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Падишахът на подправките

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Завладяващ разказ за любовта и магията на храната.

Да си Пир-и Леззет е рядък талант. Само двама, може би трима се раждат с тази дарба на всеки няколко века. Носещият титлата е кулинарен гений – той владее ароматите и вкусовете и умее да ги използва, за да влияе на сърцата, умовете и здравето на онези, които опитват неговите творения.
Именно един Пир-и Леззет е главният герой на този роман. Оцелял в едно от най-кървавите кланета в историята на двореца, той е още само дете, когато съдбата го среща с майстор, който разпознава дарбата му.
Изобилстващ от чар и интриги, „Падишахът на подправките“ е вкусно и запленяващо приключение, в което храната се конкурира със силата на любовта. Романът е наслада за всички сетива с ароматния си език, блестящия разказ и завладяващите герои.

368 pages, Paperback

First published April 9, 2016

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About the author

Saygın Ersin

8 books60 followers
5 Şubat 1975'te Manisa'da doğan Saygın Ersin öğretmen bir anne babanın çocuğu olarak dünyaya gelmiştir. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyoloji bölümünden mezun olan yazar, kısa bir gazetecilik deneyiminin ardından yazın hayatına başlamıştır. İzmir'de yaşamaktadır.

Saygin Ersin is a former journalist and the author of two previous novels in Turkish, Judgement of the Emperor and The Storm of Erbain, as well as Retired Police Club, a collection of short detective stories, and the script for the comic Skywind. He lives in Izmir, Turkey.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 207 reviews
Profile Image for Richard Derus.
3,210 reviews2,108 followers
February 3, 2022

My Review
: First, read this:
“There's no such thing as forgetting. No matter how hard you try, you only think you've forgotten, and over time the things you think you have forgotten emerge again under another guise and tear into your soul. Understand this: whoever says they have forgotten have merely condemned themselves to an endless repetition of the same event until the end of their lives.”

Extraordinarily beautiful sentences dot the landscape of this read with unseemly, almost brazen, promises of Delights...and they come just seldom enough to make the promises feel like a tease. But there's a lush, vigorous urgency to this story of the rare person born with the gustatory equivalent of perfect pitch. If Like Water for Chocolate or The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake left you with a hankerin' for more magically delicious food fiction, run get this book.

NOT, however, if you're dieting, or if you're already hungry. You'll come to regret that five pounds later.
Profile Image for merixien.
609 reviews460 followers
August 15, 2022
Tarihi kurgu sevmeyenlerin dahi keyif alacağı, yemeğin büyüsünü saray mutfağı ile harmanlayan, kimi zaman gidişatı tahmin edebilseniz de, genel olarak merak öğesini devamlı canlı tutan bir kitap. Bence tek sıkıntısı sonunun biraz aceleye getirilmiş olması. Onun dışında yemeğin büyülü dünyasına, baharatlara, yıldızlara ve hayata dair beklediğimin çok üstünde bir kitap oldu.
Profile Image for Fiona.
889 reviews486 followers
January 2, 2019
If you love and are interested in food and you don’t mind being whisked away on a magic carpet of fantasy, this book is for you. In my mind, I was watching a Disney cartoon and the story would work very well as that. It has all the right ingredients (no pun intended but it made me smile as I wrote it!) - ill-fated young lovers (the prince and the showgirl), goodies who help them and baddies who don’t, the sights, sounds and smells of latter day Middle Eastern and Asian countries, mystical teachers passing on age old secrets. Add to this, mouth-watering descriptions of wonderful dishes being prepared and you have a recipe (I’ve done it again!) for success that most foodies will thoroughly enjoy.
Profile Image for Esra Kara.
370 reviews31 followers
May 31, 2022
Çok güzel bir şekilde kaleme alınmış, aynı zamanda değişik, güzel bir kurguya sahipti. Osmanlı mutfağının güzel olduğunu biliyordum da, bu kadar mükemmel olduğunu hiç tahmin etmemiştim. Kitap her şeyiyle muazzamdı.
Profile Image for Judy Abbott.
769 reviews48 followers
June 6, 2016
Muhteşem bir roman. Yemekleri ile adeta büyü yapan aşçıbaşının Topkapı Sarayının has mutfağında geçen hikâyesini anlatıyor kitabımız. Zaman zaman geri dönüşlerle, aşçıbaşının dünyayı gezerek ustalığını nasıl edindiğini okuduğumuz kısımlar Binbir Gece Masallarını aratmıyor. Aşçıbaşı yemeklere lezzet fısıldarken o kokuları tadları damağımızda hissediyoruz. Bir Semerkand tadı aldım, çok çok sevdim!
Profile Image for Burak.
207 reviews142 followers
May 27, 2018
Saygın Ersin okumayı o kadar özlemişim ki anlatamam. Diliyle, hikayesiyle, karakterleriyle, bir yandan tarihi gerçeklere bağlı kalıp bir yandan lezzeti artıran bir baharat gibi kullanılan fantastik ögeleriyle çok ama çok güzel bir roman Pir-i Lezzet. Başından sonuna bir cümle dahi olsa sıkılmadan, hayretle, ağzımın suları akarak okudum. Böyle bir kitabın, böyle bir yazarın bu kadar az biliniyor olmasına anlam veremiyorum.
Profile Image for Sve.
563 reviews185 followers
December 12, 2021
Увлекателна приказка за любовта, храната и търсенето на себе си. Много ми допадна, че имаше информация за това как е организирана султанската кухня и каква е йерархията в двореца.
Profile Image for Flybyreader.
694 reviews197 followers
May 24, 2022
“Hiç düşündün mü bir insan bir yemekten neden nefret eder ya da onu çok sever?
Çünkü o yemekle ilgili mutlaka bir hatırası vardır.
Unutma, lezzet ağızda başlar, ama zihinde biter. Senin kabiliyetin lezzetlerin uyandırdığı tüm gizli hislere hükmedecek kadar kuvvetli. İşte evlat, sen asıl bunu öğreneceksin. Yoksa senin işin eti kararında, çorbayı kıvamında pişirmek değil. Sen, hislere hükmetmeyi öğreneceksin.”

Ve öğrendi aşçıbaşı, nam-ı diğer Pir-i Lezzet. Yemeklerin, baharatların kudretini, bir yemekle insanların fikir ve hislerinin nasıl değiştirilebildiğini, zihnini nasıl kontrol edebileceğini öğrendi. Çok şeye kadirmiş meğer bir yemek.

Türk edebiyatının en nadide çiçeklerinden birini keşfettiğim için o kadar mutluyum ki. Bu kitabın içimde yarattığı hisleri tarif edebilmek benim için çok zor. Kendi ülkesinde bu kadar az duyulup, şöhreti sınırları aşıp 14 dile sıçrayan az eser vardır herhalde. Bütün duyulara hitap eden, muazzam lezzetli ve büyüleyici bir hikaye, dilin bütün kıvraklığını ustaca kullanan yazarın elinde tam bir şölene dönüşmüş. Bu kitabı okumadığım bunca zamanı boşa geçmiş sayıyorum. Türk romancılığına dair umutlarımı yeşerten, ilk sayfadan son sayfaya dek soluksuz okuduğum muhteşem bir başyapıt. Kesinlikle okunmalı!
Profile Image for Adnan Yesilcimen.
21 reviews1 follower
January 23, 2017
Sanırım güzel bir şarkıyı bıkmadan dinlemek gibi tekrar tekrar okuyacağım bir romana daha kavuştum. son dönemde okuduğum en güzel roman
Profile Image for Amina Hujdur.
563 reviews26 followers
February 12, 2022
Ko voli intrige iz vremena Osmanskog carstva, priče iz harema začinjene spletkama, borbom za vlast i nezaobilaznom temom ljubavi sa preprekama, uživat će u ovoj književnoj posčastici.
Topla preporuka i čitanje na pun želudac 🤣
Profile Image for Olga Kowalska (WielkiBuk).
1,543 reviews2,548 followers
May 23, 2018
stnieją takie powieści, które wywołują niekontrolowane poczucie głodu, ssanie w żołądku tak intensywne, że zaspokoić je może tylko wielogodzinna uczta. Opowieści przesycone opisami wymyślnych dań, smakami tak zjawiskowymi, że aż ślinka cieknie na samą myśl, zapachami tak działającymi na wyobraźnię, że znika cały świat wokół i przenosimy się do innej, fikcyjnej rzeczywistości… Tak działa „Basza smaku”, tak działa spotkanie z Kucharzem, królem sułtańskiej kuchni! Saygan Ersin pokazał jak przez żołądek można dotrzeć do ludzkiego serca, ujarzmić i uwieść czyjeś namiętności, wpłynąć na losy swoje i wszystkich ludzi wokół. Jego opowieść jest niezwykła, aromatyczna i udowadnia to, o czym wiemy podświadomie wszyscy:
„Poeci mieli rację: żar miłości, jeśli dać mu możliwość, może spalić cały świat.”
Fenomenalnie smakowita powieść!
Profile Image for Gaele.
4,079 reviews82 followers
September 5, 2018
A tale of life, food, love and a journey of a thousand steps, Ersin weaves together descriptions of food that will have your mouth watering while you can’t help but wonder at the story of the chef, a supremely talented young man, dubbed at the tender age of six as the Pasha of Cuisine – one who has a ‘perfect palate’ and an almost instinctive talent for combining flavors, ingredients and heat to create unique masterpieces of flavor. From the start, the story grabbed me much like my first encounter with Ken Follett’s Pillars of the Earth series – a look behind the scenes to agendas, histories and lives of the people that create something that stands through the ages, becoming iconic moments that define a place or time. And the definition here is the food -one of the best and most accessible ways to learn about and discover another culture. But – that’s my first jump into learning about ‘elsewhere’ , when I’m not reading.

In this story, we first meet the chef as he serves in the household of a prominent merchant – making a meal that will move him along in his journey to the ultimate goal: moving to the palace to find and reunite with his long-lost love, a dancing girl sold into the harem. We never learn his name – either the one he was born to in the harem, or the one given to him after his escape from the slaughter and placed by the Master of the Kitchens into trusted hands that will nurture and fuel his gift. Even without a name, however, the cook is an engaging and intriguing as he mixes spices and ingredients, always with a mind to his ‘next step’ on his journey.

With an innate understanding of tastes and flavors that evoke memories from childhood – it is said that smell and taste are the first and most vibrant of all memories, the cook uses his encyclopedic knowledge of flavors and combines it with his own exhaustive research on likes, dislikes and histories of those for whom he is preparing meals. Seemingly always thinking of his next step to achieve his goals, he cultivates or watches those coming and going from the kitchens, bestowing favors and treats to those who will serve his agenda, while using his position as personal cook for a powerful man to source the best ingredients and combine the most basic elements with spices and a touch of ‘intention magic’ to inspire memories and bring praise and notice to his creations.

Alternating the history, love story, a touch of a quest, magic and the sights, sounds and tastes of the kitchens, the story is lyrical and descriptive with easily-accessible moments that allow you to feel the heat from the fires, scent apples and cloves, desire to recreate the melted onions and leeks that add contrast and flavor to a simple stewed lamb. With a never-ending undercurrent of moving to ‘more’, throughout the journeys of learning in his earlier years to his arrival at the palace in reach of the ultimate goal, the story is transportive and evocative – allowing readers to immerse themselves in the days of the Ottoman Empire in ways that are unique and engaging.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at I am, Indeed

Profile Image for Rosemary.
226 reviews34 followers
February 22, 2020
"There are only four tastes, but the number of flavors is infinite."

A story of love, intrigue, and food set in the days of the Ottoman Empire, translated from the Turkish.

"What we call flavor has six layers. There are four main tastes: sweet, salty, spicy, and sour. These, separately or combined, form the main layer, the seed of the flavor. Then there is the matter of contact. Every flavor makes its own kind of contact with the mouth. Some flavors are full-bodied, while others are weak. Some make your teeth ache or your mouth water, yet others warm or cool your mouth. The third layer is the surface. That is, when contact combines with sounds. Some flavors are crunchy, some are crisp. Some are soft, and some are prickly. When the tongue tastes the flavor and the mouth discovers the surface, next comes the aroma. Aromas are very important, because flavors can be complete only with their scent. There is no such thing as a flavor without a smell. The fifth layer of flavor is the outer layer, the appearance. At this level the flavor also appeals to the eyes, and satiates the eye as well as the stomach. Without the outer layer, no flavor can be complete. If the eye doesn't see, then the tongue, palate, and nose are also blind. Finally, the sixth layer, which exists at the deepest level consists of sensations. Most people don't realize this, but every taste is related to a memory or an emotion. Flavors are part of a person's past, and are the translation of emotion into another language."

We follow a cook on his way to becoming the Pasha of Cuisine, one born with a rare talent for gastronomy who, through training, hones his skills until he can use flavors to influence the hearts and minds of people through his food, as well as their health and wellbeing, or the opposite. He is a young boy training with Master Adem at the House of Pleasure when he meets and falls in love with Kamer, a beautiful girl about his own age being trained as a dancer. They are instantly attracted to each other. After a year of secret meetings, they plan to run off together, but before they can, Kamer is sold away into the Imperial Harem.

How does the cook hope to rescue Kamer from one of the most heavily guarded places on earth? Will he succeed in becoming the Pasha of Cuisine? This wonderful novel will answer these questions while providing you with some of the most sumptuous descriptions of food you could ever hope to encounter.
Profile Image for Haktan.
224 reviews6 followers
August 3, 2018
Yemek yapmayı pek beceremeyen ve becerebilenlere büyük bir hayranlık besleyen biri olarak bu kitabı okumaktan büyük keyif aldım. Kitabı okurken (arka kapakta yazdığı gibi) iştahınız kabarmayabilir ancak mutfak sanatına dair detayları öğrenmenin, işin felsefesine dair (doğru veya yanlış) küçük şeyler okumanın birçok kişinin okuma zevkini artırabileceğini düşünüyorum. Ek olarak, olayların arka planının tarihi olaylarla ve rollerle bezenmiş olması da bana göre kitaba ayrı bir tat kalmış. Olayları masal kıvamında hiç zorlanmadan takip ediyorsunuz. Kitabın olumsuz yönünü de belirtmek gerekirse; bence bazen olaylara fazla mistik bir hava katılmış ama yine de genel olarak başarılı bir eser olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Profile Image for Lucy .
211 reviews10 followers
March 17, 2019
It jumped around too much and coupled with a lack of understanding of many of the titles and naming conventions made it a bit difficult to follow at times. I had more hope for the story that he was getting back in with his uncle, for what he did-- killing all the kids and women-- torturing his mother and beheading his father. . . But alas it was just for a girl. Guess I'm too old and jaded to find that engaging. I was so much more interested in this being a "Revenge is a dish best served cold" story. All the hocus pocus psycho babble was boring.
Profile Image for Merve Özcan.
Author 23 books32 followers
August 12, 2017
Ya çoooook güzeldi. Aşkla lezzeti harmanlanıp bir şekilde insanın içine işliyor bu kitap. Nasıl da sürükleyici. Nasıl da okuması zevkli. Bayıldım. Ancak hangi döneme ait olduğunu ortalarında tahmin edip sonunda teyit etmek üzdü. Ad vermemesi ise gerçekçilik açısından efsane olmuş. Bayıldım.
Profile Image for Eli Hornyak.
276 reviews43 followers
May 8, 2020
It was a good premise, however the story seemed to start and stop and left out a lot of explanation.
Profile Image for Ivan.
478 reviews303 followers
January 11, 2024
After my impressions have settled, I'm changing rating from 3 to 4 because I really enjoyed it.

Book has bit of romance, bit of drama with larger than life characters and a lot of cooking. Book isn't historical fiction, it's fairy-tale in historical setting.

Outside of reading I have quite a few interests but my passion for cooking is probably the biggest one. or to be more precise I love food as a result I love experimenting in kitchen, so I really enjoyed all the elaborate meals and their preparation. I even picked thing or two I want to try out.
Profile Image for Onur KIRTAY.
2 reviews4 followers
January 8, 2018
Herhangi bir beklentim olmadan okumaya başladığım ve sayfalar ilerledikçe içine dalıp kaybolduğum bir kitap oldu bu. Saygın Ersin; tarihi gerçekleri fantastik olgularla süsleyerek, mutfağında bizlere oldukça estetik ve lezzetli bir aşk hikayesi hazırlamış. Kitabın giriş bölümündeki şehzade kıyımından, olayların hangi dönemde geçtiği ve hangi kilit karakterlerle karşılaşabileceğimizi net bir şekilde anlayabiliyoruz. Ama madem yazarımız isim vermemeyi tercih etmiş -ki iyi de yapmış- bize de kararına saygı duyup değerlendirmeyi okuyanlara bırakmak düşer.
Profile Image for Claire.
Author 14 books1,151 followers
July 20, 2019
Enjoyed this a lot--it's a fun fairy tale. I wish that the two lovers had more personality. They were pretty two-dimensional. But it was still a gorgeous read.
Profile Image for Kavita.
809 reviews421 followers
June 26, 2023
A pasha of cuisine is born only once every 2 to 3 hundred years. They are past masters of everything food related and are able to influence the people who eat their creations. The concept is derived from an obscure Ottoman legend. In The Pasha of Cuisine, the story revolves around an unnamed person (later revealed as Cihan; not a spoiler, doesn't matter!) who escapes death as a royal child during a takeover and roams around learning about food until he becomes the pasha of cuisine.

The theme has a lot of possibilities and I fully expected it to be delightful and adventurous. But it all became a gigantic meh when the author chose to introduce a random woman, Kamer, whom the pasha follows all over the world for 'love'. What could have been an exciting story filled with interesting characters all devolve into an annoying love story that I couldn't care less about. I mean, why on earth doesn't this chap at least plot to take revenge on the people who tried to kill him?

Ersin follows the weird trend of not specifying which time period (or country or personality) on which the book is written, which is one of my major pet peeves. I believe this is the reign of Ahmed I (though he did not kill all the children!) and the Haseki Sultan was Kösem Sultan (she was strangled). It's just so much more enriching when I am able to read up further on the small details of a nice historical fiction.

Cihan as a character was on the brink of interesting, but I believe it got spoilt by the love story. As a person, he seems to have no motivation for anything other than following Kamer around. Kamer herself was rather one-dimensional and doesn't even get much time on the pages. This might be why the 'love story' appears devoid of any interest. Their great love simply does not reach me through the pages and Kamer's 'fiery temperament' is highly uninteresting. A slave and a sexworker, there is a story to be told here about Kamer, but Ersin does not choose to tell us that story, and reduces Kamer to a mere object of Cihan's desire.

Some of the other characters were more interesting, especially from the royal palace and the series of chefs who propel Cihan on his way. The descriptions of cooking and food were enticing and I thoroughly enjoyed the author's own probable love for food. The historical setting was very well done and one does get transported back in time. Cihan's talent for cuisine came across very well, but not his passion for food. Despite the detailed, and often lovely, descriptions, I never felt that Cihan had any level of passion for cooking or eating. I am more engrossed in my kitchen experiments than Cihan appears to be. I definitely don't think about my lovely husband when I am cooking; only my food and the meal I would be having later.

There is a fantasy element to the story with Cihan having to learn all kinds of random stuff such as astrology, the zodiac, the secrets of spices, and he is able to kill or cure merely with food (if only that could be so!) I would classify this as historical fantasy, though the latter part does not intrude too much. It didn't bother me, and I actually thought it added a bit of spice to the otherwise boring character since he had to get his power from somewhere since his brain only seemed to react to Kamer and appeared incapable of soaking in other information.

It's an easy read but not great. It's one of those books that leaves me feeling dissatisfied because I recognise the potential that was unfulfilled.
Profile Image for Koray.
241 reviews54 followers
September 4, 2021
"...Nelere kadirdir bir yemek? Hangi baharat kılavuzudur kalbe giden yolun? Kamer, Şems, Merih, Zühre; hangi yıldızlar saklıdır sıcak bir tencerede? Ve cevza ve mizan ya da kavs; Hangi burcun kokusudur bir tutam tarçın? Sarımsak devam mıdır yoksa bela mı? İsmi nedir taze ekmek kokusunun? Bir bardak şerbet unutturur mu acıları? Ya da bir yudum çorba açar mı kapıları?..."
Kitabı düzensiz okuduğum için bir müddet sonra konudan kopmalar yaşamama rağmen aslında konusu aynı: Son derece maharetli bir aş(k)çının oluşturduğu lezzetlerle insanlara tatmadığı zevkleri yaşatması... Gelecek vadeden bir yazar ve şöhreti de ülke sınırlarını çoktan aşmış durumda. Sevindirici!
Profile Image for Mustafa Rushan.
362 reviews14 followers
May 1, 2024
Böyük həvəslə başlamışdım. Kiçik təəssüratlarla bitirdim.
Potensialı yüksək bir ideası vardı, forma baxımındansa məni qane eləmədi.
Dinamikası aşağı idi, halbuki, nəfəsimi kəsməli idi, ən azı məndə belə bir gözlənti vardı.
Heyif, yenə də kitab çox populyardır. Cildin üzərindəki qeydə görə 17 dilə tərcümə edilib.
Müəllif hüquqları satılıb, yaxında serialı çəkiləcəkmiş. Ümid edirəm filmi gözləntimi qarşılayar.
Profile Image for Mi.
58 reviews4 followers
February 4, 2024
İlmek ilmek işlenmiş. Çok özenli, çok akıcı. Saygılar gerçekten
Profile Image for Диана.
90 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2019
Книгата ми достави огромна наслада, възбуди сетивата ми с екзотичния си привкус и като един истински чревоугодник исках още, и още… никога да не свършва!

Сайгън Ерсин бе непознат досега за мен автор, който се оказа изкусен разказвач. Пренася читателя в интригуващ исторически период на Османската империя, без да натрапва имена на исторически личности и години, но всеки който се е интересувал поне малко от нейната история лесно би се досетил за кой точно период и владетели става въпрос. Буквално от първите страници така облада съзнанието ми с майсторското описание на омайващи вкусове и аромати, че сега съм решена да се впусна в един кулинарен тур поне из Истанбул. И не, не си мисле��е, че ще прочетете някакъв си „рецептурник”, рецепти няма! Това е история с кулинарен привкус за любов, копнеж, търпение и себеопознаване, деликатно подправена с щипка магически реализъм.

Главният герой се ражда с необикновена дарба – изключителна чувствителност на небцето, която му помага да разграничава почти всички вкусове на света, така наречения Пир-и Леззет.
Но за да се превърне в господар на всички вкусове на света не е достатъчно само да притежава тази дарба, а ще трябва да измине дълъг път на обучение, да обиколи много непознати земи, за да бъде посветен в най-големите тайни на занаята. И най-важното, да успее да излекува наранената си душа, само тогава ще заслужи призванието да бъде истински Пир-и Леззет.

Колко силна може да бъде любовта? Каква е връзката между готварството, астрологията и медицината, и дали това познание може да се превърне в мощно оръжие, по един интелигентен начин способно да влияе на чувствата, а оттам и на хората до такава степен, че да разруши цяла една империя… прочетете книгата и ще разберете! :)

Горещо препоръчвам!!!
И както се казва „Да ви е сладко!” ;)

П.П.: Адмирации към издателите, изключително много и изчерпателни бележки под линия!
Profile Image for Murat Dural.
Author 16 books592 followers
July 11, 2016
Saygın Ersin’den “Pir-i Lezzet”. Tatlı niyetine okuyun. İlk defa Saygın Ersin okudum. Ve bu bende ciddi bir bağımlılığın başlangıcı demek. Övmeye başlarsam sonunu getiremeyeceğim. Bu son kitabının içine girdiğinizde harika bir tarihi (Osmanlı) anlatımına enfes aktarılmış tatlar, yemekler eşlik ediyor. Bence çok başarılı bir kitap. Okumaya başlamadan önce ne yediğinizin bir önemi yok. Yazar öyle bir anlatıyor ki acıkmamak, yutkunmamak elde değil. Tarihi roman, az biraz fantastik sevenlere kesinlikle tavsiye ediyorum.
354 reviews5 followers
August 10, 2020
A wonderful escape and tale of freedom, learning, food and revenge. The Pasha of Cuisine is an individual born every few centuries with a singular talent for creating incredible food from the even the most basic ingredients. The story goes back and forth in time, telling the story of how the Pasha grew up and developed his talent, and how he comes to use his gifts to free the woman he loves from a harem. The only aspect of the book I did not care for was the depiction of the women in the story as harridans, whores or difficult for not wanting to cave in to their captors.
Profile Image for Işıl.
62 reviews6 followers
April 11, 2017
Gastronomi, aşk ve tarih o kadar güzel harmanlanmış ki, çok çok sevdim.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 207 reviews

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