsible for her grandmother’s untimely death and gives up her passion of cooking, due to this misconception. She inherited the ancestral gift (a knowing about events thru food), and her Gram instructed her how to use her abilities, leaving some helpful cookbooks and tips (how to heal certain illnesses with specific foods, among other things).

Portia escapes Texas, and moves to the Upper West Side in a rundown brownstone townhome (garden lower level apartment), she inherits from her Great Aunt Evie, filled with fond childhood memories. However, she has no job skills and no divorce settlement (her first job was a hoot)! Her two sisters have sold their share of the townhome, to the handsome investment banker man who lives upstairs on the upper two floors (Gabriel Kane). The other two sisters are not without problems either.

Gabriel lost his wife a year earlier, and is raising two daughters, Miranda (16) and Ariel (12, almost 13), and things are not going well in this household--total dysfunction and lack of communication. He wants to buy Portia’s garden apartment; however, she does not want to sell as this is the only thing she owns.

The last thing Portia wants is to get involved with a man and his daughters. She has problems of her own – like how to survive in NYC! However, the minute she meets this man – her food thoughts come back strong, and no matter how much she tries to escape, the more she is pulled into this world of food, cooking, and lust.

However, fate steps in and forces Portia to do what she loves best in life – COOKING, as a means to support herself – working for handsome and complex Gabriel, while planning her test kitchen with the two sisters, sending aromas to the streets of NYC, while seeking investors for their desired new restaurant (The Glass Kitchen)--if they can find the capital. Some good comfort Texas food, gourmet style in for fast pace NYC—putting her cooking skills to work to bring in the customers (and investors).

Of course, to really make it yummy, nightly midnight visits (down the fire escape)to the garden level, from the complicated, hard nose, but sexy Gabriel, with some irresistible delights and surprises.

All is not rosy and uncomplicated in this Upper West Side neighborhood. There are many twists, and obstacles along the way in this messy family of Kanes –from Gabriel’s mother, his brother Anthony, Gabriel’s former wife, and mother of the girls, with a secret past and events leading to her death, which shake Ariel’s world, as well as Portia.

With quirky neighbors (Stanley and Marcus), supportive sisters, hot sex, some strong women, yummy gourmet recipes, love of food and recipes for life, with a young girl’s determination to put her family back together, to one’s woman’s courage and journey to fulfillment and passion – a meal you will want to savor!

Linda Francis Lee created an irresistible banter and chemistry between Gabriel and Portia, which will keep you smiling and rooting for this sizzling, yet odd couple. And oh, Aerial will melt your heart, with her intelligence and winning personality, as she finds her way.

There are many parallels here, and would be ideal for book clubs or discussions. Portia and Ariel, are very similar—both are youngest of sisters, guilt ridden, undervalued by others for their intelligence, keen sense of humor, talent, style, and passion –both courageous and determined to make things better, as they discover their true self.

From the inviting front cover to the delectable and mouth-watering recipes – a captivating novel of love, forgiveness, family, courage, and the determination to follow your heart and dreams.

I was traveling while reading this book, and had to get up extra early, in order to finish THE GLASS KITCHEN, this morning before getting back on the road. Could not wait to see what would happen to these unforgettable and lovable characters. A five star winner! Looking forward to reading more from this insightful and talented author.

If you are a fan of contemporary fiction, chick lit, romance, humor, southern women’s fiction, love of gourmet food, and family dynamics, you will be assured to enjoy this magical novel, where life is not always perfect – as the fun is in the “messiness”, with some courses and recipes to sweeten the deal.

Fans of authors Sarah Pekkanen, Emily Giffin, Mary Kay Andrews, Sarah Rayner, Jane Green, Sarah Addison Allen, Susan Rebecca White, Mary Ellen Taylor, Joanne Demaio, Beth Hoffman, Nancy Thayer, Wendy Wax, Mary Simes, or Dorothea Benton Frank will find THE GLASS KITCHEN, fresh, irresistible, funny, and quite satisfying.

Loved the quote: “The minute she stepped outside, Portia smelled the cool evening air. She felt like the clock had been turned back. Gram still alive, great aunt Evie still here, the summers filled with promise of a very different kind of adventure. Portia had loved New York, when she was younger but in a way that was so different from what she felt for Texas, with its giant blue sky, and easy going charm, like sweet tea over ice on a hot day. In New York, nothing was easy, everything was dense, nothing fluffy about it, like bagels slathered with thick cream cheese.“


A special thank you, to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.

Profile Image for Esra Kara.
370 reviews31 followers
December 30, 2019
Rezalet ponçik bir kitaptı. Yeni yılda bize de bir Gabriel düşer inşallah. Amin. Bu arada, kitabın kapağındaki şeyleri bir tek ben mi makyaj sandım? Sanki pudra ve fırçalar varmış gibiydi. Kitabı oluyunca yemekler ne alaka diyorum bende. Göz doktoruna gitmem farz oldu herhalde.
Profile Image for Seyma.
713 reviews
February 6, 2019
Kırıldım, acıktım, eğlendim, üzüldüm ve sevindim şu an içim içime sığmıyor tşk Sayın Linda 😢
Profile Image for Carole.
339 reviews38 followers
February 22, 2015
I love books like this...foodie books mixed with magical realism. Portia has "the knowing". A magical gift inherited from her Grandmother, who ran The Glass Kitchen restaurant. She meets Gabriel, who is widowed with 2 young daughters. I enjoyed her relationship with the girls, and the romance between Portia & Gabriel. It was a light, easy read, perfect for fans of Sarah Addison Allen & Barbara ONeal. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Mostafa.
409 reviews42 followers
July 31, 2021
2.4 stars

اکثر رمان ها، از یک داست��ن اصلی و چند داستانک تشکیل میشه که با توجه به ژانر رمان، نویسنده باید یک سلسله مراتب منطقی و معقول رو برای داستانش روایت بکنه
در این رمان، داستان اصلی در سبک رئالیسم جادویی( پیش بینی واقع آینده از روی آشپزی و الهامات غذایی) پردازش میشه که تا اینجای کار مسئله ای نیست... اما داستانک ها هر کدام برای تعریف شخصیت های اصلی و فرعی داستان روایت میشه که بعضا بدون نتیجه، رها میشه... مثلا در نهایت تکلیف شوهر خواهر پورتیا( همسر کوردیا) که در گیر یک مسئله اقتصادی بود معلوم نشد یا نویسنده از خواهر وسط که اولیویا بود اطلاعات کمی داد که خواننده عملا شناختی به او( که از شخصیت های درجه دو داستان هست) پیدا نمی کنه
من عملا مشکلی با پایان بندی مثبت، شورانگیز و دلچسب پایان داستان ندارم ولی اگه ژانر روایی ما در دایتان، رئالیسم هست پس بهتره که داستان به گونه ای کامل و دقیق روایت بشه که خواننده ضمن شناخت شخصیت های داستان، با اونها همذات پنداری بیشتری پیدا بکنه
Profile Image for Büşra Öztürk.
514 reviews165 followers
February 5, 2019
Bir kitabı sevmeniz için bütün kriterleri oluşturan bir kitap düşünün Hah işte bu kitap benim için Sırça Hayaller'di resmen.


Sipariş versem bu kadar güzel yazılamazdı.
Ben beş vermeyimde kim versin yani 😂
Profile Image for Suzan.
609 reviews
August 14, 2019
Kafa dağıtmalık eglenceli çok tatlı farklı bir kitaptı. Tüm karakterlerinde tatlı olmasi cabasi özellikle Ariel 🤪
Profile Image for Moon .
3,336 reviews230 followers
July 30, 2014
Linda Francis Lee has written many books in many different genres and I've read most of them. I've been eagerly waiting this book. I was so jealous of all the early reviews I'd seen. When I was approved to read an early copy, you should've seen my smile. I read this book in under 3.5 hours. I started after midnight thinking I'd read a chapter before going to sleep. I finished close to 4 am and was a mess the next day.

There are so many elements that make this story great. I loved the role of family in this book. Portia and her sisters have an interesting relationship. They have sisterly love but they're so different from each other. Gabriel is having his own family issues with his two teenage daughters. I loved seeing them interact with each other. I also adore how each section of the book is broken up into courses and meals. I salivated over much of the food. I also loved the fantasy element of Portia being connected with food. It was another element that elevated the story.

Another element that I loved was the range of emotions I felt as I read. I smiled and laughed at some of their antics and got that knot of despair at other times. There were tears too, and some cheering as well. It felt like everything in the book came together seamlessly. I loved being in both Portia and Ariel's heads. I felt so much for Ariel. She's in that tough time in her life and she's trying to make things better while trying to figure out where they all went wrong.

If you're like me and you love to read books that take you on an emotional journey, then this book is definitely for you. Linda Francis Lee has once again written a beautiful story that will stay with you long after you've finished the last page. All you have to do is start reading the book and you'll see how amazing it is for yourself.
Profile Image for Michele.
541 reviews
April 27, 2014
I won this book from goodreads and it came at the perfect time! What a great story. I love the descriptions of the New York home and the whole idea of Portia's abilities with food. So refreshing and just a great way to escape. I loved Ariel's character as well.
Profile Image for Candi.
660 reviews4,985 followers
November 1, 2014
I really enjoyed this charming, easy read. Although obviously not possessing Portia's ability to "know" what special dish/recipe is needed in certain situations ahead of time, I can definitely relate to certain foods being a part of a special memory or place in my own life. At times, Portia's visions were downright mouth-watering! The inclusion of some of these recipes was a nice touch at the end of the book. Might have to try a couple myself! Although I didn't feel an especial connection to any of the characters, I did have some favorites with Ariel being my first. I found her quite lovable, witty, and definitely in need of a great big hug! Marcus and Stanley were very endearing and I would have liked to have seen a bit more of them earlier in the book. They provided a great example of a positive, loving relationship.
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
August 29, 2023
Докато чакам да започне Алея на книгата и да се сдобия с нови съкровища, ще си припомням любимите.
Обожавам такива книги!
Добре че от време на време , като слънчев лъч, пробиват гъстата сива мъгла, обвила издателствата. Които бълват все по-ужасяващи истории, редувайки ги с постни редки яхнии.
Имам си събрани такива съкровища и ще си ги чета до откат.

2017/Една магическа и чудата история, в стила на Сара Адисън Алън.
Съчетана със завладяваща любов и дълбоко заровени тайни.
В която истината и доброто в края на краищата побеждават.
Profile Image for Laura Kay Bolin.
165 reviews84 followers
June 11, 2014

I absolutely loved THE GLASS KITCHEN by Linda Francis Lee! It is such an imperfect story. Portia finds herself with her sisters in Manhattan, she is trying to put the pieces of her life back together. The last thing she wants to do is cook, because for her cooking and food have a tinge of magic. The thing is, the magic is in her and it needs and wants to come out. I loved how the art of cooking revealed things that needed to come out in order for people to move and grow. Isn't cooking something powerful in our own homes?

I really expected the sister part of the story to really take front and center, but it was more supporting. I was pleased because it made the story more authentic. Sisters are our supporting cast in real life. I loved the conflict and worry between Ariel and her sister, Miranda. Having a sister I could relate to all aspects of the sisters!

I loved Portia. I connected to her right away. When she meets Gabriel I knew I wanted them together, the more I got to know him the more that man confounded me! The more the story unfolded, oh my goodness! I loved him. Oh and a few 'hot' scenes, like Portia's cooking Lee wrote them to be tasteful! Then we start to learn more about him...I won't say more you will have to read if what I found out changed what I thought of him!

This is an absolute perfect read! I really just didn't want to put THE GLASS KITCHEN down. It was just wonderful! It was just everything a good book should be! I actually loved it so much that I bought a copy of Linda Francis Lee's previous book--it's really that good! Funny, heartfelt, magical a book you shouldn't miss. Highly highly recommending you grab a copy!
Profile Image for Kris Dickinson.
354 reviews9 followers
April 12, 2014
I really liked this story. I was lucky enough to be able to read the ARC and Im glad I did. Portia, like her grandmother, has the 'knowing'. Out of the blue, she will get the urge to bake something, or make a specific meal and its always because someone needs it for whatever reason. She ignored it for a few years to be the 'perfect politicians wife' but that didnt last. She moves to NY to live in 1/3 of a townhouse that her aunt left her, only to find that her sisters sold their thirds and a single dad of 2 girls bought it. The story develops quickly and naturally after that and there are a few surprises along the way. I thought it was a great story and would make a great book club book. I also really liked the recipes that were included at the end. I just may have to try a few!
Profile Image for Nancy.
587 reviews10 followers
June 11, 2014
The writing's a bit clunky and there were grammar errors galore, both of which I'm chalking up to the ARC and hoping they cleaned up before publishing. That being said, I enjoyed this book and tore through it. It's everything The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake should have been. It drives me crazy when teenagers are total assholes to their parents with no repercussions, but the teenager here has natural consequences to a major event and it really works. I have a love/hate relationship with books that make me hungry and this one takes the cake (see what I did there?).
Profile Image for Hatice_.
151 reviews63 followers
March 3, 2019
Yaaa çok güzeldi 😍😍😍
Yazarın elimde bir kitabı daha var ve hemen başlamamak için kendimi zor tutuyorum diyebilirim😊
Profile Image for Katherine Jones.
Author 2 books79 followers
June 19, 2014
From the start, it’s hard not to enjoy the antics of precocious tweener Ariel and off-beat Portia. I also love the idea of wrestling with a difficult or unusual gift–in this case, “the knowing,” which Portia expresses through the creation of food. In this way, the novel reminds me of Susanna Kearsley’s The Firebird, though it’s completely different in tone.

I do have to say that The Glass Kitchen is far more sexually charged than I expected. Perhaps because of that, the story didn’t engage me as I’d hoped it would. I like there to be a reasonable basis for the hero and heroine to like each other first before giving into their physical attraction. I also found the pacing to be a bit more languid than I prefer. However, that could also be just me. Have I mentioned I’m an impatient reader?

The Glass Kitchen is written with a light touch, equal parts whimsy and warm-heartedness–which, though not a beachy book, makes it an appealing summer read.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for providing me a free copy to review. All opinions are mine.
Profile Image for Janie Boyd.
48 reviews5 followers
December 8, 2021
The glass kitchen by Linda Francis Lee is a light-hearted luscious read! I absolutely fell in love with Portia, Olivia, and Cordelia, the Cuthcart sisters. From Texas to New York, this is a delicious adventure that had me laughing, crying, and dreaming of life lived on my own terms. Lee has created a magical place, The Glass Kitchen, where love and family are the staples of life. The addition of Portia’s “knowing” makes the reader dive into the story with abandon. I can’t wait to make some of the recipes that accompany this fabulous story! Cheers to Lee for a story well told!
Profile Image for Sharon Huether.
1,590 reviews25 followers
September 19, 2017
A beautifully written story of three sisters. They had a restaurant in Texas while their Grandmother was alive and now they wanted to capture that same feeling in New York City.
This was a second chance for them (Cordelia, Olivia and Portia. )
Very heartwarming, funny and a little sexy.
A real page turner.
Profile Image for Büşra Köprü.
Author 6 books56 followers
February 24, 2019
Uzun zamandır şöyle güzel bir chick-lit okumaya hasrettim. Hiçbir beklenti gütmeden başladığım Sırça Hayaller'in böyle güzel çıkması beni ne kadar sevindirmiştir, bir düşünün. Yoruma geçmeden önce gönül rahatlığıyla söyleyebilirim ki bu türü sevenler hiç düşünmeden alıp okusun (ya da benim gibi indirip okusun), gerçekten türünün hakkını veren, insanın yüzünü güldüren bir kitap olmuş. İçinde bir tutam sihir de yok değil!

Gerçek bir ikinci şans, ikinci bahar öyküsü Sırça Hayaller. Aile yadigarı bir yeteneği olan Portia, yaşadığı kötü bir olayın ardından kendini geri plana atmaya ve herkes nasıl yaşıyorsa öyle yaşamalıyım diye düşünmeye başlayan bir kadındır. İsteklerini, fikirlerini, tutkularını, vicdanının sesini bir kenara bıraktıktan sonra onu bekleyen yalnızca ihanet olunca tekrar kendini tanımaya, kendi için ikinci bir şans aramaya karar verir. Bu esnada onun kadar yaralı, onun on katı aksi ve depresif bir adamla tanışır falan filan.

Esas konu tabii klişe gibi görünüyor. Ama ben klişeliğin olay örgüsünden ziyade karakter derinliği ve samimiyetiyle belirlenebileceğini düşünen biriyim. Konu ne olursa olsun karakterlerin varlığı ve samimiyetini hissettiysem benim için bitmiştir, işte bu kitap da öyle.

Beni mutlu etti, güldürdü, kızdırdı, üzdü, düşündürdü ve bende güzel bir iz bıraktı. Sizi yormayacak güzel bir aşk hikayesi okumak isterseniz, Sırça Hayaller sepete!
Profile Image for Elena.
180 reviews40 followers
August 5, 2017
Една чудесна история! Заобичах тази книга! Имаше си всичко в нея - ново начало, тайни, загадъчност, любов, смях, магия. Всеки образ беше много добре изграден - на Порша, която не се беше оставила да я завладее отчаянието след развода си и продължи смело напред. На Гейбриъл - мъж, загадъчен, не показващ чувствата си, но очароваше с всяко свое действие. На сестрите на Порша - Корделия и Оливия, много ми хареса връзката, която имаха трите помежду си, как се подкрепяха една друга и се разбираха. На Ариел - едно прекрасно тринадесетгодишно дете /нейният образ ми е най-любим/, което винаги защитаваше и подкрепяше дори и този, който не беше прав, пленяваше със своята доброта, разбирателство и всеотдайност, много смело и умно дете. На Миранда, макар и да ме дразнеше през по-голямата част от книгата, беше много достоверно представен тийнейджърски образ. Няма да описвам и другите герои, просто всеки беше представен точно както си трябваше, всеки герой си беше точно на мястото. Всичко беше описано прекрасно, нямаше нищо излишно и ненужно. Авторката има много лек, увлекателен стил, със закачливи диалози и умее да докосва с всяко изречение. Който харесва стила на Сюзън Елизабет Филипс ще хареса и "Стъклената кухня". <3
Profile Image for Arlena.
3,361 reviews1 follower
May 15, 2014

Title: The Glass Kitchen
Author: Linda Francis Lee
Publisher: St Martin's Press
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Age Recommended: Adult
Rating: 4.5

"The Glass Kitchen" by Linda Francis Lee was a interesting contemporary romantic read that did have some fantasy interwoven into it. I found the read and interesting way his author presented this romance. It was indeed a interesting read surrounding Portia who after managing through a horrible marriage and the death of her grandmother Portia will move to NYC broken hearted with two suitcases along with her grandmother's 'Glass Kitchen Cookbooks and the 'gift' that she no longer wanted. It was at this point I found somewhat strange but continued on with the read. Well,after reading a little further I was able to understand the thought pattern of his author and it was a good one and I liked it. 'The Knowing' wow, what was that? Even though Portia has stopped listening to 'The Knowing' which was the urges to create recipes (dishes) that would tell her that something will happen...be it good or bad...however, she would never know until it happened. I enjoyed how this was presented by the author. Those consequences Portia now wanted nothing to do with especially after what had happened to her grandmother. This I could very well understand from the read. Then life moves on and takes her to NY where we find Portia wanting to get on with her life in her new place where she thought she would be living with her sisters but to find out....the author goes another direction and presents us with new people... Gabriel Kane and his daughters. I like how this author tune the reader into one of the daughter's Ariel as well as Gabriel, who had a few secrets of his own. I think this really helped Portia come out of her funk as she will help so much with that situation with Gabriel's daughter... making a connection relationship with this family. Also, I can see it...the urging for Portia to get back into the kitchen again even though she still remembers what had happened to her earlier...wow...I liked this part best of the story. I don't want to tell to much so to spoil the story. I will say I thought this author did do a good job with this well written story and how is deepens with some secrets being revealed and surprises that did come out that will keep you truly zoomed into turning the pages until the end. I would definitely see how this one would be a very interesting to the Women's Fiction or Chick Lit readers. Oh, and at if you are into recipes check be sure to out the end of this novel for some wonderful recipes that I tried (a few) and did love them!
Profile Image for Kimberly .
73 reviews54 followers
June 19, 2014
Linda Francis Lee has created lighthearted, whimsical, story surrounding food, family, and love. However, the author's writing style left much to be desired. The pace of the story was quite choppy with a great deal happening at once with long periods of nothing in between. At several points, I had to force myself to continue reading. The added element of mysticism was essentially a turn off for me and something I certainly wasn't expecting from this novel. And, I have to admit the sex scenes and vulgar language felt as though they were simply added as an afterthought. No, I'm not a prude when it comes to these attributes in a story as long they enhance the story and are done smoothly and naturally, not just thrown in for effect. Often times the plot itself seemed a bit too predictable and only added to my disappointment with this novel. Overall, this story is typical chick-lit, it does have potential but it just fell flat for me.
Profile Image for Sharon Redfern.
704 reviews22 followers
June 7, 2014
This review is also posted on imainlinefiction.blogspt.com

I absolutely loved this book! When Portia Cuthcart's marriage goes kaput, she takes refuge in the NYC apartment her aunt had left her. Portia had given up a lot for her marriage and her husband paid her back by cheating. Now Portia is reinventing herself and discovering a lost gift she inherited from her grandmother. Portia can whip up a meal that meets the emotional needs of a person who has yet to walk through the door. This "knowing" has caused tragedy in Portia's life so she forced it down and did her best to forget it. Now, Portia is open to the gift although she still has reservations.

Portia meets Gabriel Kane, a gazillionaire who owns the other two apartments in her aunt's building. The minute she meets him, her life changes and she feels the knowing. Gabriel has two daughters who are reeling from their mother's death and being moved to the city. Portia is poor and damaged and Gabriel is rich and damaged. They are perfect for each other!

I enjoyed reading this story and how the characters slowly interact together. Portia and her sisters work through family issues and come together to make a plan for the future. Portia finds herself getting more involved with Gabriel and his family even as she realizes it could hurt her again if things fall apart. Gabriel doesn't do love but he finds himself unable to resist Portia and all she represents. All the while there are secrets that if exposed will rip apart the fragile existence all of the characters are living. Everything is perfectly woven together in this book, good and bad, so that you just can't stop reading for even one minute. Just sit down and start reading and go til you finish, you won't regret it.

On a side note, I am totally enamored with the glass jars on the cover too!
Profile Image for Amanda.
289 reviews6 followers
June 13, 2014
4.5 stars!! This was such an enjoyable read! I am a new fan of Linda Francis Lee and her whimsical and heart warming stories. I the Glass Kitchen the characters were all charming (except for Gabriel who was dreamily cross and beastly) and I loved them all! I loved the use of Shakespearean names to the characters. Portia and her sisters made me love them and Ariel was adorable in her smart and sassy way, her vulnerability making her even more endearing. I even found Miranda to be lovable in her snarky teenage angsty-tantrum throwing way. This book is delightfully written and perfectly delivered this is a book for all lovers of a little magic, a little food and a lot of LOVE!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,197 reviews

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