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Да си вярна на себе си, понякога е напълно достатъчно...

Животът на Либи изведнъж се обърква. Тя губи едновременно работата, апартамента и годеника си.

Либи е принудена да се върне в родното си градче, за да обмисли бъдещето си. Там обаче среща мъжа, чието сърце е разбила. Дори след десет години Пит Бенет все още е способен да преобърне света й. Но тя е последният човек, когото той иска да види.

Всичко в малкия град навява на Либи спомени от щастливото й детство. Тя е посрещната радушно от приятели и роднини, което й напомня колко й е липсвало родното място.

Но точно когато е напът да се помири с Пит, Либи получава страхотно предложение за работа и възможност да се върне в Ню Йорк.

И тя отново е на кръстопът...

272 pages, Paperback

First published May 21, 2013

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About the author

Jenny Hale

26 books1,578 followers
Jenny Hale is a USA Today, Amazon, and international bestselling author of romantic contemporary fiction. Her books have sold worldwide, have been translated into multiple languages, and adapted for television. Her novels Coming Home for Christmas and Movie Guide Epiphany Award winner Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses are Hallmark Channel original movies.

She was included in Oprah Magazine’s “19 Dreamy Summer Romances to Whisk You Away” and Southern Living’s “30 Christmas Novels to Start Reading Now.” Her stories are chock-full of feel-good romance and overflowing with warm settings, great friends, and family.

Jenny is at work on her next novel, delighted to be bringing even more heartwarming stories to her readers. When she isn’t writing, or heading up her romantic fiction imprint Harpeth Road, she can be found running around her hometown of Nashville with her husband, two boys, and their labradoodle, taking pictures—her favorite pastime.

Visit www.itsjennyhale.com to get my latest book! You can also chat with me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jennyhaleauthor, Twitter: www.twitter.com/jhaleauthor, and IG: www.instagram.com/jhaleauthor

See all my books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jenny-Hale/e/B...

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Profile Image for Victoria .
138 reviews3 followers
May 11, 2021
„Да си вярна на себе си, понякога е напълно достатъчно.“

До осемнайсетгодишна възраст Либи живее в родното си градче Уайтстоун, но амбициите на майка ѝ я предизвикват да кандидатства в престижен университет от Бръшляновата лига. Тези висши училища се отличават със забележителното си академично качество и високи критерии за прием. Либи избира Колумбийския университет, за да продължи образованието си и заминава в Ню Йорк. Разделя се с всичко познато, приключва и връзката с колежанската ѝ любов Пийт, тъй като двамата са на различно мнение за бъдещето им.

Либи възприема сериозно възможностите за изграждане на стабилна и успешна кариера в Ню Йорк. Там тя се запознава с хора, които имат същите мечти и надежди като нея, които са полагали неимоверни усилия да се реализират. Ежедневното съревнование, постигането на значими резултати, издигането до неподозирани висоти и развиване на пълния ѝ потенциал, мотивират главната героиня да продължава да живее в Ню Йорк и дори да го нарече дом.

Един ден светът ѝ се преобръща, след като е съкратена от счетоводната фирма, годеника ѝ я напуска и остава без апартамент. Започва да се съмнява в себе си и постиженията си, измъчва се с въпроси дали е достатъчно добра, умна и квалифицирана. Болката ѝ е огромна, години планиране и лишения са разбити, чувства живота си като провал. Либи се прибира в крайбрежното градче Уайтстоун и не се чувства приета със скъпите си дизайнерски дрехи и изтънчени обноски. Кой би могъл да разбере потребността ѝ от свобода да се разхожда сред непознати и да не бъде обезпокоявана постоянно? Всяка прекарана минута в Уайтстоун ѝ напомня за пропиляното време за осигуряване на добри доходи за пълноценен живот в Ню Йорк, град, в който да покори още върхове.
Либи отлично знае, че успее ли ��а открие начин да се върне в Голямата ябълка, ще подреди и осъществи приоритетите си.

Дните ѝ в крайбрежното градче са изпълнени със семейни вечери, разходки по плажа и ремонт на къщата. Живее на бавни обороти и осъзнава, че това ще ѝ липсва: да послуша песните на птиците, морския бриз, събиранията на приятелските семейства, огненото тържество. Либи не може да си представи отново да се сбогува с Пийт, когато двамата най-сетне са намерили път един към друг.

В любовта няма място за егоизъм и Либи разбира това с цената на разбитото си сърце. Себичната ѝ природа, помагала ѝ да бъде перфектна в работата си, трябва да бъде потисната, за да позволи на щастието да се появи в живота ѝ.
Възможно е да обичаме някого не заради успехите, постиженията, амбицията, дизайнерските дрехи, а заради топлата усмивка, загрижеността и силата да отстоява себе си.

Творчеството на Джени Хейл ми въздейства успокояващо, сякаш съм се понесла върху облак и чета любимата си книга. Лекотата, с която рисува вътрешния свят на главната героиня и обърканите ѝ чувства, я прави една от най-приятните авторки на романтични произведения.
Profile Image for Sophie.
566 reviews33 followers
January 28, 2015

Review also on my blog http://www.reviewedthebook.co.uk/2014...

Before I start, let’s just admire that gorgeous cover for a second… Love Me for Me is billed as a feel-good book but I’ll be honest, I didn’t really get that. Maybe I’m just an emotional wreck but I sobbed the whole way through it. It was definitely heart-warming but I didn’t really get the feel-good vibe, or at least not until I finished the book and thought about what a beautiful story it was.

Libby has moved back home after her dream life in New York has fallen apart. Her engagement broken off and her job lost, she’s back to face the world she left behind all those years ago. As Libby confronts her relationships with her mother, with her ex-boyfriend Pete and a lot of other names from her past, we learn more about why she left and the people she’d left too. At first, I found Libby a little difficult to like because she seemed a bit stuck up but I did warm to her around the time she saw Hugh again and seemed more emotional and regretful.

Love Me for Me seemed to combine two touching stories into one. We see Libby, trying to find herself and discover how she can be truly happy. Pete and her mum and friends like Jeanie each had their own feelings on the matter but it was moving seeing Libby’s journey throughout this book. It felt real and believable too because you can be young and think you want something so badly but then end up with doubts because things change and people learn to appreciate things differently.

The other story in Love Me for Me was the one which got to me so much – Hugh’s dementia. Jenny Hale wrote this in such a sensitive and moving way – it was written incredibly. I know how dementia can affect a family and so I know how right Jenny got this. Seeing Hugh’s good and bad days, the way Pete coped with looking after him, the way Hugh felt, it was all done so perfectly. This just sums up Love Me for Me. It’s a gorgeous novel with wonderful characters and such a meaningful plot, one which I think everyone can learn from.


*Book gifted for honest review.
Profile Image for Simona.
613 reviews119 followers
May 23, 2014
*Book provided by the publisher and author in exchange for an honest review*

Thank you Kim for sending me Jenny’s new novel, I was over the moon, when it landed in my inbox. Jenny is such a sweetheart and an excellent writer.

The cover of Love Me for me is absolutely stunning and beautiful. I love the couple with the balloons and the colours fit together perfectly. A romantic, girly and catchy cover, I love it ♥

On to this beautiful, emotional and sweet story now.

Libby left her hometown White Stone just after high school, to have a successful life in New York. She also left behind her high school sweetheart Pete. He wanted to stay and she wanted to get away. So they weren’t right for each other, weren’t they?

Then 12 years later she returns. She lost her job and her fiancé breaks up with her. Back in White Stone all the memories come back. She renovates a cottage that was part of her childhood and wants to sell it and she wants to get back to New York as soon as possible.

Of course Pete is there as well and it’s weird seeing him again. He is still hurt and talking about everything not only brings back her feelings for him, but she also seems to realise that she can’t have him. Their scenes for so adorable, emotional and real and their chemistry was there all the time. I loved reading about small gestures that happened and that they got closer again, having fun and being reminded of their past.

Pete is great. He’s caring for his grandfather like a star, has his own business and can be a real sweetheart if he wants. It seems to be hard for him to be around Libby again and sometimes he’s cold and distant, but then again he is just perfect. Libby realises more and more that what she has in White Stone isn’t bad. Firstly, Pete the love of her life is here and her mother and friends.
She is on a journey to discover what is really important in life for her and all these people in White Stone are a significant part of it. I enjoyed being part of her journey every step of the way and I didn’t like Pete being so stubborn, but I understood why he acted like that.

Pete being distant and then also rejecting her, makes it so hard and she finds herself back in new York. But can she really be happy there? She misses Pete like crazy and not only him. What will happen when she returns?

This story is a wonderful, emotional roller-coaster for Libby and Pete and Jenny found a great way to include us readers in it. I felt like being there and the scenes were so real and vivid.

Libby figuring out who she is and what she wants in life surrounded by family, friends and love. All the characters were so lovely and brought so much spark into the story. Libby is such a sweet “girl” and Pete, oh wow, let’s say I found another book boyfriend.

The ending is almost unbearable with decisions, which have to be made and then again sweet, adorable and touching. White Stone sounds like a lovely and peaceful place, I could definitely imagine living there. The beach is an amazing addition ;)

Love Me for me is the perfect and sweet story of a woman finding her way in life in such a emotional and wonderful way. A Must read, I loved it ♥♥♥
Profile Image for Цвети Запрева.
61 reviews5 followers
June 19, 2022
"Да си вярна на себе си, понякога е напълно достатъчно... "

Здравейте, книжни другарчета 🤗 днес ще Ви разкажа една история за любовта, приятелството и грешките, които допускаме в името на това някой друг да бъде щастлив.

В Ню Йорк загубила работата си и когато годеникът й я напуска Либи е принудена да се върне в родното си градче и да обмисли бъдещето си.
Настанявайки се във вилата, закупена от нея и бившия й годеник, тя възнамерява да я реставрира и да я продаде.
Почти веднага след пристигането си среща мъжа, чийто сърце е разбила.
Дори и след 12 години Пийт Бенет все още е способен да преобърне света й.
Времето прекарано в Уайтстоун сред любимите й хора кара Либи да погледне на градчето по друг начин.
Подтиквана цял живот от майка си да работи здраво, винаги да иска най-доброто, но не за себе си.. а за майка й, Либи няма възможност да го види през собствените си очи, да види неговата красота и уют.
А Пийт - той май никога не е спирал да я обича..
А в момента, в който Либи получава нова работа в Ню Йорк тя отново е на кръстопът..

Дали времето прекарано с най-важният човек за нея няма да промени мирогледа й?
Ще разберете ако прочетете книгата 🙂 ,която определено ще бъде ваш верен приятел през лятната почивка 🏖
Препоръчвам я на тези, които обичат любовните романи, книгите за лято, море, вълни.. и една красива любов.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Meredith Schorr.
Author 15 books889 followers
July 29, 2016
I really enjoyed this book - it actually made me, a lifelong city girl, long to move to a small town where everyone knew me - somewhere near the beach. It felt like the kind of book that gets made into a Hallmark movie. There were beautiful descriptions and I loved many of the characters including Pop and Jeanine.

The only thing that bothered me was that Libby was constantly apologizing to Pete or chastising herself for being so selfish when Pete never once offered to compromise anything. It was his way or the highway and he was always telling her that SHE was the selfish one when he was incredibly rigid and sometimes a bit cruel to her. I wished at least once, Libby would have called him out on this - she lacked a backbone.
Profile Image for **Sognatrice di libri**.
1,412 reviews164 followers
January 30, 2020
3 stelle e 1/2

Una lettura carina ma anche triste e dolce allo stesso tempo.
Devo dire che la parte migliore di questa lettura sono i ricordi che ha la protagonista Libby della sua adolescenza e delle persone che la circondano per tutto il libro; purtroppo la parte dolente di questo libro è che le insicurezze e testardaggini di Libby, che si ripetono più volte nel libro, sono la parte che rallenta questa lettura.
L'epilogo è la parte che mi è piaciuta di più anche se erano solo poche pagine.
Profile Image for Holly.
105 reviews136 followers
July 22, 2016
In Love Me for Me we meet Jenny who, having fallen on difficult times has returned to White Stone, her hometown where she grew up…and also the place that her younger self couldn’t wait to get away from.
Poor Libby’s been having a rough time; she went from having a high-flying career in New York with the perfect job and the perfect boyfriend, to…well…nothing.
Libby and her ex boyfriend, Wade, bought the cottage in White Stone together, but after losing her job the only thing Wade seemed to lose interest in was Libby and the pair broke up. This leads to Libby staying at the cottage in an attempt to make some renovations in order for a quick sale.
To complicate matters further Libby’s childhood town of White Stone holds a lot of memories and doesn’t seemed to have changed much since she was last there. Her childhood sweetheart, Pete, still lives there and is shocked to find Libby back after she seemingly walked out on him for a ‘better life’ all those years ago. There’s also the fact that her cottage used to belong to Pete’s beloved Grandparents, Nana and Pop.
Faced with the challenge of doing up the cottage, making amends with Pete and frantically job-hunting in order to escape her suffocating hometown and get back to New York Libby’s under a lot of pressure. However the more time Libby actually spends in White Stone the more she starts to realize that it’s not necessarily the things in life that can make you happy…but the people.
I loved the synopsis of Love Me for Me, it sounded like a heart-warming, romantic, enjoyable story and it was all of those things…plus a whole lot more. I couldn’t wait to see how Libby would cope being forced to live back in White Stone again and I loved seeing her slowly change her mind about not just the place, but the people too. Her relationship with Pete made for great reading too and it was definitely one of those situations where I wanted them to be together but I honestly wasn’t sure if they ever would be…
I really liked Libby and although at times I found her dislike and desperation to get out of White Stone strange, I could completely see why she was so driven and focused on succeeding in life. However I did get annoyed that she saw staying in White Stone as some kind of failure. I would love to live in a place like White Stone; and Jenny describes it beautifully, creating a realistic, idyllic place. Imagine having the beach on your back garden…
There are some really memorable and loveable characters in Love Me for Me, particularly Pop who is adorable and you’ll find your heart breaking for him, I know I did. Jeanie is also a fantastic character – you’ll certainly never go hungry when she’s around!
I was really happy with the ending of this novel too, it was completely satisfying, everything was tied up and I found I had a big cheesy grin on my face when I finished.
You’ll love Libby’s heartwarming journey as her life changes in ways she’d never have expected. Love Me for Me is fantastically written, Jenny’s style of writing is so warm and easy to read, you’ll find yourself completely getting carried away in the story.
And how could I not mention that beautiful cover? I love the colours and would be tempted to pick this up just on its cover alone as it’s so attractive,
It’s a novel that will get you thinking and feeling appreciative for what you have. You might also end up asking yourself ‘What If…’ about situations in your own life. A warm, light, brilliantly romantic story.

Profile Image for Natalie TBGWP.
401 reviews23 followers
May 23, 2014
Well, well, well, what do we have here then?
Here, we have one of those books that read so easy that you don't want to end. The ones you read in the bath, the garden, snuggled up on a chair. The ones that become more than a book or a story, but become a part of you.
Love me for me is one of them books, a perfect romance read. Full of tension and heart wrenching feelings that have you biting your lower lip in either frustration or sadness. Have a lump in your throat, a tear in your eye or giggling like a schoolgirl. A book that has a plot so very deep that you think about life that tiny bit differently.

Oh I really did enjoy it, can you tell?
I know this will be a turn to read when I need a relaxed paced read that is genuine, believable and beautiful. One which will lift my mood, put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. I am so moving to WhiteStone!

Full of charismatic characters, family love and bonds, honesty, small town loveliness and soulmates.
Reading perfection!
Profile Image for Buonaraya.
191 reviews38 followers
October 14, 2014
I'm loathe to discontinue this because I'm already three-fifths done and the main character sounds a lot like, well, me at thirty. Just a small town girl with a career and a fiancé. Unfortunately, Libby's story is as boring as mine and I've been drifting off to sleep as a reward for my attempts. Also, I don't think the boy next door deserves to be as bland as Pete is here. Key takeaway: I'm not heroine material -- noted.

Update: I skimmed through the rest of it just to give this a proper rating. Total sleeping pill! It's 6:30 in the morning and I'm yawning again.
Profile Image for Mary Jackson _TheMaryReader.
1,316 reviews174 followers
December 24, 2022
Yes, I just read this the day before Christmas. It's cold out and I wanted to read a fun summer read. Plus, I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Hale never disappoints.
December 15, 2017
Колкото ми хареса “Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки”, толкова ми беше трудно да дочета тази книга. Не знам дали е заради българския превод или нещо друго, но това беше абсолютно изпитание за мен.
Първо, през три реда главната героиня ронеше крокодилски сълзи. На една страниците се разплака 4 (!!!) пъти!
Второ, аз също имам толкова много съмнения, но толкова объркан и неориентиран човек като главната героиня, чак дразнеше.
И като оставим това настрана, авторката просто се е чудела с какво да запълни 350+ страници. Тревогите на героинята й бяха описвани по няколко пъти през няколко страници. Книгата спокойно можеше да бъде под 200 страници и щеше да звучи в пъти по-добре без всички тези повторения.
Изобщо огромна разлика в сравнение с последния коледен роман на авторката, който много ми хареса.
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
August 28, 2017
Толкова лековата, че чак дрънка на кухо.
Уби ме от скука.
Profile Image for Sara Scraps.
60 reviews
February 19, 2024
Solid,sweet romance. Highly predictable- but is that a bad thing? I say no. Not if you just want to read a Hallmark movie in book form,which this most definitely is!
Profile Image for Paris Baker.
112 reviews3 followers
January 12, 2015
Original review: Paris Baker's Book Nook

Of all the books I’ve read this year, this review may be the hardest to write.

Okay, I’m going to say it.

*Deep breath*

I think this may be the most perfect book I’ve ever read.

There. I said it. Oh, and it also happens to have one of the most perfect covers. Just saying.

This book is the epitome of everything I love about reading, about fiction and about romance. It was heart-warming, touching, upsetting, endearing, beautiful and one hundred other adjectives I could reel off. It was not glamourised or far-fetched, it had no gimics, it simply read like a true story of true love in its simplest form.

Every detail was perfectly thought out. Every character was perfectly developed and a joy to read and get to know. It felt so real, so believable that i honestly felt like I knew every character personally.

Libby’s struggle to find herself and come to terms with what she truly wanted was touching and captivating. You see her grow as a woman, and start to understand things and people that she had perhaps overlooked as an eager young woman, ready to face the world. She has matured since then and continues to grow throughout the book as she learns the importance of home and family, which is a wonder to behold.

Seeing Pete’s father Hugh battle with Dementia, seeing his good days and heart-breaking bad days, and the strain that put on Pete’s life was heart-wrenching. It was beautifully written and delicately realistic. The pain Pete felt at watching his father deteriorate, and the pain for Libby to see the changes to this wonderful father-figure she had known before, a man she still cares about so deeply…it was almost too much. I must admit that several tears were shed throughout this book. Pete is hard-working, honest and family-oriented – he was simply the perfect hero for this book, and for Libby too.

The relationship between Pete and Libby was simply magic. I think its something nearly every single one of us can relate to – after all, your first love never truly leaves you. Whoever you are, and wherever you end up, I believe that your first love shapes you as a person. For all the years they’ve been apart, and for all the reasons Libby left, Pete will always have a special place in her heart. Coming back after all those years, when the two of them are not the same young, naive people they had been before, she still can’t help her feelings for Pete, but doesn’t know if she can ever set things right between them. It’s a deeply moving journey to watch them on, and to watch Libby blossoming into the woman that Pete needed, and that she wanted to be, but you’re still kept guessing right until the end to know how things are going to turn out.

It’s an absolute must-read for any romance fan, and I know it is a book I will turn to time and time again in future. The type where you can’t help your most precious copy having a battered spine and well-thumbed, grubby pages from countless times it’s been carried around in your handbag, read in the bath or nursed beneath a cup of tea. For me, it’s the rare type of book that leaves a mark on you, where all the tiny little pieces of it seep into your heart and soul and the story can never truly leave you.

I now have tears in my eyes just thinking about it to write this review. It’s definitely left its mark on me!

It is the perfect story of first loves and second chances, and I can’t thank Jenny Hale enough for sharing this wonderful story with us.
Profile Image for Dawn.
299 reviews134 followers
November 3, 2014
I was offered an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest opinion by Jenny's publishers Bookouture which I'm more than happy to give.

Where to start? The cover is just beautiful, I'd buy it without reading any blurb based on that image alone! It evokes happy feelings of summer, love and perfection - it didn't prepare me for the gut wrenching heartache I felt at times. This book was amazing, Jenny took me on an emotional roller coaster that was both exhilarating and stomach dropping at the same time.

Libby left her home town of White Stone for New York, destined for bigger things, burning her bridges by the scathing comments she made to everyone before she left. She appeared to have made the right choice she found the perfect job, home and fiancé and was living the dream until restructuring saw her lose her job and with it her home and fiancé. We begin the tale with Libby back in her home town feeling more than a little sorry for herself, determined to get her life back on track and head back to New York at the first possible opportunity.

This was an enjoyable, easy read that had so many elements I was sucked right in. I could so easily have lived In White Stone, Jenny's descriptions are so visual. Libby was a character who I changed my opinions of many times. I felt pity to begin with, then I thought she was a stuck up cow who deserved everything she had coming to her, then I was rooting for her, wanting her to see what was around her, to express her feelings, to talk to those she cared about and find her happy ever after.

This story is a classic tale of past hurts influencing judgements, of living our life through someone else's dreams and allowing them to form our opinions. The edges were so blurred that it was difficult at first to see whether Libby's choices were really her own or just that she thought they were her own. Libby had deep opinions of White Stone and the community she used to live in and she struggled emotionally when she found herself remembering life growing up there.

I had many tear welling moments as Libby had to confront her past, the memories of happy times growing up clearly hurting her. This story does come full circle - the past chipping away at the hard coating she had put around her heart - relationships, friendships, love, contentment & enlightenment all play a big part in awakening Libby from the state she'd been living in. Relationships are analysed and new ones forged, but most of all Libby starts putting others first, considering their feelings not her own!

This book will teach you so many things about life. The grass isn't always greener, success and high achievement don't necessarily make happiness and sometimes you have to take a step back to see what is under your nose. If you put someone else's feelings first and give without expecting anything in return you may find you receive all you've been looking for.

What a journey! I can't recommend this book enough - it's a book that will keep you guessing right up until the final pages - a book that isn't all hearts and flowers yet has left me feeling happy and content, perfect!
September 13, 2015
Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls
In passato di questa scrittrice avevo letto Il regalo più grande, sincera, son rimasta delusa... mi aspettavo forse di più. Ho voluto dare a Jenny Hale una seconda possibilità, attratta anche da cover e titolo, non è il miglior libro letto, da recensire, dell'ultimo periodo, è stato piuttosto un romanzo che prende in considerazione vari punti emotivi, è una lettura leggera e tratta nel modo più semplice la storia del vero amore.
Ogni particolare è dettagliato, idem per i personaggi e i loro stati d'animo e da lettore riesci a percepirlo.

Libby Potter è la protagonista di questa storia, ha appena perso il suo lavoro, il fidanzato e l'appartamento, altro da fare non le resta se non ritornare nella sua città natale dove viene accolta a braccia aperte, persino da Pete, colui al quale lei aveva spezzato il cuore ed è ancora in grado di farle battere il cuore solo grazie al suono della sua voce.
Libby lotta per venire a patti con se stessa, come tutti è alla ricerca di quel cambiamento che ti fa sentire bene, è ancora alla ricerca del suo io interiore. Il suo percorso di crescita è interessante, lei stessa ne è meravigliata.

Pete Bennett è il protagonista di questa storia, onesto, dedito alla propria famiglia e come tutti in paese anche lui accoglie Libby, nascondendo il rancore per essere stato abbandonato in passato.
Per Libby, Pete sarebbe il suo principe azzurro ideale se solo proprio come anni prima non lo considerasse troppo.
Pete è stato il suo primo amore, quello che non si scorda mai, malgrado questo lei si allontana da lui, spezzandogli il cuore, dalla sua città e dalla sua famiglia, una famiglia che sente stretta.
Lascia la strada vecchia per quella nuova, peccato che quella nuova non sia come lei si era aspettata... e mentre cerca di fare ammenda e recuperare il rapporto con Pete ecco che le si presenta una nuova proposta di lavoro, un'opportunità per fare carriera. A quel punto Libby sarà costretta a decidere la cosa giusta da fare e si sa... il desiderio prevale come l'amore...

Questo è un perfetto romanzo d'amore, rosa, romantico, la giusta lettura per chi crede nel potere del vero amore e nelle seconde occasioni; descritto bene che persino tu lettore puoi considerarti parte della storia. E' una lettura leggera che fa riflettere sulle scelte della vita e di come possono essere un danno per le persone che ci vogliono bene, mandando così all'aria i rapporti instaurati.
Se volete concedervi una storia moderna e vera, leggete Amami per come sono.
Profile Image for Isabell.
172 reviews70 followers
June 2, 2014
Originally posted on Dreaming With Open Eyes

I kindly received Love Me for Me in exchange of an honest review by the publisher.

With eighteen years of age, Libby Potter left White Stone for going to collage in New York. She could't wait to escape from that little town to live her life in the big city. Libby knew she was destined for something bigger. Now twelve years later, Libby is living in Manhatten. Her life is perfect and she loves everthing about it. Great job, a wonderful boyfriend who she just got engaged to. Libby's world is crushing down when she loses her job and Wade dumbs her in her lowest moment.

Libby and Wade had bought the cottage together in White Stone. After their break up Wade wants to get rid of the cottage and Libby is on her way to to her hometown to sell it. When Libby left White Stone so many years ago, she also left Pete Bennett, her childhood best friend and high school boyfriend. How could it be any different, Pete is the first person she bumps into when she arrives in White Stone. Now, seeing him after all those years being away, it hit year. All the memories and feelings are coming back. Libby is off to a journey to figure out what is important in life, what she wants and where she really belongs.

Love Me for Me has been one of my favourite reads of the year so far. Beautiful is the first word that comes to mind when I think of this treasure of a book. The cover couldn't look more beautiful. It was like instant love when I saw the cover for the first time. I was hoping the story would match. My wish had been fulfilled.

This book wonderful is such a heart-warming feel good read. It's about family, friendship, second chances, and finding yourself. Jenny Hale created such an amazing world of characters and a wonderful setting. The book is full of love and hope, and shows how important families are when you need them the most. It's wonderful to see how Pete is looking after his grandfather, who suffers of
dementia. You get so drawn into the characters world that you don’t want to stop reading. I couldn't put it down. The third person narrative from the author makes it easy for the reader to follow the story.

It’s a really emotional book which will touch your heart. Brilliantly written and a joy to read – I recommend it highly.
497 reviews58 followers
May 23, 2014
Original review is posted on Chick Library Cat

Finally, the sun started to shine again. There is nothing more enjoyable than sitting in the sunny backyard with a good book. And when I talk about good book, yesterday I enjoyed reading lovely romantic story that melted my heart.

Libby adores her life. Apartment in New York, gorgeous boyfriend, amazing job. She can't be happier. But when she loses her job, then the boyfriend, then the apartment, Libby finds herself back in her hometown, the last place on Earth where she wants to be. Making things harder, the old love Pete is here and some old flames start to sparkle again.

I had some issues for Libby at the beginning. She always tries to please her mother, always does what her mother makes happy. There is nothing wrong with wanting something more in life, as long as that's what you want, not your mother. Every child wants to make parents proud, but every parent want the child to be happy. As the story continues, Libby grows up as a character, and learns to make her own decisions. She never meant to hurt anyone, just did what she thought was best for her. With every other page, Libby becomes a person closer to my heart.

The one thing about Pete that I love most, is his dedication to his family. His old grandfather is suffering from dementia, and instead of taking him to a care service, he takes Pop to live with him, so he can take care for him better. Pete is always so loyal, you can always count on him. He loves his home place more than anything, there is no place like home for him. He loved Libby very much, and when she left him, he suffered a lot. After ten years, deep in his heart, maybe he still loves her.

So, if you are a fan of Nicholas Sparks, than you should definitely check out Mrs.Hale's new book. Libby and Pete are such an adorable couple and their story is a real page-turner. Mrs. Hale definitely knows how to keep your attention to the very last page.
Profile Image for Suze.
1,878 reviews1,304 followers
August 4, 2014
Libby loves her job and her busy life in New York. She never wants to leave the city again. Unfortunately all of a sudden things aren't going according to plan anymore. When she loses her job and her fiancé she's forced to go back to the village she grew up in. Going back to Whitestone is very difficult for Libby, because it means she has to face her past. When she left to study she didn't only leave the seaside village behind, but also her high school sweetheart, Pete. It's painful for both of them to see each other again. Libby has postponed coming back for too long and she thinks everyone she used to know so well blamed her for it, but they welcome her back with open arms. In the few weeks Libby spends back in her home town, she gets more love than she received in many years in New York. Still she can't wait to go back as soon as possible. That would also mean leaving Pete, their precious friendship and all her good memories behind for the second time. Is a fast paced life among ambitious people in the city more important than family? Libby has so much to learn about her own feelings, the future and the things she wants in life, will she make the right decision?

Love Me for Me is a book about love and loss. Loving someone isn't always easy. Pete and Libby have a history together. They were friends for a very long time and later they became a couple. Libby has missed Pete since the day she left to go to college and she didn't look back. Her mother still lives in the same village, but Libby never visited the people she used to love. When she went away to study she left all of them behind. Now that she's forced to face her past she's being overwhelmed by so many feelings. I could understand that very well and Jenny Hale managed to make the whole story come to life in quite vivid way. I loved the descriptions of the seaside town and the people living in it. The story was so charming and sweet, but filled with pain too. Love Me for Me is sad sometimes, so I needed a few tissues. This is such a beautiful and heartwarming novel. I enjoyed reading it very much!
Profile Image for Elaine.
604 reviews241 followers
May 23, 2014
The cover of this book totally threw me - I was expecting chick lit and, for some reason, British chick lit. What I actually got was an emotional drama set in Virginia.

Twelve years ago Libby left White Stone for college in New York and never went back. Life in a small seaside town in Virginia was not for her, she was going to be a success and she knew that wouldn’t happen if she stayed in her home town – as she told everyone on her way out. Now though, following redundancy and a broken engagement, she is back with her tail between her legs but determined to get back to New York as soon as possible. Not everyone is pleased to see her, Pete was her high school sweetheart and it seems he wants her to leave town again almost as much she does.

You know what the ending is going to be almost from the start, but it is just so nice to lay back on the sun lounger and just get lost in this book. For the most part I really liked the character of Libby and the different sides to her personality. One minute she is really nice, and in fact always shows a nice face to the world, but sometimes the thoughts going on inside her head are quite scathing. She is ambitious and most definitely a snob, selfish at times and with a little dash of arrogance. Yet, she can be extremely kind and thoughtful at times. Throughout the book she is going to have to do a lot of honest soul searching before she realises the true value of the people in her home town, and what is really important in life, and she is going to have to change her ways if she wants to be truly happy.

It is a really nice, feel good romantic read in a wonderful setting, a quick read which I read in a day. Extremely enjoyable. Thanks to the publishers for an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Jo Hughes.
253 reviews272 followers
July 1, 2014
would like to thank Kim at Bookouture for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Before I start my review I would like to mention the lovely cover for this book, for me a cover is a big part in deciding if I want to read it or not, as soon as I saw this one I wanted to look inside.

Libby ends up moving back to her home town of White Stone, when she loses both her job and boyfriend in New York, not really wanting to be there she tries to make the most of the situation and do up the cottage she purchased with her ex. Obviously devastated by what has happened Libby's opinion in life is a little skewed and at first she can't wait to leave.

We follow Libby in Town, meeting old friends, some are happy to see her, others not so. We find that it was her mother who gave her a determination to succeed, telling her not to make the same mistakes that she had getting stuck in a small town, but had Libby ever thought well you could leave mum why haven't you?

Saying all that you can't help but like Libby, wanting her to realise what's important, material things come and go, family and friends are what's important.

Pete is lovely, but distant from Libby, you can't really blame him she has broken his heart. They are the love of each others lives but it takes time to realise this. A lovely romantic story that involves the reader from page one.

Jenny made you love the town and people, but would Libby realise this. I was fraught at the end, willing the right decision to be made. Excellent, I haven't read Jenny's other book but will do now.

Profile Image for New Adult e dintorni.
1,270 reviews101 followers
May 30, 2015
"Amami per come" sono è un racconto leggero e frizzante che tratta temi molto moderni e familiari.
È un racconto senza troppe pretese ma che fa riflettere sulle scelte che si attuano nella vita e di come queste possano ricadere sugli altri rovinando e deteriorando i rapporti.

È un racconto che mi è piaciuto perché ti ci puoi rispecchiare tranquillamente, può capitare a tutti di abbandonare il paese natio alla ricerca del cambiamento, di nuove occasioni o possibilità, e non è certo facile tagliare i ponti con il passato per iniziare una nuova vita lontana da tutto e da tutti.
In questo racconto leggiamo delle difficoltà di Libby nel tornare nel luogo dove la sua vita era iniziata dopo aver perso il lavoro che amava e dopo esser stata lasciata dal suo fidanzato, leggiamo della rabbia di Pete, il giovane che aveva abbandonato anni prima, adesso diventato uomo ma che cova ancora rancore per quell'abbandono.

PER LEGGERE IL SEGUITO DELLA RECENSIONE CLICCATE QUI:http://newadultedintorni.blogspot.com...
Profile Image for Novella Semplici.
402 reviews9 followers
January 30, 2019
Voto severo forse. Il libro si legge bene ma è semplicistico nella psicologia, a tratti infantile. La protagonista sembra schizofrenica, e alla fine pare aver sbagliato tutto lei mentre il Principe azzurro, nell'impedirle la carriera che lei sogna, pare lo faccia animato dalle migliori intenzioni e non da altrettanto egoismo. Lieto fine con totale capitolazione della donna in carriera all'uomo di provincia. Ora, da una parte capisco, venendo da un piccolo paesino, quello che vuol dire l'autrice: è ovvio che rispetto a New York nel paesello c'è meno anonimato, più pettegolezzo e anche più solidarietà. Ma che non ci debba essere una soluzione che riesca almeno in parte a salvare una povera donna laureata alla Columbia dal diventare una commercialista di paese perché ha bisogno di un uomo che le dia sicurezza... Ecco, non mi pare un bel messaggio da dare a delle giovani donne. Lo ripeto, son severa. In fondo è un romanzo rosa. Ma ce ne sono altrettanti in cui la donna non si butta a mare per accaparrarsi il Principe azzurro di turno.
Profile Image for Renita D'Silva.
Author 13 books350 followers
May 25, 2014
Loved this beautiful gem of a book. Jenny Hale creates wonderful characters that draw you right in from the very first page so you are as involved in their lives as they are. I loved Libby's journey of self discovery and also her changing relationship with her mother. Pop's descent into dementia is sensitively handled, a difficult topic to write about but done with such love and care. The town of White Stone with its colorful traditions and people, is as much a character in this lovely book as Libby and Pete and Celia and Pop and Nana. A wonderful, feel-good read about what is really important in life. Recommended.
Profile Image for Kelly.
Author 20 books6,392 followers
August 12, 2016
Love Me for Me's characters are going to stick with me for a long time...especially the wonderful Pete, and his very special relationship with his grandfather. I found Libby very easy to relate to - I think most women (and men!!) struggle at times to differentiate between reaching for what we really want and what others want for us. This is a great read, and a very easy book to devour (although...I do wish i'd read it on the beach somewhere...preferably White Haven!).
Profile Image for Lisa.
137 reviews
April 16, 2019
I could not relate to the character at all. She couldn’t make up her mind, didn’t get the important things of life, only seemed to want what she didn’t have at the moment and whined a lot. The story could have been told as a short story but was stretched out by saying the same thing over and over and over so I had to skip through some parts just to get through it. I cannot recommend this book.
2 reviews
October 18, 2020
This book got annoying fast! I couldn’t finish it. The main character Libby left a lot to be desired. She was as whiny an illogical as a 3 year old toddler. I felt, as others did, that the author kept repeating the same issue and it got us now where.
Profile Image for Kim.
21 reviews3 followers
July 4, 2014
I loved jenny hales first book, coming home for Christmas, but I loved this one even more!! Such a sweet and realistic love story. A great beach read! I couldn't put this one down.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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