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Nightingale Books, nestled on the high street in Peasebrook, a picture-postcard Cotswold town, is a dream comes true for booklovers. Everyone who enters falls in love with something.

But owner Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open and the developers are circling. The temptation to sell up is proving enormous - but what about the promise she made to her father? Not to mention her customers, for whom the shop is a comfort, a meeting place, a lifeline.

There's Gary, a stable lad for a nearby trainer, who buys books to read to Nikki, who is lying in a coma. He spends every spare hour at Nikki's bedside, never giving up hope that she will come round.

Betty, who runs a supper club from her tiny cottage, has a huge crush on a man she met and then lost in the cookery section, somewhere Auguste Escoffier and Marco Pierre White.

Mrs Norris repeatedly 'forgets' to pay for her books - and Emilia never has the heart to remind her. But Mrs Norris isn't quite as forgetful as she pretends ...

And then Emilia meets Dexter, local jack-the-lad, who is looking to improve his English so he can better himself. He buys all Emilia's recommendations, and together they re-discover all her favourite authors. But Dexter has a secret, and is not all he seems...

How to Find Love in a Bookshop is the delightful story of Emilia's fight to keep her bookshop alive, the customers whose lives she has touched - and the books they all love.

231 pages, Paperback

First published May 19, 2016

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About the author

Veronica Henry

41 books1,418 followers
Veronica Henry was a television script writer before turning her hand to fiction. She has published sixteen novels which she describes as realistic escapism - her setting are gorgeous, but her characters have problems and dilemmas everyone can identify with.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,124 reviews
Profile Image for emma.
2,149 reviews68.1k followers
January 16, 2020
It should be illegal for this to have been a bad read for me.

Here are my reasons for this:
1) I found it in a used bookshop, which is cute.
2) I found it when I couldn’t stop reading books about bookstores, so. Also cute.
3) AND LOOK AT THE COVER! Cutest of all.

Yet here we are. With that sweet sweet one star rating. And a full page of single-spaced notes.

Everything about this sucks, but mostly because of two overarching, umbrella things that suck.

Firstly, there is no...feeling???

It’s very strange. Two people died, approx 327387219 people fell in love, serious injuries were sustained, accidents occurred, myriad breakups took place before our very eyes...and I felt NONE OF IT. I actually thought that our main character hated her father because of how little emotion her character conveyed when he died. (She adored him. That’s, like, the whole point of the book.)

There are about 80 separate love story plotlines in this. None of them get enough page coverage and about half are never even wrapped up. I forgot about a bunch of them and it sure as hell seems like the author did too. (Not helpful with the whole no-feeling-at-all thing.)

Secondly, men can do no wrong in this. (Bleh gag me with a spoon total full on nightmare UGH.) But it’s true. Every issue that occurs ends up being blamed on the woman half of these unfailingly heterosexual couples.

This was the most anti-feminist book ever. On top of the typical not like other girls stuff (which is already enough to stimulate my gag reflex), there is this pervasive thing throughout this book in which men are NEVER at fault.

A man accidentally impregnates his wife, then spends all his time at work and the pub and leaves her to do all the work? Her fault for being worried about the baby’s health since its birth. (Direct quote.)

A man in a relationship is lusting after the daughter of his dead friend? His girlfriend’s fault, for being...apparently too Parisian? (This does not make any more sense after being covered for 340 pages.)

A man won’t pay attention to his wife, and in fact constantly insults and shouts at her when she tries to speak to him? Her fault, because he has to commute to work in the city. (Again, doesn’t make any more sense with 340 pages behind it.)

This book is nonsense. So it’s like, maybe if the nonsense was covered in more detail, I’d be able to understand its nonsense language a little better...but it would still be nonsense.

Bottom line: U G H.


HARD pass.

review to come / 1 star


if there's a book about a bookstore i wouldn't want to read IMMEDIATELY, i sure haven't found it
Profile Image for Paromjit.
2,959 reviews25.4k followers
April 26, 2016
This is a warm hearted gem of a book! Emilia Nightingale owns Nightingale Books in Peasebrook, a Cotswold town. However, she finds herself in desperate straits trying to keep the book shop open and the property developers are already circling. It would be easier if Emilia sold up, but there is the promise that she made to her dad, Julius. The book shop has a star line up of customers, a colourful and vibrant mix of people. They have their own stories to tell of love, hope, loss and secrets. In their own ways, they bolster Emilia in her times of trouble. Veronica Henry has written a beautiful feelgood story that I certainly am not immune to. I was rooting for Emilia all the way. I love book stores, and for me it made for a fantastic setting. A seamless delight to read from beginning to end. Recommended. Many thanks to Orion for a ARC via netgalley.
Profile Image for Julie.
4,146 reviews38.2k followers
July 30, 2018
How to Find Love in a Bookshop by Veronica Henry is a 2018 Penguin Books publication.

It goes without saying that any book about books will appeal to me. A bookshop with a regular clientele, each with their own story, a few well- guarded secrets, and a healthy dose of sweet romance and you have an irresistible combination.

When Emilia inherits her father’s bookshop, she decides to brush off any attempts to persuade her to accept a buyout. But, unbeknownst to her, there is a plot afoot to make sure she does just that. In the meantime, Emilia gets reacquainted with Peasebrook, and works hard to keep the bookshop many rely on open for business.

First off, the setting: The English Cotswold – enough said. Then we add “Bookshop”- enough said. Then add in secrets, and multiple love stories- well, you get the idea.

This is the kind of book that is hard to find much fault with. It's just to charming and sweet. It might even play well as a Hallmark Channel Movie. It’s THAT kind of book. Most anyone can enjoy this novel, anytime, anywhere. It’s the perfect type of story to enjoy while lying in a hammock, under an umbrella at the beach, or sitting beside a cozy fire, or curled up in your favorite reading nook with a nice glass of wine or a cup of tea.

I loved all those wonderful romances, Emilia and her crush on the 'cookbook' guy. Dillion and his unrequited love, and Jane, who finally reconnects with the guy who broke her heart many years ago, for starters. But, even with all that romance in the air, there are sinister forces at work, and Emilia will be faced with nearly insurmountable odds, which makes selling out more and more tempting every day.

Obviously, this is a very light, easy to read story, one that exudes charm and warmth. This is a book meant for book lovers who already know the importance of bookshops and the magic that can be found there.

4 stars
Profile Image for Dash fan .
1,481 reviews718 followers
June 23, 2017
5☆ Beautifully written

Before Emillia's father passes away, he makes Emillia promise to keep the Nightingale book store open.

Julius opened the book store to help support Emillia and himself. As he was a single parent.
The story of Julius and the Nightingale book store was beautiful and compelling.
So you can understand why he so desperately want Emillia to keep the book store open.

Nightingale book shop reminds me of those gorgeous quaint book shops you find, where the owner knows every single book in the store and has a personal connection with each one and when you walk inside you just know you will find something very special. A true Gem!

It's a place that oozes Charm and welcomes everybody. Whether it's for a friendly chat, or to find a special book or present or just a place to escape.

Emillia knows how special the book shop is but what she wasn't aware of, was the fact her father was having financial troubles as the book shop wasn't making a profit. So she has a huge decision as to whether she can turn the Nightingale's around or sell up.

So when Jackson who works for the property developer comes sniffing round trying to entice Emillia into selling them the book store she is in for a tough ride.
Can she resist he's charm!

What I loved most about this book was the beautiful characters. Each character offering something very special to the book shop and story. The community is close and they all pull together to help Emillia with her decision.

I loved learning about the characters and each had their own unique story to tell.
For example you have Sarah the lady of the Manor who used to visit Nightingale to have a break from the pressures of the Manor, then you have Thomasina who has a passion for cooking and cookbooks... Which I can relate too as my collection is ever growing. She teaches cooking at the school which I think is so special.

But each character shares one thing in common the love of Nightingale's.

Emillia is so strong, she is dealing with the grief of her father's death and now coming to terms with owning her father's legacy.
She has big boots to fill, but she is perfect for the role. She has special memories within Nightingale's and her strength shines through.

For me How to find love in a bookshop is such a gem of a book. I don't think I have come across such a unique and special story like this in a while.

This book oozes Charm, strength, passion, Romance, Beautiful books, a compelling yet feel good read!
Thoroughly recommend to all book lovers. The perfect read.

I received this book from the Publisher in exchange for a honest and fair review via Netgalley.
Profile Image for Svetlana.
49 reviews182 followers
September 23, 2017
4/4.5 stars

"Books told you things, everything you needed to know, but you didn't talk back to them."

When I started reading this book, I felt a little disappointed because I couldn't connect to the story or the characters. But as I read on, it turned out to be much more than I expected. I devoured the story and I loved it! I was feeling quite low and was going into a teeny tiny reading slump - every reader's nightmare of course, but this was just so uplifting! It made me smile and gave me some good hearty laughs. I was hooked and I didn't even realise it. Every time I picked up the book I just got lost in the story *wipes tear* I love when that happens. This was a beautiful story. I utterly loved the writing style and adored the characters.

This is about Emilia who tries to save her family business after her father's passing, a bookstore called Nightingale Books. The story does not solely focus on Emilia, it also conveys the lives and struggles of several other characters who are all connected to the bookstore and each other in some way. I was very fond of some of the characters. Dillon was just cute and adorable and damn I wouldn't mind me a Dillon. A lot of these characters were flawed and at times did not make the best of choices, and yet I found myself sympathetic towards them.

Even though Emilia's father was not physically present, you still felt him throughout the book. He was greatly honoured and loved by those who knew him, and Emilia cherished her father. The way his character was portrayed, I felt as if I knew him very well myself.

Veronica Henry certainly has a way with words. She's written a brilliant, heartfelt story that book-lovers would enjoy. This was about love, loss, grief and friendship. The love was not necessarily romantic, it was about the love one has for their parents, their children, their friends, the community. Books like this are why I adore reading; they're so pleasant and make you feel good. I would definitely like to pick up more by this author.

"That's the trouble with books. You can never choose your favourite."
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books379 followers
March 4, 2017
Four and a half stars.
Who could resist a book with a title like this? Certainly not me. I fell in love with this book from the first page of the prologue set in 1983. And when Emilia is sitting at her father’s bedside while he is dying 32 years later, I was right there with tears in my eyes too. The description of a daughter’s grief upon the death of a much loved parent was one I could all too readily associate with. Julius Nightingale had owned and run Nightingale Books in the Cotswold town of Peasebrook. Emilia promises to keep the shop going in memory of her father. But can she do it?
The book focuses not only on Emilia but others in this small town for whom the bookshop and its owner have been a refuge and a source of gentle love and encouragement. There are three townsfolk in particular for whom the bookshop has brought great changes. One is Sarah, owner of Peasebrook Manor. Another is Jackson who seeks to connect with his young son through books and seeks Emilia’s help. The third is Thomasina, a cookery teacher who has a secret crush. There are others who play their part as well. And although Julius dies early in the book his presence is felt throughout.
I loved getting to know these characters and I loved the setting of the bookshop and the references throughout to various books and authors. I did have a chuckle at this comment though, ’Books told you things, everything you needed to know, but you didn’t talk back to them.’ I have to say I am one who has talked back at times. It is obvious this is a book about and for people who love to read and value books. One quote I loved was when Jackson, who comes to reading late, discovers why people read books. ’So that was why people read. Because books explained things: how you thought and how you behaved, and made you realise you were not alone in doing what you did or feeling what you felt.’ Exactly!
This is, without doubt, a feel good book although there are moments when you wonder if things will all pan out as you hope. It is a charming and entertaining book that I thoroughly enjoyed, except for a couple of minor things. A recommended read for all who love books and reading.
Profile Image for Evie.
467 reviews63 followers
November 5, 2017
"The whole point of life was you couldn't ever be sure what would happen next. Sometimes what happened was good, sometimes not, but there were always surprises."

This was a delightful, confectionary read! Such an immense joy to read. I don't generally pick up romancey novels, but I love a good romantic angle in my literary and classic fiction. This had all the feels, and I do mean all, because it centered around a bookshop at the center of a small village in the Cotswolds. Literary references and allusions all over the place! I've never seen so many book loving characters in one space. If you're in the mood for something light but filling—a little sad at times, but redeeming in every sense of the word—then you should get your hands on a copy of this book. I dare you not to love it.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,990 reviews510 followers
February 27, 2024
This one came up on one of my Facebook memories, sharing that I had read and reviewed this book on February 27, 2018.

I am now bringing my review to Goodreads.

I remember reading this quote about the book…

"The enchanting story of a bookshop, its devoted new owner, its loyal customers, and the extraordinary power of books to heal the heart."

And, being a reader who loves anything about books, libraries or bookshops, this book appealed to me for those very reasons shared in that quote.

So, I wasn’t disappointed.

Any time I am in a bookshop, I can’t help but appreciate browsing and wondering which book is going to speak to me and say those important words…

‘Take me home!’

For me, this book is a love letter to books and the shops that sell them. In this way, it was truly heartfelt, even if the love stories mixed throughout the book were a bit tepid.

Still, the flow of the story works and easily falls into place for readers.

Besides, who doesn’t find a story about a bookstore, a little bit magical?

Profile Image for Richard Derus.
3,210 reviews2,108 followers
June 19, 2021
Real Rating: 3.25* of five, rounded down because once a philosopher....

$1.99 on Kindle!

Very good chick lit. The bookstore setting is delightful. The characters are all Central Casting stereotypes and that's just fine because not having to work out what each one of the six PoV characters was which was part of what made this a Sunday read.

It's possible to score the movie that this book will engender just from the mentions of music in the text. Joni Mitchell all the way to dreary, stolid Elgar by way of the inimitable, ineffable Saint-Saëns "The Swan" on cello.

A happy means to wile the hours away when that's all that one wants to do.

Favorite quotes:
There's a book for everyone, even if they don't think there is. A book that reaches in and grabs your soul.

So that was why people read. Because books explained things: how you thought, and how you behaved, and made you realise you were not alone in doing what you did or feeling what you felt.

It's a fact.
She knew now that everyone had heartbreak in their life at some point. What had happened didn't make her special or unusual. It was part of being human. A broken heart was, after all, the source material of myriad books. Some of those books had become her comfort, and had made her realize she was not alone.

Why the world of books is so important to me.
After all, a town without a bookshop was a town without a heart.

...and sadly, I live in one of those. *teardrop*
Profile Image for TS Chan.
757 reviews914 followers
June 23, 2019
This was such a charming read; one that I have picked up because I was attracted by its title and cover design depicting one of those enchanting English bookshops. The allure of a story about a bookshop (and by natural extension, books) was just too irresistible, and as such, despite my typical apprehension with romantic novels, I knew that I would attempt reading this book.

And with that, I dipped my toes into the Prologue and came across this beautiful passage which charmed me immediately.

Now that he was here, in Peasebrook, he wanted it to be his home - their home. It was a mystery, though, why there was no bookshop in such an appealing place.

After all, a town without a bookshop was a town without a heart.

Julius imagined each person he passed as a potential customer. He could picture them all, crowding in, asking his advice, him sliding their purchases into a bag, getting to know their likes and dislikes, putting a book aside for a particular customer, knowing it would be just up their alley. Watching them browse, watching the joy of them discovering a new author, a new world.

How to Find Love in A Bookshop is a story about a daughter who took over her father's bookshop in his passing and her struggle in keeping her promise to ensure it stays open in the idyllic village of Peasebrook. Julius was a bookseller of the best kind, but the worse possible businessman. It was an uphill task for Emilia to revive the financial health of the bookshop, even with the help from close friends and the support of a literary community that adored her father.

It was the sort of bookshop that stole time.

This novel reminded me of feel-good movies like "Love Actually" - it is not so much a love story, but a story about love. It is about a daughter's love for her father. It also is about parental love, falling in love, rekindled love and even forbidden love. And of course, it is about bookish love. Nightingale Books is the centrepiece of the tale which brings the characters and their stories together. Although the story is predictable, the abundance of literary references and allusions made it quite enthralling.

There's a book for everyone, even if they don't think there is. A book that reaches in and grabs your soul.

I am thrilled to have found his delightfully heartwarming novel - it was just what I needed with all my heavy science fiction and fantasy reads of late. While it is cosy fiction, its moments of sadness and poignancy made the story about a beloved bookshop and the ability of books to heal and change one's life more captivating. Ultimately, it evokes that indefinable quality of local bookshops where one can browse its shelves, touch and smell the books, talk to the booksellers, and meet fellow like-minded readers (and even fall in love, possibly).

You can purchase the book from Amazon | Book Depository (Free shipping worldwide)

You can also find this, and my other reviews at Novel Notions.
Profile Image for Lucy.
508 reviews112 followers
February 19, 2022
Heartwarming story about Emilia (owner of Nightingale Books) and her customers. If you enjoy cozy stories about close-knit communities in small village settings, you'll likely enjoy this one. Especially because what brings everyone together is the bookstore.

Overall, this is a cozy story about friendship, love, and new beginnings. I enjoyed the storyline and setting, but could've done with a few less characters. At times, it felt like just too many to keep track of. Even so, this is a charming story; perfect for any time of the year.

3.5 rounded up
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,666 reviews29.6k followers
December 23, 2021
When the owner of a beloved English bookshop dies, his daughter and his customers must find a way to carry on, in Veronica Henry's How to Find Love in a Bookshop .

“…a town without a bookshop was a town without a heart.”

Nightingale Books was truly a fixture in its small English town, and its owner, Julius, was a friend, confidante, and counselor (and sometimes more) for his customers. When he dies, his daughter Emilia as well as his customers are at a loss.

The shop has been a part of Emilia's life since she was an infant. How can she fill her father’s shoes? And with the shop in financial peril and developers becoming more aggressive with their offers to buy the store, how can she keep the promise she made to her father to keep the bookshop open?

Emilia’s story is juxtaposed with those of a few of the shop’s customers who looked to Julius for more than book recommendations, and need to figure out how to get on with their lives.

Parts of this book made my heart full and made me tear up, but at times the book got bogged down in more stereotypical plot lines. I could’ve done without the evil developers and the love triangle pitting rich against poor. Those side stories were what kept me from truly loving this book, which I so wanted to do.

Still, give me a book about bookshops and how reading can heal us and I’m here for all of it!!

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Odette Brethouwer.
1,597 reviews288 followers
February 13, 2017
This is the perfect book for all the booklovers in the world.

In this book, a small bookshop place the main role. Every character in this book has some connection with the little shop, that sounds like heaven on earth.

This book puts into words why I love my new job in a bookstore SO MUCH. This is one of my favorite books now.

This book is full of booklove and it just fills my heart with warmth and love.

Just read this, if you love books. Trust me.
Profile Image for Lee.
55 reviews16 followers
December 4, 2016
I had this on my to-read list for a while after seeing a friend put it on the same goodreads shelf. The title hooked me immediately because what could be better than finding your one true love in the best of shops: those which sell books? The kindle edition was reduced on Amazon last week so I caved and bought another book.

The premise was charming and the main characters were actually ones I found myself liking from the off. But therein lay my main problem with this novel - there were just so many characters in quite a small story. I liked them all individually which makes it difficult to choose which I would have preferred to not read about but some needed cut so that the remaining couples could flourish and have their development charted properly. Instead, it felt stilted as within a single page the author could jump between telling of three pairs without any kind of break in format. Then there were also time jumps that should have been held off for a lot longer on each occasion, to be honest I don't really know when in the year the book started and it may have been better to have each chapter as a countdown to Alice's wedding date (think Love Actually style).

There were cute characters who you could imagine would be great in a standalone novel - the high school cookery teacher, Thomasina, and cheese shop worker, Jem, spring straight to mind as we get to know a bit about her and see her expand her pop-up restaurant but we don't know anything about him. They are a couple that are heartwarming and I just want to read about more interactions and how her young protege gets on afterwards.

I know novels don't simply begin at the start of a character's life but there feels like so much we never got to see between the characters prior to the death of the original book store owner (Julius, whose own story and secrets would have been great to read on their own) that the reader couldn't dream of pretending to know. Mia and Jackson suffer from this problem as we just get a lot of information about where he is staying and no actual backstory as to what really happened.

Don't get me wrong, it was a charming idea and there wasn't really anything wrong with the writing but feeling a connection with the characters throughout a book and understanding their motives is important, and this didn't create that in me.
Profile Image for Louise Wilson.
3,153 reviews1,666 followers
August 31, 2016
In the idyllic town of Peasebrook in the Cotswolds is thee Nightingayle Book Shop. Owner Emillia Nightingayle is struggling to keep the shop open. Her father Julius bought the shop and the flat above when Emillia was just a baby.

With her father on his deathbed, Emillia comes home from abroad then took the shop over when he died. The temptation to sell the shop is overwhelming but she had made a promise to keep the shop open.

This is a lighthearted tale of the love the customers have for the shop. The escape from their problems, advice on books to read and the friendly staff. A delightful story of Emillia's fight to keep the shop open.

I would like to thank Net Galley, Orion Publishing Group and the author Verionica Henry for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,650 reviews336 followers
August 14, 2018
One of the things that drew me to this story was the title. For book lovers and those who are addicted to reading, the best place in the world is a bookstore. Especially one that is unique, and offers hours of escape. So it would only be fitting that one could and would find love in a bookstore.

This story is a delightful read. It is a story about a secret love but also family love and finding love when you least expect it. Most of the story is set in a small town and the characters revolve around the bookstore and those involved in the small community. A place where everyone knows and supports you.

The author structured the story in a unique manner and there are many characters that we are introduced to and follow throughout their quest for companionship and ultimately love.

Quaint, quirky, and beautifully written and developed, this women’s fiction is a deep look at the fact that you never know when you find the person meant for you or even where. Just be open to all possibilities.

* copy received for review consideration
Profile Image for Love Fool.
307 reviews107 followers
April 18, 2017
Everyone has a story . . . but will they get the happy ending they deserve?

Nightingale Books loses it's beloved owner and gains his daughter. The books store is in debt and needs an uplift. A sleazy wealthy contractor wants to buy the store to make it a parking lot for his apartment building that he is building. Emilia has a decision to make, keep the store and honor her father or sell and not burden herself.

Several clients of Nightingale Books have their own problems to deal with, and the book store connects all of them. Will they find their happy ending?

This reminded me of Love Actually... which is an amazing thing. I love the different stories. I can see this book become a limited series. Veronica Henry gained a new reader.
May 13, 2021
Fair Warning to All Book-Lovers Who Read This!... After finishing, you will immediately have the urge to go and establish your own bookstore!

Memorable Quotes:
(Pg. 12)-“Her father was still here, thought Emilia, in the thousands of pages. Millions- there must be so many millions-of words. All those words, and the pleasure they had provided for people over the years: escape, entertainment, education... He had changed minds. He had changed lives. It was up to her to carry on his work so he would live on, she swore to herself. Julius Nightingale would live forever.”
Profile Image for Linda .
1,874 reviews303 followers
November 19, 2018
Have you ever started to read a story and wondered if you made a mistake? You checked the editorial description and it showed promise. You viewed the ratings and you knew others enjoyed the content. But the first few chapters felt off? That is what I thought when I started How To Find Love In Bookshop.

And so began a story of before and after, heartache and healing, life and death, and new beginnings and never-endings. With characters who gloried in names like Julius, Thomasina and Marlowe, be ready to settle for the charm and eccentricity of the British countryside. There were twists and turns and some unexpected things happened. Just the kind that life throws at you but nothing to bring you down.

The further I read, the more endearing the characters became. New friendships were made, secrets surfaced, and several characters ‘went around the moon to meet the sun.’ How To Find Love In A Bookshop was a level above comfort reading and I was sorry to see it end.

Welcome to Peasebrook in the Cotswolds.
Profile Image for Leigh Kramer.
Author 1 book1,291 followers
April 20, 2018
How To Find Love In A Bookshop was off to a promising start. I can usually tell fairly early on what my rating will be, barring any unexpected changes, and this was going to be a pretty solid 4 stars. 

It had book-lovers and a bookstore and romance. What else did my book nerd heart need?

Unfortunately, the story also included two of my big pet peeves. Pet peeve might not be the right way to put it. When I run into either of these things in a novel, I kind of shrivel up inside because I just can't handle it. The elements at least partially kill my enjoyment of the story. This is 100% my personal preference. Plenty of people have read this novel and not been bothered by these elements and there's no judgment on my part. 

This is a delightful novel in so many ways and I'm glad I read it. I loved the story of how Julian came to open the bookstore and what it means to the community. I loved how Emilia essentially grew up in the bookshop and how this formed her, even though she went away. Deciding to take the bookshop on after her father's death was no small task and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing how she handled the challenges.

In addition to flashbacks with Julian's story and Emilia's perspective as the novel's glue, we also get to know some of the villager's stories and how Julian and the bookstore figures into their lives. Of those, my favorite story belonged to Thomasina, an extremely shy cook who meets a man while browsing the cookbooks at Nightingale Books. Of course, it's possible that was my favorite story because it's essentially my dream to fall in love while at a bookstore. It's a pity this novel didn't come with a how to manual. ;)

So that's all well and good but then along came my pet peeves. I'm going to say what they are but not the particulars so as not to spoil the story. Like I said, this is my personal preference. We all read books through the lens of our own experiences and beliefs.

I can read about people behaving very badly and not be overly bothered by it but these things do bother me and mar my reading experience. The first is infidelity, especially when we are essentially supposed to root for the lovers to be together. I just can't do it. If someone is in an unhappy marriage, then either fix it or leave. I couldn't understand the characters' decisions in this novel and had a very hard time extending any sympathy.

The second thing is when someone is dating an awful person and everyone knows it but them...and everyone decides not to say anything. Even when the person is going to marry the jackhole! I strongly believe if you see red flags in a person's character, you owe it to your friend or loved one to say something. You can be gracious in how you say it and then it's up to your friend as to what they do with the information. So for characters to not say something in this instance about killed me and I did not care for how the storyline was resolved. Nor do I think it reflected well on the character who dated the awful person.

Aside from these two instances, this was an enjoyable and cozy read, a great pick for a chilly winter day. It's hard to resist an ode to book lovers, just as it's hard not to dream about working at a bookstore again someday.

Disclosure: I received an ARC from Pamela Dorman Books via Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Wendi Lee.
Author 1 book476 followers
August 10, 2017
*Thank you to First to Read for an ARC*

I have to be absolutely honest. I don't read cozy fiction very often, so "How to Find Love in a Book Shop" is a bit of an outlier for me. But I found it quite charming and easy to read.

When her father passes away, Emilia finds herself the new owner of Nightingale Books, the only bookstore in small town Peasebrook. The bookstore is more than just a commodity, it's a place full of secrets, dreams, and love. The patrons are wistful and pleasant, and their stories wind together in a satisfying way. Think of Stars Hollow, with slightly less eccentric supporting characters. As the title states, there is love to be had, including for Emilia. There is also the deep love of books, and how that love connects otherwise dissimilar people, touching lives.

Everything is very tidily wrapped up at the end. This would normally bother me, but it seemed perfect for this book. All in all, it was an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Yoda.
576 reviews130 followers
March 29, 2017
How to Find Love in a Bookshop isn´t the most shocking book I´ve ever read, it doesn´t have any plot twist, not one I can remember at least. But its such a lovely, lovely book I could not put it down. Even though you know how its going to end from the start its really nice.
You get to know a lot of characters, they all have different life stories, and different problems. The only thing that connects them is a lovely bookshop in a small town they all live in.
I know I say "lovely" a lot right now, but that is really the only way to describe this 100% feel good book.
I lost my reading motivation for a few weeks, but this book brought it back.
Profile Image for Andrea.
815 reviews174 followers
December 30, 2019
I can’t think of any reader that doesn’t want to read about a bookshop. This was fluffy and fun.
Profile Image for Negin.
673 reviews150 followers
March 10, 2019
This book was an absolute delight. Yes, the story may have felt a bit predictable at times, but sometimes that’s what we need. This is the first book that I’ve read by Veronica Henry, and I look forward to reading more.

It’s set in a quaint and lovely village in the Cotswolds, my favorite place in all of England – atmospheric and heavenly. We visited there a few years ago and I spent some time in a small bookshop that seemed similar to the one described in this story. I wish that there was a bookshop like that near me. I wouldn’t mind owning one.

Some of my favorite quotes:

“After all, a town without a bookshop was a town without a heart.”

“… happy people don’t try to make other people feel bad.”

“There’s a book for everyone, even if they don’t think there is. A book that reaches in and grabs your soul.”

“You have to have cake while you’re reading. It’s the law.”

“’Books are more precious than jewels.’ She truly believed this. What did a diamond bring you? A momentary flash of brilliance. A diamond scintillated for a second; a book could scintillate forever.”
Profile Image for Cisz Geverink - Strasters.
829 reviews33 followers
May 25, 2022
"Er is voor iedereen een boek, ook al denken ze zelf vaak van niet. Een boek dat je van binnen raakt en je bij je ziel grijpt.' ~ p128.

Dit is echt een boek die je als boekenliefhebber voelt tot in je hart. Wat een prachtig verhaal is dit, niet normaal. Dit geeft zo goed mijn liefde voor boeken weer, en wat de kracht is dit; Liefde voor boeken bindt zoveel mensen.

"Oké, ik geef het toe. Ik heb een hele stapel lievelingsboeken. Dat is het probleem met boeken. Je hebt nooit maar één favoriet. Het hangt af van je stemming.' ~ p237

In dit prachtige verhaal van Veronica Henry staat de boekwinkel van Julius Nightingale centraal. Na zijn overlijden komt deze in handen van zijn dochter Emilia. Hoewel ze haar vader belooft heeft dat ze zijn werk zou voortzetten, is de verleiding soms groot om de winkel te verkopen. Weet Emilia haar draai te vinden in zowel de winkel als Peasebrook?
Ik heb echt van elke pagina van dit verhaal genoten. Elke verhaallijn, elk personage weet op zijn of haar manier iets aan het verhaal toe te voegen. Daar waar andere boeken soms te onrustig worden door meerdere verhaallijnen, maakte het hier juist het verhaal completer. En de manier waarop de auteur Nightingale Boeken tot leven brengt, maakt het bijna echt. Ik voelde de warmte van de winkel en kon tijdens het lezen bijna met mijn vingers langs de rijen boeken strelen. Als fanatiek lezer wil je hier heen, uren snuffelen in de winkel die Julius heeft gemaakt tot wat hij is. Om vervolgens een hapje te gaan eten bij A deux, of te genieten van de mooie tuinen van Landgoed Peasebrook Wat een genot om te lezen!

"Dat was dus waarom mensen lazen. Omdat boeken dingen uitlegden, hoe je dacht en hoe je je gedroeg. En ze lieten je beseffen dat je niet alleen stond in dat doen wat je deed en voelen wat je voelde." ~ p272.

Dit was mijn eerste boek van deze auteur en ik denk echt dat het liefde op het eerste boek is. Hier ga ik zeker meer van lezen! Dikke "deze-moet-je-gewoon-echt-lezen" 5 sterren. ♡
Profile Image for Darla.
3,930 reviews890 followers
August 14, 2017
There were lots of characters in this book with intertwined stories--all connected to Nightingale Books. Emilia's father Julius started Nightingale Books shortly after becoming a father and a widower on the same day. When he dies of cancer, Emilia returns home from Hong Kong to continue his work and discovers just how much Julius and the bookstore were impacting their community.

This book reminded me of "Nine Women, One Dress" by Jane Rosen and other chicklit readers who enjoyed that book will love this one.

As a librarian, I especially appreciated the starring role of books and their power to heal, inspire and educate.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,124 reviews

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