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The Little Paris Collection #1

Малката книжарничка край Сена

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Любов, Париж, Коледа, книги…
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Сара притежава малка книжарница в тихо американско градче. Нейната приятелка Софи, собственичка на книжарница в Париж, ѝ предлага да се разменят, за да избягат и двете от любовните си разочарования.

В най-романтичния град на планетата обаче Сара открива, че я очакват ред предизвикателства. Уж идиличната книжарница край река Сена се оказва непосилен ангажимент, продажбите падат, книжарите недоволстват от всичко, а някой краде от касата. Любовта е все така далеч, а празниците наближават неумолимо...

Сара трябва да намери начин да се справи с всичко наведнъж, а на помощ ще се притече тайнственият писател, който твори в едно от скритите кътчета на книжарницата. Време е да остави Париж да я приласкае в обятията си, да ѝ покаже своето истинско очарование, скрито за обикновените туристи и запазено само за тези, които имат сърца да го почувстват…

"Повечето хора не знаят, че книгите ни избират тогава,
когато най-много имаме нужда от тях."

312 pages, Paperback

First published October 16, 2015

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Rebecca Raisin

33 books1,069 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,192 reviews
Profile Image for Berit Talks Books.
2,057 reviews15.7k followers
January 8, 2020
Books, food, romance, and Paris what more can you want from a book? This was such a fun story with a slight holiday vibe. Rebecca Raisin brought the beauty of Paris to life with her descriptive writing and dazzling storytelling. Sarah feels as though she is in a bit of a rut so when her friend Sophie who lives in Paris offers a book shop swap she jumps at the chance. The city of lights, holiday time, and a book shop, it’s a dream come true. But has Sarah bitten off more than she can chew? The bookshop is busier than she expected, the staff is unreliable at best, and her boyfriend seems to be putting his job before traveling to Paris. Will Sarah be able to find her inner strength and turn things around?

Sarah was a great character, but I did want to give the girl a major peptalk. This book shop swap was not as advertised. Sarah was doing her friend Sophie a favor and Sophie didn’t seem to give her the knowledge she needed to be successful in this bustling hostile environment. I am not certain if this is a French thing, but I cannot imagine working anywhere especially retail where people popped in and worked when they chose to? There was no set schedule? Just reading about it stressed me out. Fortunately Sarah made some good friends that made this all a little more bearable. As the book progressed the magic of Paris inhabited Sarah more and more. I loved her character development throughout the story. The romance in this story was really in the background, this really was more about Sarah becoming fierce. I was glad of how things ended with Sarah and her boyfriend.
Cute story, charming characters, books, and Paris.

🎧🎧🎧 The audiobook was narrated by Sally Scott. I am pretty certain that she is British, so I am not certain why she was narrating a book that was primarily told from an American’s perspective? I mean if I had to speak in a British accent I’m sure people would find all kinds of things wrong with it. While her French accent I thought was brilliant, her American accent bothered me a bit. She dropped her R’s that drove me nuts, but did admittedly bother me less as the book went on.

This book in emojis. 📚 🇫🇷 🧀 🥖 🎄

*** Big thank you to Harlequin and Harper Audio for my gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my own. ***

For more of my reviews and bookish thoughts please visit my blog
Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
644 reviews604 followers
January 13, 2020
A book about a bookshop?! Count me in! What is not to like?! Have you seen the cover? I am in love.

Sarah Smith loves her little bookshop in her quaint little town in Connecticut. Life is good for Sarah, she knows everyone, has a great group of girlfriends and a drop dead gorgeous boyfriend. What more could a girl want? Will she be willing to walk away from all this for six whole months? You bet! When Sophie begs her to switch places so she can escape her cheating ex, Sarah realizes this is a chance of a lifetime. Sarah will be managing Once Upon a Time bookshop in Paris while Sophie will take over The Bookshop on the Corner in Connecticut.

Sounds like a fairytale right? Until Sarah arrives in Paris to a not so warm welcome. The staff of Once Upon a Time gives her the cold shoulder, business is off the chain and Sarah just can't seem to fit in with the Paris locals.

My heart went out to Sarah as she tried to fit in. The author captures that feeling of "being new" perfectly. Sarah being new to the bookshop had no one she could trust or confide in. She felt alone and alienated. She had left a perfect life for this! Then she began to question if her long distance relationship could stand this latest test or will she find a new love in Paris?

This was my first book that I have read by this author and it was an absolute delight. Fantastic developed characters that made my heart melt. I see many more Rebecca Raisin books in my future! A lovely story in a fantastic setting.

Thank you so much to Harlequin for inviting me along on this blog tour!

Profile Image for DJ Sakata.
3,139 reviews1,766 followers
January 14, 2020
My Rating:


Favorite Quotes:

I only ran if chocolate was involved, and even then it was more a fast walk.

What? Just ’cause I’m an old woman that don’t mean I can’t appreciate beauty! My eyesight still works plenty fine!

Missy had a thing about boosting people up, she only saw the good in a person and threw compliments around like confetti.

The closest I’d come to confrontation was when the local book club dissolved into a heated argument, their opinions divided, and someone had to stand in and mediate. But I’d known those ladies my whole life, and all I had to do to calm them down was threaten to take the wine away.

He was my Mr. Right, there was no question about that. It was just a shame he wasn’t Mr. Right Here.

My Review:

I adored this tender story and debated and waffled in how to rate this lovely tale. The writing was easy to follow, highly relatable, and sweetly engaging while gently paced with several slowly evolving yet beguiling storylines and cast with a peculiar hodgepodge of curiously alluring and intriguing characters. I enjoyed the leisurely, humorous, and captivating glimpses of the quirkiness of the authentic Parisian lifestyle and the secret marketing tactics utilized with the locals vs. tourist mentality. My heart seized at every mention of the iconic Notre Dame while I alternated between wistfully remembering my long-ago visit with the rather hideous gargoyles and recalling the more recent and distressing news videos of the beloved structure in flames. While it wasn’t an enrapturing breath-stealing romance or brain itching thriller, the descriptive and engaging prose kept me well entertained with a smile on my face for most of the day. I have finally hit a soft landing and alit on the smooth quality and skillful finesse of the talented wordsmith and a 4.5-stars rating while coveting more of the same.
Profile Image for Brooke — brooklynnnnereads.
1,101 reviews259 followers
February 18, 2020
As a reader, there is nothing that enchants me more than a setting of a bookshop. However, as much as I loved the setting, I wished for more in the story and I also wished for more in the romance.

Honestly, the story was fairly boring. I held out hope that it would get better once the main character met a new love interest. Well. I can't give any spoilers away but know this: I was disappointed on that front. That's all I will say.

For the romance component of this novel, there was no chemistry and it honestly seemed like a terrible relationship to be in. Not only would I not want a similar relationship for myself, but I would also not want a similar relationship for any of my friends.

It took me longer than I expected to finish this book because I just kept putting it down. Every time I found the story was becoming too dull, down the book went. Unfortunately, that happened quite often.

There are many cozy romance reads out there that are set in both bookshops and in Paris. This is not one that I would recommend.

***Thank you to the publisher for supplying me with an ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Julie.
4,146 reviews38.2k followers
May 31, 2016
The Little Bookshop on the Seine by Rebecca Raisin is a 2016 Carina Press UK publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher/author and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I fell in love with Rebecca Raisin’s Gingerbread Café novels and so it is a no brainer that I would follow her straight to her next series with eager anticipation.

While this story has a holiday theme, it can be enjoyed any time of the year because love and romance are always in season.

This story centers around Sarah Smith, who resides in our favorite small town of Ashford, and lives her life surrounded by books as she owns a charming little bookstore. Her life is comfortable, a little predictable, with her only real concern being the financial situation the bookstore is in due to an increase in rent, but no additional sales to make up the difference.
But, when Sophie, her friend from Paris, who also runs a bookshop, pleads with Sarah to switch places for a while so she can recover from a humiliating breakup, Sarah scoffs. But, Sophie convinces her to try it and well, why not? Sarah has never done anything this spontaneous and it’s about time she put a little pizzazz in her life. With her boyfriend, Ridge, away on assignment this is the perfect opportunity to see Paris and hopefully enjoy a little adventure.

However, the charming city of romance is anything but. When Sarah arrives at the bookshop she is appalled by several things, such as the sheer volume of business, the amount of paperwork, the disorganized and disrespectful staff, and most disturbing of all, the money that seems to vanish from the tills and the shoppers who blatantly steal books without any reprimand.

Not only that, Ridge is out of pocket more so than not. Their relationship has turned into a game of phone tag, leaving Sarah to wonder if a long distance relationship will work out in the long run.

This is a charming story about learning to open yourself up to new ideas, to branching out a little, gaining confidence and taking risks, even if it is much more comfortable to stay in a nice cozy little cocoon where we feel safe and secure.

I enjoyed the Paris setting, meeting Sarah’s new friends and watching her blossom in the nicest way possible.

Rebecca Raisin has a wonderful voice and produces emotional and heartfelt stories with likable and zany characters I always grow to care about and look forward to touching base with again.

This story will appeal to those who like sweet romance and women’s fiction/Chick-lit style novels.

4 stars
December 31, 2019
In small-town Connecticut, Sarah Smith’s bookshop is struggling. As quiet and peaceful as Ashford is, her business has become a little too quiet. Despite her wonderful group of friends, Sarah feels stuck, and her mostly long-distance relationship with freelance journalist Ridge has become increasingly distant as he is constantly called away on stories. When offered the chance for a bookshop exchange with her friend Sophie, Sarah has no trouble saying yes. The best part - it’s in Paris.

Sarah heads to the City of Love full of dreams of exploring hidden avenues, popping into cafés, and taking in the sights between shifts at a gorgeous historical bookshop. However, she quickly realizes she is in for more culture shock than she anticipated. Overwhelmed by the bustle of the shop, the magnitude of responsibilities, and her lack of experience as an authority figure, Sarah struggles to keep the shop and her staff under control - all while adjusting to big city life. However, Sarah is determined to make the most of her Parisian adventure.

Rebecca Raisin is the author of multiple novels, including the Little Paris series and the Gingerbread Café trilogy. The Little Bookshop on the Seine delivers a story rich with the romance of Paris and the love of books and wraps it all together with the magic of Christmas.
Profile Image for Taury.
715 reviews191 followers
May 4, 2023
The Little Bookshop on the Seine by Rebecca Raisin is a lovely book about 2 women who each own bookshops. One in the USA and one in Paris. They are bored with their lives and their shops. They switch. One goes to Paris. The other goes to the US. How they deal with the changes. The different cultures. Full of love and sweet romance.
Profile Image for Mackey.
1,111 reviews362 followers
January 5, 2020
Rebecca Raisin is rapidly becoming one of my favorite authors so this post is extra special. You may recall that I read, reviewed and LOVED her book, “Rosie’s Traveling Tea Shop” but that is simply my favorite among many of her books that I’ve read. Now added to that list of faves is “Little Bookshop on the Seine.” I mean, who doesn’t love a story set in both Paris and a bookstore!?

Sarah owns her own little bookstore in a small town across the street from her best friend’s cafe. Readers of Rebecca Raisin will recognize many of the characters in Little Bookshop, but this is Sarah’s story and the first in the Paris series. Sarah loves her store, her books are more like family than “real people.” She has a handsome boyfriend who travels all over the world and Sarah is feeling a bit of that wanderlust herself. Her life has become a bit too predictable. When her online friend in Paris suggests a store swap, Sarah jumps at the chance, not really comprehending what she is getting herself into. The fast paced life of a Parisian bookstore is a far cry from her very laid back store in Ashford. Will Sarah be able to cut it or will she run back home to the safety of home and her friends?

I absolutely adored Sarah’s story. That feeling of restlessness is something of which I am very familiar. I wanted her to be stronger, get it together quicker, but as the story unfolds, we are able to see that Sarah is growing and maturing in very wonderful ways. This is more than just another cute cosy. As with so many of Raisin’s books, we see how women can rise to occasion when necessary and that within each of us is a strength we can call upon when needed. I highly recommend Little Bookshop on the Seine and, although it takes place around the holidays, it is not a holiday book. It is a marvelous introduction to a new series that is sure to be a great one.
Profile Image for Kerry.
263 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2017
I just quit this at the 3/4 mark. I could not go on. By far the worst book I have read in forever. The story was so silly and poorly written. I’m happy to read cheesy and somewhat unbelievable romances occasionally, especially around the holidays, but this was really terrible. Errors in the writing and terribly written minor characters-yuck. Just glad I only paid 99cents. I cannot believe how anyone rated this one above 3 stars max!
Profile Image for Cat.
67 reviews
October 18, 2017
How disappointing. I kept waiting for the heroine to realize her boyfriend was cheating on her, because how could he not be the way it was written? The man's (female, presumably super attractive) photographer answers his cell phone for him completely out of breath. What the hell else could be going on? I kept waiting for the realization... The heartbreak... The realization that they'd grown apart anyway so it wasn't as tragic as she thought it was, and oh here's the amazing, kind, talented writer she's been getting to know who lets on that he's been sweet on her for months.

None of that happened. The boyfriend (finally) came to visit saying out of the blue that he's been setting up a new gig so he can move to be with her--no mention of the woman who answered his cell phone for him, no mention of the late nights. Was just so..... It was too trite.
Profile Image for Cora Tea Party Princess.
1,323 reviews856 followers
December 14, 2015
5 Words: Paris, love, Christmas, relationships, books.

This was a perfect Christmas story and a fantastic continuation of Sarah and Ridge's story from The Bookshop on the Corner. It was also the perfect introduction to the Little Paris collection and I will absolutely be reading on.

From the very first page, that was me. Sucked right in. This book is pretty magical, perfect for the festive season. But it is also startlingly realistic. It isn't a fairy-tale. It has me craving gingerbread lattes and bread and cheese and cheap red wine. I want to get my Christmas decorations up now, a whole month early.

I loved how this story tested Sarah and Ridge's relationship. It forced them to change, to develop, to grow. And it forced them to acknowledge some home truths. It felt like their relationship really went to the next level.

I received a copy of this for free via NetGalley for review purposes.
December 18, 2018
Една от онези скучновати истории с прелестни корици, които заблуждават, че съдържанието ще е очарователно. И може би за някого да е, но за мен не беше вълнуващо и не бих могла да дам повече от 3*. Две книжни блогърки и собственички на книжарници от двете страни на океана решават да си разменят книжарниците за няколко месеца. Софи - парижанка с доста натоварена и огромна книжарница иска да избяга от провален годеж, а Сара е плаха, наивна, живееща в и с книгите собственичка на малка, закътана книжарница в още по-малката и закътана провинция в Америка. И докато за Софи цялото преживяване е една почивка от натоварването, то за Сара е истински шок оказала се сама в големия град, в огромната книжарница с недружелюбен персонал. Още повече, че Сара трябва да преосмисли дали да се довери на приятеля си, който вечно е на път и почти не я вижда и да се бори за тази любов или да я изостави. Бизнесът също не върви според очакванията й и тя рискува да разочарова дълбоко Софи, водейки голямата книжарница към дъното. Но по Коледа се случват чудеса и всеки проблем намира решение и книгата завършва съвсем тривиално и клиширано.
Profile Image for "Avonna.
1,299 reviews531 followers
January 9, 2020
Check out all of my reviews at: https://www.avonnalovesgenres.com

THE LITTLE BOOKSHOP ON THE SEINE by Rebecca Raisin is a new women’s fiction novel that is the first book in the author’s “The Little Paris Collection” and the second in “The Bookshop” series. This book is set in Paris during the holiday season, but it can be enjoyed any time of the year and it can be read as a standalone.

Small town bookshop owner Sarah Smith is feeling something is missing from her life. She has all her books that she loves, wonderful friends and a gorgeous, adventurous, reporter boyfriend, but she feels stagnant. When her friend and fellow bookstore owner, Sophie offers Sarah the chance to swap running of each other’s stores for the holidays, she jumps at the chance to be in Paris for the holidays.

Once Upon a Time has been located on the Seine for generations and Sophie is enchanted as well as overcome in the city of love. This small-town American is challenged by the craziness of this new store, the attitudes of the staff and the separation from her friends and boyfriend.

Will Sarah find the Paris she has dreamed about, or will the reality destroy her dream?

This is a sweet story of a woman finding her strength within to grow and blossom in new and challenging surroundings. I love Sarah and her love of books. Sarah and Ridge’s romance is a subplot that twines in and out of Sarah’s personal growth. The author takes her through her transition slowly, but at a believable pace. All the secondary characters play an important role in Sarah’s adventure and are fully fleshed characters. Paris is beautifully described and not just the tourist attractions, but the real day-to-day jewels to be found by those who live there and adventure off the beaten path.

This is an enjoyable read with charming characters, a love of books and romance and the beautiful setting of Paris.
Profile Image for Obsidian.
2,913 reviews1,047 followers
October 11, 2019
Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review.

So this was just a so-so romance read. I usually am all over Christmas romance books, but this one was pretty lackluster. The heroine (Sarah Smith) is a doormat for a good 3/4 of this book. And it didn't help that Raisin threw in a side plot dealing with letters that were left behind that added nothing to the story. I think the main problem is that the book at first reads as if this is a second book in a romance series. We hear very little details about Sarah's romance or her friends in Ashford because the author acts like readers should already know. I think that is what ultimately threw me for a loop while reading this. Since this is book one in this romance series, it's a shame that there was not more backstory added before moving the setting to Paris.

"The Little Bookshop on the Seine" follows bookstore owner Sarah Smith. Sarah lives in the town of Ashford and loves her bookstore. Business is slow though and now that her roving reporter boyfriend Ridge is dashing about trying to nail news stories, she feels stuck. When her friend Sophie asks about switching lives and jobs for six months due to a romance gone wrong, Sarah initially hesitates, but then jumps at the chance. Six months to be in Paris and to have romantic days and nights with Ridge is too much to resist. Of course nothing goes right, and Sarah wonders if switching her job and life for six months was a bad idea.

As I said above, Sarah is a doormat. I was hoping that Raisin was going to have some magical realism elements due to at the beginning of the book she mentions how books "talk" to Sarah and how Sarah is able to pick up what books suit a potential owner. We don't unfortunately get a lot of details about her romance with Ridge besides him calling her and trying to talk to her about what underwear is she wearing at any given time. I was actually pretty disappointed with this romance, it just didn't seem to be more than them having sex with each other in between times when Ridge was traveling.

Sarah is also not a great boss. The workers at the bookshop she encounters she is scared to really deal with for a long long time in the book. Money goes missing along with a rare book and Sarah is scared she's going to cost Sophie her business. I just got tired of reading about it again and again. Sarah was overworked and tired through most of this book. It's broken up here and there by her going out in Paris, but not by much. I was pretty disappointed we didn't get more scenes of her exploring Paris and all that it had to offer.

The secondary characters are barely developed I thought. We had a bookshop worker Oceane (I think that was her name) that seemed way too good to be true. And then Sarah had to deal with a nasty one named Beatrice that she is too intimidated by most of the book.

Sarah also it seems barely talks to her friends or her mother back home. We just have her fretting about Ridge for most of the book when people ask her about where her "lover is". I am like Liz Lemon, the word lover bums me out.

The writing I thought needed to be tightened up. A lot. The book started to feel very repetitive. Also the months seemed to go by too fast and all of a sudden it was Christmas. The flow was just up and down. I think adding in that side-plot of the letters that Sarah found and read with a random author she met added nothing to this book.

I already mentioned that this book reads as if it's the second in a romance series, and it does. The author acts as if you should know who everyone is and how Sarah met Ridge, etc. It got aggravating after a while. I felt like I missed a prequel or something. When I went investigating I found that the stand-alone book about Sarah before this was called "The Bookshop on the Corner" and is the first book in that series called "Bookshop." I don't know why Raisin spun off this character from the other series for this new one, but it just doesn't work for me.

The setting of Paris at times was well done, but this book could have taken place anywhere after a while since most of the book takes place in the bookshop and has Sarah dealing with nasty customers and/or workers in the store. I needed something uplifting to read about. Heck, go explore the countryside, get some wine, something. When I get more of an experience of Paris by watching the Highlander series, the author has gone way off track.

The ending just kind of plops down and everyone gets a Happily Ever After.
Profile Image for Erin Clemence.
1,235 reviews368 followers
November 29, 2019
Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.

Quiet and reserved bookshop owner Sarah Smith is given the oppourtunity to swap bookstores with her friend Sophie in Paris, both of them leaving their lives behind and taking over the others’ business and homes. Normally a home body, Sarah jumps at the chance and soon she is living in Sophie’s house in Paris, and running her bookshop. However, she is soon overwhelmed by the lackadaisical, carefree ways of the employees, the hectic days, and the rude customers. That, combined with the fact that her boyfriend is countries away, and Sarah begins to regret her decision. As Christmas approaches, Sarah makes a final plan to get Sophie’s bookstore, and her relationship, back on the right track.

As you can expect, this was a completely cheesy, gushingly romantic Christmas read. Normally, not something I’d ever pick up. However, Ms. Raisin swayed me with her unfailing love of all things literary, and I instantly connected with Sarah (the heroine who says goodnight to her books each night, is a closet “book smeller” and has more friends in bookshelves then in real life) and of course, the pull of all things Parisian didn’t hurt either.

Predictable and completely saccharine, this novel plays out like a Hallmark Christmas movie, but since it IS the season, it was worth exploring.

This novel is first in a series, following Sarah and her friends both in the United States and abroad. As I adore all novels about books, bookstores, or libraries, this one had more pull to me than the other ones. Typically a genre I don’t venture into, it was pleasing and uplifting. The ending was predictable and unrealistic, but that is the way of these types of novels and I was not unsatisfied.

For those who are fans of the romance novels, or who adore Hallmark Christmas movies, this novel will find a fan. Also, the deep connection Sarah has with her books and her fellow book lovers will make a connection with every truly passionate reader.
Profile Image for Kristina.
953 reviews223 followers
May 12, 2018
Обожавам книги за книги, а тази беше една от най-сладките, които съм чела!

Определено я четете по Коледа, защото е пълна с топло кафе, джинджифилени бисквитки, снежен Париж и мноооого уют в сладка книжарница.

Profile Image for bookaholic.
29 reviews21 followers
March 30, 2021
یه رمان دخترونه ی عاشقانه و ساده و شیرین که خیلی تونستم باهاش ارتباط برقرار کنم شاید بخاطر اینکه هم اسمش سارا بود هم عاشق کتابه و هم اینکه کتابفروشی داره و لذت زندگی با کتابارو خیلی زیبا بیان میکنه ، اخه داشتن یه کتابفروشی دنج یا یه کافه کتاب گوگولی شغل رویاییه منه 🥰😍
Profile Image for Amanda - Mrs B's Book Reviews.
2,053 reviews300 followers
November 14, 2018
We all dream of a Parisian style happily ever after. In Rebecca Raisin’s 2015 release, The Little Bookshop on the Seine, her leading lady, Sarah Smith is given a chance to fulfil this dream. A bookshop swap affords Sarah with the opportunity to trade her own bookshop in the small town Ashford, for a Paris based bookshop for a six month period. Sarah hopes this temporary move to Paris will strengthen her relationship with her investigative reporter boyfriend Ridge. At the same time, Sarah’s unconditional love for books will be combined with the perfect working holiday! The Little Bookshop on the Seine is a wonderful tribute to Paris, bookshops, friendship, love and personal growth. Words cannot express how much I absolutely adored this novel!

I first spied The Little Bookshop on the Seine at a recent local fiction festival held in my home town of Perth. This sparking little gem of a novel quickly caught my eye and a chat with the genuinely lovely author sold me. As a huge Francophile and booklover, a novel that combines two elements I hold dear to my heart had me entranced. I purchased the book immediately and although I had never read any of Rebecca Raisin’s books before, I had a strong feeling this book was for me. I was not wrong on this hunch, I have a huge book crush on Rebecca Raisin!

From the outset, based on the cover, title and blurb, I had an initial feeling that The Little Bookshop on the Seine was going to be a straightforward cosy style romance. Well I was very wrong indeed! I will say this contemporary fiction novel with romantic elements, coming in the form of side narrative threads. The Little Bookshop on the Seine primarily focuses on the very intriguing life journey of Sarah Smith, the central character of the story. When we first are acquainted with Sarah she seems a little naive, but as the Paris opportunity beckons this slightly naive and less confident young woman gains her wings in the city of love and she soars. It really is such a rich and fulfilling character journey to follow. Those who are hard core romantics will not be disappointed, there is a beautiful love story full of heart and emotion between Sarah and Ridge. The tussle between personal priorities and true love between Sarah and Ridge will tug at your heartstrings. Love is also in the air, Parisian style, for the secondary character set of The Little Bookshop on the Seine. This added bonus keeps all romance readers very happy indeed!

There were some wonderful resounding themes that I was able to draw from The Little Bookshop on the Seine. From self confidence, friendship, love, travel and exploration, to self belief. All of these themes work well to ensure the narrative is full, engaging, surprising and full of unexpected possibilities. Paris has a formidable presence in the novel and I felt this strongly. Raisin breathes life into the pages of her novel so that Paris emerges as a full bodied extra character. I loved reading about some familiar and also some less familiar sights of Paris. The culinary delights, quaint shops and the Parisian people Sarah encounters along the way adds so much vibrancy to the novel. A standout for me was Anouk, the antique jewellery shop owner, this was so well done by the author. I just adored Anouk and her shop! Rounding off the sensational atmosphere this novel evokes is the gentle insertion of a festive flavour. What a bonus to set you in the mood for Christmas, which is only a few weeks away now!

I am convinced that Sarah and I are kindred spirits, I took an immediate liking to Sarah and I found so much connection between our worlds, despite our varied life circumstances! I enjoyed my time with Sarah and her acquaintances so very much. I must admit I didn’t want to leave the pages of this novel, even though I was grinning from ear to ear with the ending Raisin issued.

Rebecca Raisin has dazzled me with her passionate story of Paris, books and love. The Little Bookshop on the Seine is solely deserving of a five star rating. I’m off to seek out the rest of Rebecca Raisin’s books and I assure you, I will be at the head of the line for her next new release!
Profile Image for Zoe.
2,055 reviews286 followers
November 15, 2019
Cosy, heartwarming, and sweet!

Full review to follow shortly.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
324 reviews
March 3, 2020
This was a light read but very enjoyable with likable and relatable characters!
Profile Image for Elaine.
604 reviews242 followers
October 14, 2015
This is the first Rebecca Raisin I have read and it feels like the second in a series, although the product description does say “The Little Paris Collection #1”, so don’t quote me on that – it is just that you get the feeling of a past story right from page one. Sarah Smith is a small town American who has never travelled much beyond Ashford, the quintessential small town she grew up in. Until now, that is, when she is offered the chance to “swap book shops” for six months. She will go to Paris to run her online friend Sophie’s shop and Sophie will come to America and run Sarah’s shop,

Sarah is the ultimate romantic, who loves nothing more than immersing herself in a good romantic read and she sets off with the same notions any of us would have if we were to visit Paris for the first time. She dreams of strolling along the banks of the Seine, climbing the Eiffel Tower, nibbling on croissants whilst discussing books with fellow bibliophiles. But, will the reality match up to her dreams and what effect will the move have on her relationship with journalist Ridge, who is frequently away from home on assignments?

It is very much a feel good read, entertaining and flowing well. I loved to read about her exploring and discovering Paris for the first time, including all the hidden nooks and crannies that are kept hidden from the tourists. It really brought Paris to life but didn’t feel as if I were reading a travel guide. I also loved the way she brought a small town chintzy American Christmas to sophisticated and chic Paris.

It is extremely romantic, love is most definitely on the menu here and Sarah firmly believes in a happy ever after at all times for all her romance reads – but is she being unrealistic? Can she really expect to find her happy ever after with Ridge? The product description mentions her wandering around Shakespeare and Co, but in the Netgalley proof I was sent, the shop in Paris is called “Once Upon A Time”. I do hope the final name is that, because what better name could you have for the shop when you want to everyone to live happily ever after.

Many thanks to the publishers via Netgalley for the review copy.

Profile Image for Andrea C. *andreasbookishlife*.
144 reviews147 followers
January 19, 2020
A big thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Originally 3.5 stars but changed to 4 stars.

This book had a lot of great charm. I really enjoyed the Paris setting; the descriptions of the atmosphere and its beauty were just great. If you love traveling books like I do, this has a great setting. I also really liked the characters and how their personalities were so unique to themselves and their identity. Everyone was described and characterized in a way that made them all memorable and special in their own way.

The biggest thing that I did not entirely care for in this book was the writing style. It was pretty lengthy and tended to be repetitive. Everyone has different tastes when it comes to writing styles, but personally this particular style is not my favorite.

Overall, a very enjoyable read. This is a book I would re-read and I think that anyone who likes fun and charming traveling books would have an enjoyable time reading this novel.

I would definitely recommend this book!
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
2,988 reviews543 followers
October 13, 2015
I have no idea how Rebecca Raisin does it, but she keeps writing enchanting heart warming stories, that you never want to end, and The Little Bookshop on the Seine is no exception. This is such a loving story, with some stunning descriptions of Paris.

In fact this is Paris in the run up to Christmas, and not just the tourists Paris, we are taken to all manner of local secret places, as Sarah becomes more comfortable in Paris, and her French improves. Sarah is amazed, as am I , about the The Little Antique Shop, and with its owner Anouk, who will only let you into the shop with a recommendation from someone who is already her customer. I have a feeling she is the star of the next book of this series.

The Little Bookshop on the Seine is the follow up to The Bookshop on the Corner, and we get to not only see the continuation of Sarah's story, but also of some of the other Ashford residents too, mainly Cici, Lily and Lucy. As someone who has read all of Rebecca's previous books, these recurring characters, and cameos by them, is always welcome and adds to the charming feel of the books. Of course if you are new to this author, then this completely works as a standalone too.

Sarah's descriptions of both her bookshop, and also the French bookshop she does a swap with Sophie, her penpal, with really show how much of a bibliophile Sarah is. Much like in Harry Potter, where the wand choses the wizard, Sarah believes that the book will chose the person.

Of course there is a huge contrast between the quiet, almost failing bookshop that is Sarah's and the big bustling, Parisian shop, that has crowds of people in it the whole time, and that would take ages to explore the whole store. And the two girls management styles couldn't be more different, with Sarah initially coming up against resistance for any order or changes she wishes to make, as there are long standing traditions.

Sarah having always been a bit of a bookworm, and an introvert really grows as a person on this exhange in Paris, and its wonderful to see her blossom. Of course nothing is smooth, not least her boyfriend Ridge, who is always jetting off somewhere.

I felt honoured to be able to accompany Sarah on this journey of self discovery, in a foreign country, seeing how she coped with life's challenges, and also striking up some new friendships.

I loved every second of The Little Bookshop on the Seine, easy to read, with words oozing charm and good feeling, that just made me feel warm and cosy. I would suggest curling up on the sofa, with a glass of something, and some chocolate (the French food descriptions will make you hugnry, especially of the French Patisserie), and just escape into this wonderful story.

Thanks to Netgalley and Carina for this review copy. This was my honest review.
Profile Image for Carlene Inspired.
979 reviews269 followers
July 15, 2019
Sarah Smith feels like something is missing. She's got her bookstore, her friends, her books, and Ridge Warner, but she's no longer satisfied with it all. Then she gets a call from a fellow bookstore owner, Sophie, who interests Sarah with the idea of a bookstore swap. Without much thought, Sarah trades spaces with Sophie and moves to Paris to run Once Upon a Time. She's got a list of items on her bucket list she'd like to complete while there, along with spend some quality time with Ridge while he's home from writing assignments, but Paris's most popular bookstore might prove to be too much for Sarah.

If my reading/sleeping habits are something you know about, then you will know what I mean when I say the following. I stayed up until 11 pm reading this book in one sitting. I love sleep, I'm in bed at 9 pm every night, but this book was one I could not put down. I considered it at 9, again at 9:30, and gave myself another thirty minutes once it hit 10, but I could not put it down. I needed to know the ending, I wasn't sure if it was a HEA or not, but I had to know. Now that I do know, I need to get this book into the hands of every person I know! Seriously, it's that good. I haven't read a Rebecca Raisin book before, she's a new-to-me author, but I will be reading all her books after this.

Sarah is me in book form; I truly believe in the magic of books and I'd give my right arm to have her bookstore (and her man). She's a true romantic, total bookworm, and feeling a little lost in life as she faces some unsure future plans. I love that Sarah said yes to the switch, despite the fact that it seemed so out of character for her. That's what makes a book so adventurous and fun, doing something out of character is always a good story line. Plus, Paris! Rebecca Raisin described it with so much detail that I literally hungered for some macaroons and wine. I could see the cobblestone streets, the Siene, and all the beautiful people. Ridge is one hunk of a man as well and I definitely enjoyed seeing their relationship play out long distance. Especially as Sarah found herself fitting in to Paris and with her fellow coworkers.

The bookstore she took over was so interesting to read about and I loved all the individual characters we met there. I never felt like I had one main character, there were several, and it was so entertaining to read their interactions and read about Sarah's growth as she does all the things she'd never thought she'd do before. The building is phenomenal, one I'd only wish to see in real life. The romance is beautiful, a very key part to the story, but Sarah's interactions with the bookshop patrons were my absolute favorite. I'd be very interested to see what happens with all the characters and can't wait for this series to keep growing.

The Little Bookshop on the Seine is the first book in The Little Paris Collection, but is not the first book about Sarah. While it can be read as a standalone (I read it as such), there is a series called The Bookshop and you can start from the beginning with Sarah in The Little Bookshop on the Corner.
Profile Image for Carol (Reading Ladies).
747 reviews171 followers
January 4, 2020
2.5-3 Stars (rounded to 3 for fans of Romance)

Thanks #netgalley #harlequin for a free e copy of #thelittlebookshopontheseine in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Sarah is living a quiet life in a small town, owns a small, quaint bookstore, and enjoys spending time with her close friends. Even though she has a boyfriend, she seldom sees him because he’s a freelance journalist who chases stories around the world. Sarah also has in internet friend, Sophie, who owns a bookstore in Paris. Sophie is unhappy and offers Sarah a chance to switch jobs for a while, each running the other’s bookstore and living in each other’s homes. Sarah, feeling that something is missing from her life, decides to accept the offer. It seems odd that she has never left her small town and yet she conveniently has a passport, adequate luggage, and can be ready to leave the country for a major life change in two days....but I digress.

The charming part of the story is the setting. We get to experience Paris as a local and envision a quaint and quirky bookshop (although the book references are a bit over the top).

The less charming part of the story is the stereotypical, “just-walked-off-the-pages-of-a-romance-novel” boyfriend. In fact, I spent most of the story hoping she’d break up with this smooth talker and find someone else. I do not trust him with Sarah’s heart!

Although the story is character (and setting) driven, Sarah is the only character that is somewhat developed (the others were fairly flat). She manages to find her voice, gain some confidence, and overcome a few of her challenges. However, when I arrived at the story’s end (HEA because Romance), I thought: “That’s it?” I realized I had been waiting for something more exciting to happen.

If you are looking for an easy reading, light Romance without substantial themes, a steam factor of 1 (completely closed door), and don’t mind minimal character development or minimal plot, you might enjoy this read.

For more reviews visit my blog www.readingladies.com
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,588 reviews215 followers
August 9, 2019
One of the most beautiful books I have read in recent times in this genre. The book had everything which captured my heart and turned me into mush. Rebecca Raisin is a fabulous storyteller, the one who knows how to capture the spirit of the place and infuse magic in her words.

Sarah a bookseller from Ashford USA and Sophie from  Paris decided to exchange their bookshops. Sarah came armed with dreams and a desire to do something different, maybe find herself in the process. The first day itself was hectic, her baggage and documents stolen, hordes of customers in the shop, and not so cooperating staff. This book was all about transformation. Sophie found her voice and her love not only with her boyfriend Ridge but for living in the city.

Having read books by Rebecca Raisin, I was armed with the knowledge that I was in for a good time. This book surpassed my desires. It pulled me in from the first line with its hypnotic lyrical words. Something in the writing was so powerful that the book felt like a movie. Emotions caught me by the throat, sometimes in a gentle breeze and sometimes with the strong gales of a storm.

This was supposed to be my few chapters breakfast read, but I had to read it at one go. I couldn't escape the magic, I wasn't sure if I wanted to. Descriptions of Paris was beautiful, they came alive with the ink of Rebecca's words. Sarah as a character grew a rod of spine when needed. Her growth and discovering her inner strength was inspiring, to say the least.

Love and mystery of the written letters found hidden in the bookshop were the added delight. The book had everything. Nobody can do magic to a city as Rebecca Raisin does. And Paris was never more brilliantly portrayed before. A fabulous read.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
464 reviews877 followers
January 11, 2020
***Actual Rating: 3.5/5 Swoony Christmas Stars***

To begin with, The Little Bookshop on the Seine has everything I'm looking for when it comes to chick-lit, women fiction, contemporary romance. Simply imagine strolling down the beautiful streets during Christmas time in the city of Love...and French kiss, a.k.a. Paris, with your significant other, mmm, how romantic is that!? The pure imagination already gets me all swoon-worthy, let alone having an old-fashioned bookshop in the same picture. That's literally paradise for a romantic booklover like me!

What I love most about this book is definitely the characters' tones and charisma. It's so easy to fall in love with both the people and the world-building in this book because the author manages to present us with beautiful descriptions and vivid images. In other words, this book is pretty much my dream-come-true, considering that I've always wanted to experience a real lovely Parisian life.

To my slight disappointment, this story doesn't quite strike me as an unforgettable reading material. There's no denying that this book is an incredibly cute read that can undoubtedly lift all the readers' mood and brighten their days, but its lack of "ummph" and sparks between our sweet couple, I find it hard to stay with me forever. Thus, The Bookshop on the Seine is indeed a delightful Christmas read (or New York read!) for me, and I'd like you guys to experience the hard-earned happiness in this book, too. :)

***Thanks to Harlequin Books and the author for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for Fabi.
149 reviews22 followers
October 5, 2019
اگر میدونستم قراره داستانی رمانتیک و تو حال و هوای داستانهای دانیل استیل رو بخونم، مسلما شروعش نمیکردم، و مطمئنم اگر این کتاب صوتی نبود، حتما نیمه رها میشد، ولی به چند دلیل از گوش دادنش راضیم،
اول اینکه راوی خانم مهدیه نساج، بسیار عالی و متناسب با شخصیت داستان عمل کردن، و این گوش دادن به داستان رو جذاب کرده بود،اگر به خاطر صدا و اجرای ایشون نبود فکر کنم امتیاز دو برای کتاب خوب بود.
دوم حال و هوای کتاب، عشق به کتاب و رویایی که شاید خیلی از ما داشته باشیم(باز کردن یک کتابفروشی، و صبح تاشب وول خوردن وسط کتابها) باعث همزادپنداری رمانتیکی میشه که ترغیب میشید جلو برید.
سوم بعضی وقتا هم خوبه آدم به یاد دوران نوجوونیش کتابای صرفا رمانتیک هرچند به فرم دانیل استیل و فهیمه رحیمی و قصه های پریان بخونه خوب، چه اشکالی داره😊میزان اکسی توسین مغزتون میره بالا...
البته بعضی وقتا رو من به شخصه موافق نیستم و حرفمو پس میگیرم، حداقل صوتی گوش بدید، که به بقیه ی کارهاتونم برسید...
دوستان رمانتیک پسند عفو کنن🏃🏃🏃🏃
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
November 7, 2018
Истината е , че малко се изтъркаха тези теми за Париж, "книжарнички" и т.н. Особено ако не казват нищо ново. Дразнещото в тях е непрекъснатото мрънкане и тръшкане около едни и същи неща, елементарния стил.
Не че съм очаквала нещо "уао" , но все пак си мисля , че трябва да има някакво развитие.
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