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Коледа в Силвър Фолс

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Скарлет Бейли и семейството й винаги са празнували коледните празници в „Белите дъбове“ – стария хотел, ухаещ на шоколад и канела. Но сега той е заплашен от бързо изникващите модерни комплекси в курортното градче. И това може да е последната Коледа, която семейство Бейли ще прекара тук.

Скарлет е решена да направи и невъзможното, за да спаси хотела. Затова между традиционното печене на сладки и украсяването на елхата се среща със строителния предприемач Чарлс Брайънт. Между импулсивната Скарлет и сдържания Чарлс прехвърчат искри, но двамата имат коренно различна представа за бъдещето на хотела.

Докато Скарлет се опитва да убеди Чарлс колко са важни уютната атмосфера и приветливото отношение към гостите, тя ще открие дълбоки рани от миналото, скрити под лустрото му на сериозен бизнесмен.

280 pages, Paperback

First published October 15, 2019

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About the author

Jenny Hale

26 books1,577 followers
Jenny Hale is a USA Today, Amazon, and international bestselling author of romantic contemporary fiction. Her books have sold worldwide, have been translated into multiple languages, and adapted for television. Her novels Coming Home for Christmas and Movie Guide Epiphany Award winner Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses are Hallmark Channel original movies.

She was included in Oprah Magazine’s “19 Dreamy Summer Romances to Whisk You Away” and Southern Living’s “30 Christmas Novels to Start Reading Now.” Her stories are chock-full of feel-good romance and overflowing with warm settings, great friends, and family.

Jenny is at work on her next novel, delighted to be bringing even more heartwarming stories to her readers. When she isn’t writing, or heading up her romantic fiction imprint Harpeth Road, she can be found running around her hometown of Nashville with her husband, two boys, and their labradoodle, taking pictures—her favorite pastime.

Visit www.itsjennyhale.com to get my latest book! You can also chat with me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jennyhaleauthor, Twitter: www.twitter.com/jhaleauthor, and IG: www.instagram.com/jhaleauthor

See all my books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jenny-Hale/e/B...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 290 reviews
Profile Image for Michael David (on hiatus).
714 reviews1,867 followers
December 23, 2021
Christmas at Silver Falls is a cute holiday story about Scarlett Bailey, a young woman whose grandmother owns the White Oaks Inn in the charming tourist mountain town of Silver Falls. Scarlett spent her childhood summers and winter breaks at the hotel, and still goes back with her family every Christmas. She’s super bummed that this will be the last Christmas the inn will be open.

Then, she meets Charlie Bryant, a property developer who has a history in Silver Falls. Scarlett wants to convince him to invest in the inn to keep it open…but neither of them expected love on the horizon.

I was looking for a book to get me into the Christmas spirit, and this one succeeded for the most part. It’s atmospheric and has some wonderful (and odd) characters. It also has some very heartwarming scenes that really show the true meaning of Christmas and how joyous it is to be a giving person.

It’s also extremely Hallmark-y, which is to be expected. While I enjoyed it overall and thought it was a light, easy read…I couldn’t also help but feel it was a little too light for this reader. There is essentially no conflict (unless we’re talking about the eye-roll inducing scene where Scarlett gets a small spot of ketchup on her shirt and Charlie honest to God RUSHES to get her some water to dilute the stain 🙄). I think we all know how this story is going to end, but there was very little that stood in the way to threaten said ending.

It was just a tad too perfect, and I didn’t really feel a ton of chemistry between Scarlett and Charlie. It’s also very PG…maybe even G…so that might’ve been why. And yet, its heart is in the right place and it’s a comforting seasonal read.


Thank you to Forever for sending this to me via book mail.

Review also posted at: https://bonkersforthebooks.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,387 reviews1,614 followers
November 7, 2019
While I’m not a fan of colder weather and inwardly cringe when the temps do begin to drop in the fall there are things I love about the season and one of those are the feel good holiday romances. Christmas at Silver Falls by Jenny Hale is one of these such contemporary holiday romances that is perfect for the holiday season.

Scarlett Bailey is spending this Christmas at White Oaks Inn with her family the way they have done for years. Unfortunately for Scarlett’s family though they may need to say goodbye to the Inn after this holiday season when the costs have just become too much for Scarlett’s grandmother after having owned and operated it for years.

Knowing of her grandmother’s financial troubles Scarlett thinks she’s come up with the perfect plan when she hears that successful property developer Charlie Bryant is in town. However Scarlett gets a little distracted actually talking business when she meets Charlie but instead finds herself falling for the handsome stranger.

Jenny Hale has done it again with another lovely romance. As soon as I began this one I felt like I was transported straight to the White Oaks Inn myself and surrounded by all things family and Christmas. I do think a few things seemed predictable with how everything happened but it was still a nice story overall.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.com/
Profile Image for Natalia  R.
293 reviews194 followers
October 6, 2019
Scarlett Bailey and her entire family have been celebrating Christmas at her grandmother's Inn for as long as she can remember. Christmastime in the picturesque town of Silver Falls is magical and full of memories for Scarlett. She can't imagine spending it anywhere else. When she learns that the Inn is having serious financial problems, she takes it upon herself to find a solution. Charles Bryant, a successful property developer is staying in Silver Falls, and she's hopeful that he will help her save the Inn. When they meet, there's an immediate spark between them, but Charles is going through a tough time and saving an Inn is the last thing on his mind. Will Scarlett be able to convince him to help her? I enjoyed this sweet, heartfelt Christmas romance. It's a story about love, the importance of family, hope, and second chances. The characters were wonderful and easy to relate to. The chemistry between Scarlett and Charles was undeniable, and I enjoyed watching their relationship grow throughout the book. This cozy, uplifting story will make you want to curl up on your sofa with a blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, and a box of tissues. I highly recommend this book and will be checking out more books by this author. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Terri  Wino.
734 reviews68 followers
December 29, 2019
2-1/2 stars

Let me start by saying that I have read all of Jenny Hale's holiday books to date and, though there have been reality issues with them, I have overlooked plot points and given just about all of them good reviews because they are "feel good" stories that celebrate the magic of the Christmas season.

Unfortunately, I cannot do the same thing with this book. Maybe I have just reached my limit of spending my money on books and "forgiving" them their flaws -- no matter how ridiculous and absurd they are.

First of all, this book had too many characters and side stories that detracted from who I thought were meant to be our main protagonists, Scarlett and Charlie. I'm not even going to delve into the side stories in this review. Basically, Scarlett is looking to meet Charlie because he's supposedly this huge mogul who develops and owns all of these wildly profitable resorts. She is hoping he can buy and salvage her grandmother's historic inn. Yet he is hiding out in the cottage that was owned by his deceased father. When we learn of Charlie's upbringing, that's the first thing I had a hard time swallowing. To me, it was just an absurd reason he was estranged from his father. Then there's the reason Charlie is in self-imposed exile. Just ridiculous. I'm to believe someone of his power and resources couldn't have made changes and helped those he "hurt" without going to such extreme measures? Sorry, in my experience with people, no human being will give up their own self preservation and not be able to have financial means to ensure their own future after having achieved that level of financial success. It's just common sense that you can't help others without being able to help yourself first.

I did enjoy the setting this book took place in. The town and the inn are idyllic settings, especially for a Christmas story. But, again, we are asked to set aside belief and common sense when the eventual renovations of the inn are revealed at the end of the book. Then there's the total structural revamp of Charlie's cottage. This guy supposedly has very little money left, but the amount of money it would have cost to make the revealed changes to the inn and his cottage lead me to believe this author has never undertaken or paid for any type of construction and home renovations, let alone projects of the scale that are done in this book and a few of her others that I've read.

I hate to be so critical of this book, especially when I have enjoyed others from this author. It's just that with each book I feel as if I am being asked to overlook larger and larger plot inconsistencies and make concessions for more implausible things just because it's a Christmas story. Also, this book in particular barely had any romantic aspect between the characters who the reader is supposed to be rooting for. Was it supposed to be a holiday romance story? Because other than the epilogue, the romance aspect was zip, zero, nadda throughout the majority of the book.

Perhaps it's just me being overly critical, but when I have read so many other holiday stories that aren't so easily picked apart, it's difficult to continue giving this author glowing reviews.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katie B.
1,431 reviews3,092 followers
December 19, 2021
Over the last month or so, I have read 7 Christmas themed books. Christmas at Silver Falls has the distinction of being the only one to make me shed a tear. Don't worry folks, it's not a downer of a story, in fact, it's quite the opposite. I started crying at a certain part in the story because it was so moving to see the generosity of the characters. The book really captures so much of what I love about the holiday.

Scarlett Bailey is headed to White Oaks Inn for one last Christmas. Her grandmother owns the place and it has been struggling to bring in money. Scarlett along with other relatives are going to try and convince her to sell the place. Wealthy property developer, Charlie Bryant, might have some interest in the place and Scarlett is determined to show him how important it is for the inn to maintain its unique charm. Charlie comes across as gruff but the more time Scarlett spends with him, the more she is confident he has a good heart.

The White Oaks Inn is almost like a character itself in the novel. The picturesque setting helped contribute to the overall comfy and pleasant vibe of the story. I love how it wasn't jam packed full of crazy and unnecessary drama. I've been feeling stressed out lately and this managed to put me in a good mood which is not the easiest task.

I liked the romance but honestly it was the festive spirit of the story that won me over. Would recommend if you are in the mood for a light and easy Christmas read.

Thank you to Forever for providing me with a copy! All thoughts expressed are my honest opinion.

Profile Image for Габриела Иванова.
280 reviews36 followers
January 26, 2021
Мога да кажа, че съм малко разочарована, тъй като това ми е втората книга от авторката, която чета и имам някаква база за сравнение. По принцип не обичам да подхождам към дадена книга с очаквания, но понякога е неизбежно и за жалост, тук не се оправдаха.
Първоначално много ми хареса цялата атмосфера, описанията на малкото градче и сплотеното общество и първата среща между Чарли и Скарлет, която беше много сладка. Но после започна да се обръща все по-голямо и голямо внимание на проблемите, които имат героите и като цяло голяма драма беше с този хотел как да го спасят. Женските персонажи започнаха много да ме напрягат, начело бабата и Скарлет и към края Джейни. Просто начина, по който Джоузефин (бабата) се нахвърли върху Чарли без да го познава, а само от вестниците изграждайки си мнение, беше много грозно. Другото нещо, което не ми се понрави беше това, че Чарли се раздаваше на 100% опитвайки се да поправи грешките от миналото си. От една страна, това ми хареса-достойна постъпка, но на моменти просто се престараваше и то за хора, които почти до самия край бяха против него(бабата, за да бъда конкретна). Скарлет ми беше пък твърде настойчива, искаща да узнае всичко за него и миналото му, което не беше нищо кой знае какво(очаквах нещо повече). Историите за баща му и това как Чарли е срещнал Скарлет при водопадите ми бяха интересни и би ми било интересно, ако беше писано повече за това. Лорета и Престън бяха много сладка двойка и ми допаднаха ужасно много. Даже си мисля, че ако те бяха главните герои, щях да се насладя много повече на книгата. При Чарли и Скарлет не успях да усетя химията и романтиката, всичко в последните 10 страници беше нахвърляно, които май най-много ми харесаха както и първите 50-60, през другото време май все ми идеше да я метна през прозореца.😅
Та обобщено казано "Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки" ми хареса много повече, изпълни ме с доста повече коледно настроение, уют, топлина и романтични моменти от колкото тук. Със сигурност ще прочета и другите книги от авторката, защото ми харесва стилът й на писане-ненатрапчив и увлекателен. Само защото една нейна книга не ми е допаднала, не означава, че и другите няма!😉
December 17, 2021
Поредната доза захар от Джени Хейл!
Както за всяка нейна книга съм твърдяла, така и тук отново имаме супер наивна история, супер нереалистичен сюжет и толкова много захар, че човек да хване диабет.
Но... малко по-добра от предходните книги, които четох и това го отдавам най-вече на нежния глас на Гергана Стоянова, която чете книгата за Сторител (иначе едва ли бих посегнала да я чета, а ако я бях чела едва ли щях да дам 3*)
Оценката от 3* е и заради красивите описания на снежната природа и малкото семейно хотелче сгушено нейде там. По принцип не обичам сняг, но харесвам такива описания на преспи в планината и отрупани гори и паланки. Хареса ми и описанието на уютна и топла коледна ваканция и празник изкарано с цялото семейство, а уханието на бабините гозби да се носи наоколо.
Хотелчето също привлича внимание със своята историческа памет и всеотдайността на бабата притежател, която за нищо на света не желае да го продаде, въпреки финансовата криза, нуждата от ремонти и обновления и никакви инвестиции на хоризонта.
Като оставим това на страна главните герои ми бяха неправдоподобни. Скарлет мисли, че Чарли може да помогне и да купи хотела (зад гърба на бабата?!) и това я кара да се опита на някакво сближаване. Той пък е бил предприемач, чиято съвест изведнъж го е загризала, разпродал е бизнеса си и се е заточил в бащината къща, която е пред срутване. При всичките им разговори между двамата Скарлет е доста напориста и задава куп нахални въпроси, кара Чарли да издаде тайните си. Той пък първоначално е доста отбранителен, а после изведнъж става супер отзивчив и алтруистично настроен към всички и всичко.
След пет разговора и измислен план как да се спаси хотела от фалит, двамата вече са влюбени - хм, чакайте малко, какво пропуснах, как се случи?! - пълна мистерия!
И разбира се краят и епилога са обсипани отново с тонове пудра захар в стил "и заживели щастливо".
Profile Image for CYIReadBooks (Claire).
730 reviews115 followers
January 9, 2022
Christmas at Silver Falls is such a feel good Christmas story. It is one story that shouldn’t be missed during the holiday season.

Scarlett Bailey is returning to her hometown and to the White Oaks Inn where her family gathers every year for Christmas. It is tradition that all the Baileys gather at their grandmother’s house and inn to share love and memories. But this year may be the family’s last gathering as guests and revenues have been on the decline for several months.

Faced with the probable sale of White Oaks Inn, Scarlett is adamant that with her marketing skills, she’ll be able to find a suitable buyer or investor that will retain the historical aspects of the inn and the role it played in several events in history.

Scarlett is handed a business card that was left with her father’s good friend, Cappy. Charles Bryant’s name boldly appears on the card and Scarlett seemed somewhat familiar with that name. It’s just that she couldn’t immediately recognize the name from her recent memory.

As it turns out, Charles (Charlie) Bryant was a childhood acquaintance. A very nice and polite boy from Scarlett’s recollection. But when she meets him, he is nothing like what she remembers. Instead, Charlie is a surly and disgruntled man. A “Scrooge” of sorts.

As Scarlett navigates how to persuade Charlie to invest in the White Oaks Inn, she can’t help but develop a fondness for Charlie. Underneath that gruff exterior, Scarlett knows in her heart that Charlie is a caring and sensitive man. If only Scarlett can draw the real Charlie out of his shell.

Christmas at Silver Falls is a touching holiday story with a wide cast of down to earth characters that will capture your heart. The characters aren’t complex and they are like your friendly neighborhood “Walton” family. They just have a feel good aura about them.

Since Christmas at Silver Falls is the first novel that I’ve read from author, Jenny Hale, I wasn’t expecting too much out of the plot. But Hale has a real talent for storytelling. Hale has deftly crafted a feel good novel about family, the Christmas spirit, and love. Five heartwarming stars.

I received a paperback copy of the book from Forever (GCP.) The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.
November 28, 2021
⭐️ 3,5
È un libro molto scorrevole, seppure la storia sia semplice (ma comunque credibile) cattura perfettamente l’atmosfera natalizia in montagna, durante la lettura si ha quasi la sensazione di sentire il profumo di biscotti e sidro di mele nell’aria 😊🎄. Non è un libro perfetto tutt’altro (personaggi stereotipati e poco approfonditi) ma è comunque una bella “favola” natalizia. 😊
Profile Image for Rumelia Nikolaeva.
39 reviews12 followers
November 13, 2023
„Коледа в Силвър Фолс“ от Джени Хейл е една лека, неангажираща и приятна история, макар и много предвидима. 🎄🪵🌨️

„Понякога хората не се намират на едно и също място в живота си и дори да са съвършени един за друг, парченцата от пъзела им не се сглобяват, защото са от две различни картини. “

„Ако живееш живота си, като постоянно се страхуваш някой да не ти разбие сърцето, рискуваш да изпуснеш единствения човек, който никога няма да го направи.“
November 28, 2021
Еми, не се получава магията с коледните романи от тази авторка,колкото и да опитвам.А аз съм много упорит човек и всяка зима й давам шанс.Изобщо не ми хареса.Определено предпочитам повече летните романи, написани от нея.
Profile Image for Obsidian.
2,913 reviews1,047 followers
December 6, 2019
The cover was cute. I don't know if it's because the book was a bit too short for development (263 pages) or if the author just had too much focus on Christmas with not enough time to set things up or what. Also there's a whole stupid plot point with the hero and money and I maybe rage screamed in a pillow. It made zero sense and I just hated it. I also think there was a bit too much going on (another couple, not the main one getting together) that could have been in a separate book if the author wanted to have a series. But trying to shoehorn them into a romance novel when you are supposed to be focused on the main heroine and hero just didn't work. The plot was okay, but execution totally fell down.

"Christmas at Silver Falls" has Scarlett Bailey and her family returning to her grandmother's inn, White Oaks Inn, for Christmas. The family gets together every Christmas and has a huge celebration with the rest of the town. This year though, things are somber. Scarlett and her family realize that her grandmother must sell her business since she's not making enough money to live on let alone run the inn anymore. Scarlett though hears that a rich businessman with ties to Silver Falls, Charlie Bryant, may be living near and she wonders if she can talk him into saving her grandmother's business.

So you may think this is about Scarlett appealing to a Scrooge like character and making him see that love and family are important. Nope, not even a little bit. Charlie is in hiding because of reasons (they are stupid) and at first he's wary of Scarlett, but quickly comes around to wanting to spend time with her and her family. Most of the obstacles are because Scarlett's grandmother doesn't trust him cause rich people, cause, he's a developer, etc. It gets old.

I think the main issue I have is that Scarlett has very little personality. She wants to keep her grandmother's business running. Fine. But I honestly cannot remember what her job is and just passed on looking it up. We hear she picks charity cases as boyfriends, so her grandmother thinks that is what Charlie is (just go with it) and I just didn't care at all.

Charlie's story resonated a bit more with me until we find out why he is in hiding. I maybe went seriously and this is stupid a dozen times.

The secondary romance couple in this one, a long-time friend of Scarlett's and a singing banker were more interesting and I started to wish I was reading about them.

The writing was just okay, there are a lot of plot holes going on here and there and development is lacking for a lot of characters (Scarlett's father, her maiden aunt, etc.)

The setting of Silver Falls reads like a Hallmark Family movie small town. No complaints, it sounded very comfortable and Christmasy.

The ending was a Happily Ever After (HEA) which was nice, but I found myself bored and glad to move on from this one. Do not expect steamy sex scenes or even love scenes period. This is not a Christian romance, but it may as well be.
Profile Image for Victoria .
138 reviews3 followers
November 18, 2020
„Коледа в Силвър Фолс“ е първата книга, която чета от Джени Хейл и съм истински впечатлена. Вниманието ѝ към всеки детайл, изграждането на персонажите, дори второстепенните – е творчески талант, който не само се е формирал с писането, но и показва отношението на авторката към читателите ѝ. Преди да се впуснете в невероятното приключение на Скарлет и Чарли, си пригответе достатъчно сладки изкушения, защото на почти всяка страница се споменават различни видове празнични десерти.

Опитвайки се да спаси семейния хотел от закриване, Скарлет полага неимоверни усилия, за да предотврати продажбата му и да запази атмосферата на уют и специално отношение към настанените посетители в него. Случайно попада на визитката на строителния предприемач Чарлс Брайънт и в сърцето ѝ мигновено се заражда надежда. Двамата започват да се срещат ежедневно, сближават се и въпреки противоположните им виждания за бъдещето на хотела, изпитват силно привличане и с времето започват да се доверяват един на друг.

„Коледа в Силвър Фолс“ наподобява филм по Холмарк: отпускаща, безгрижна, приветлива и с акцент върху семейните връзки. Изключително много харесах всички герои в тази история, но най-любими са ми Лорета и Престън. Ах, тези двамата, ме разсмиваха с разговорите помежду им и от самото начало интуицията ми подсказваше, че ще бъдат великолепна двойка. Исках поне още десет страници със забавни ситуaции с тяхно участие.

Книгата на Джени Хейл бих описала като коледния подарък, който всеки читател би оценил подобаващо. Доброта, доброта се излива от редовете, думите извикват усмивки и ни напомнят да бъдем съпричастни към непознати, изпаднали в беда. Миналото на Джейни ме съсипа, защото не бива човешко същество да бъде съдено по финансовия статус, трябва да се помага на хората, които не могат да се справят сами. Те от своя страна ще помогнат на останалите и по този начин колелото на живота ще се завърти в правилна посока. Посланието на писателката е да бъдем добри винаги, а не единствено по празници и да отделим нужното внимание на семейството си.

„Коледа в Силвър Фолс“ е най-коледната, топла, ароматна и романтична книга, която съм прочела тази година. Музиката, цветята, гледките на водопадите от планината, игрите с бисквити, летящите снежинки създават неповторима и вълшебна атмосфера.
Profile Image for Tracy Marie.
91 reviews20 followers
October 28, 2019
Scarlett and her family have been celebrating their family Christmas at her Grandparents Inn for as long as she can remember. This year though may be the very last one, as financially White Oaks Inn is having problems and since Scarlett's Grandfather passed away it I also more work that her Grandmother can handle by herself.

The family has had a meeting and decided that their only choice is to sell White Oaks Inn, but they have not told Scarlett's Grandmother yet, and don't intend to until after Christmas. Christmastime in the picturesque town of Silver Falls is magical and full of memories for Scarlett. She and her family can't imagine spending it anywhere else.

As Scarlett searches for solutions to their Inn's financial issues, she find “Charlie” and there is a spark between them that they can't deny, not to mention he is a successful property developer too. Scarlett is determined to find a solution that her Grandmother could live happily with. Could this be the answer that her family needs, or can he be trusted.

This is the perfect cozy Christmas read. Bring a blanket and a cup of tea, and maybe a few tissues and you're all set to read this in one sitting! I couldn't put it down, and stayed up reading it until I was finished!! I continue to find myself thinking about Charlie, Scarlett, and her family.

I highly recommend this book and I will definitely be reading more of Jenny Hale's books!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

#ChristmasAtSilverFalls #NetGalley
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,588 reviews215 followers
September 29, 2019
Christmas in October is a fun read especially when the cover is so pretty and the story engrossing.

Saving White Oaks Inn was the crux of this book as it was the place where the entire Bailey clan met during Christmas. But that year would probably be the last as the newer hotels were taking in more profits. Scarlett knew she had to do something to save the inn.

Charlie was the answer to her prayers, a property developer with money to help. She just had to convince him that the inn needed to be run in her old fashioned way. Friction happened and sparks flew. Romance had a slight chance, but something was preventing it from growing.

Jenny Hale writes brilliant heart-warming books. Period. The emotions in this story were like the shiny baubles on the Christmas tree. Each one sparkled and left me longing for more. Two characters so different from each other added a spiciness to the otherwise cosy tale.

The words were powerful, each completed the imagery that I had of Christmas. Its spirit was captured in the chapters, and its fragrance seeped through as I turned the pages. There was something magical about it all. The path of love and understanding was not smooth, and that made this story more interesting. A fun Chrismassy read!!
Profile Image for Lorraine Tan.
223 reviews23 followers
December 23, 2021
Christmas at Silver Falls by Jenny Hale receives 2.5/5⭐️ from me. This holiday novel was a predictable read & could easily be made into a PG13 Netflix Christmas movie. It was lighthearted & cute. However, I personally found the writing extremely bland & boring. There wasn’t the right balance between the perspectives of different characters & I was disappointed that this book did not include a dual POV which could have easily elevated this book. Moreover, the book was not emotionally engaging at all & I wasn’t invested in the plot nor any of the characters. Even though this book was a short one, it still felt too long-winded & there were literally no shocking plot twists at all. None of the characters stuck out to me & I found myself skimming through the pages instead of reading it thoroughly. This book was definitely met my extremely low expectations as it did not derive any feelings out of me & it was flat out extremely boring.
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,025 reviews64 followers
November 27, 2021
From a Christmas novel I expect good humor, an overwhelming joy and happiness so it was weird to feel a vibe of sadness and drama from the beginning. Still, I didn't give up and finished it.
I didn't even like the characters - but I loved the setting, perfect for a Christmas book.
I didn't care anything about the secondary characters and had no interest in reading so much details about the inn and its problems.
Charlie's issues were just ridiculous and incomprehensible.
It was all nonsense.
I'm sorry...😞
Profile Image for bookmarkbelles.
324 reviews58 followers
October 17, 2019
I absolutely adored this book and devoured it in one sitting which is crazy since I haven’t been able to finish a book in months. I’m obsessed with Jenny Hale’s book because they read like a hallmark movie and my obsession started when I read Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses. I remember thinking then that it should be turned into a hallmark movie and I got my wish. Can’t wait for it to release!
Profile Image for Didka.
178 reviews
December 20, 2021
Симпатична, типично Коледна книга! Нищо особено като цяло, предвидима, но създава Коледно настоение!
Profile Image for Daniella.
200 reviews13 followers
January 26, 2021
Жалко, но с тази книга не успях да усетя магията от коледния дух, въпреки отминаването на празниците. Самата история в книгата не ми хареса, прекалено настоятелна главна героиня и главен герой, който се е отдал на самосъжаление, вместо да се вземе в ръце. Празниците бяха някак изместени настрани, а се обръщаше повече внимание на драмите и проблемите на героите, което на моменти ми идваше много. Онази лекота, която ми допадна в "Коледните пожелания" тук я нямаше и ми липсваше. На моменти имах чувството, че всичко се случва прекалено насилствено между двамата главни герои. Бабата, бабата ме дразнеше ужасно много.....просто на моменти ме изкарваше извън нерви. Не можех да я търпя с постоянните й мрънкания отностно хотела, разбирам я, че има желание хотелът да запази своята автентичност от миналото, но и малко модернизация няма да навреди. Другото, което не ми хареса - очаквах около Чарли да има нещо доста по-мистериозно като тайна, от това което се разкри. Много ми беше интересна историята на Престън и Лорета, даже ми допадна повече от на Скарлет и Чарли, и исках да има повече за тях. Но може би главният ми проблем беше това, че не ми се създаде усещане за лека книжка, а точно обратното, на моменти доста се напрягах. И сега като пиша това разбирам, че просто съм имала проблем с героите и не успях да харесам никого, дори и Чарли, който се държа неадекватно през почти цялото време и накрая леко се събуди. Имаше си и плюсове, един от тях беше самото описание на природата и хотела, трепетното очакване на празниците (което малко не го усетих :D) и може би историята на Лорета и Престън. Със сигурност това няма да ми е любимата книга на Джени Хейл, даже не знам дали бих я чела отново. Корицата е уникално красива и само заради това ще я задържа в библиотеката си! ♥
Profile Image for Eva.
176 reviews24 followers
December 26, 2021
Като цяло „Коледа в Силвър Фолс“ доста прилича на „Винаги ще има Коледа“ - и по основна идея, и по стил и динамика. Ако трябва да избирам между тия две ми „Коледни пожелания и бисквитени целувки“, любимата ми определено би била последната. Като ще е е нереалистична и идеализирана историята, поне да е от-до такава, а не пълна със скучни диалози и посредствени герои.
Profile Image for Nezabravka.
135 reviews42 followers
December 23, 2021
Пореден опит за създаване на Коледно настроение. Неуспешен.
Profile Image for Mary Jackson _TheMaryReader.
1,316 reviews174 followers
November 30, 2021
I love a happy ending and Hale never disappoints. She always brings out all the feelings. This is a holiday must read. 4 stars with a high recommendation.
Profile Image for Iliana Simeonova.
361 reviews48 followers
December 5, 2020
Наистина останах приятно изненадата точно колко много ми хареса тази история. Една сладка и увлекателна история, която със сигурност грабва читателското внимание.
Ревюто на книгата тук - https://books99blogspot.blogspot.com/...
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
2,988 reviews543 followers
November 10, 2019
Having recently seen Jenny Hale's first Hallmark movie, all I can say is I hope they have all her past, present and future Christmas books signed up for movies, as yet again she has written a fabulous story, that would make a really enjoyable film too.

I loved every second of this book, from seeing if Scarlett would actually be able to enjoy Christmas this year, to discovering just what handsome stranger Charlie is hiding, and whether or not the White Oaks Inn really does have to be sold or whether it can be kept in the family.

There are many unexpected turns in this book that kept me on my toes and reaching instantly for the next page.

I'm a huge fan of Jenny Hale's writing, I think I've read all her books, and I can honestly say this is one of her best if not the best. I felt as though I was part of the Bailey family, all the members of it had distinct personalities and the setting of the White Oaks Inn, with the snippets of history about it just felt so so real.

And Silver Falls sounds to picturesque, and its such a cute little town too.

Literally the only fault I had with this book was that it ended would have happily kept on reading for a lot longer.

It's a story with such a warm and cosy feel, and it was so quick to read. Before I knew it I was over half way and regretting the common sense part of my body winning out telling me to do some work... before being able to read the rest. It was enchanting, and heart warming and really was a gorgeous festive story.

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Meagan (Meagansbookclub).
519 reviews3,221 followers
October 2, 2019
Predictable but sweet. It had great character development throughout the book. Maybe too many characters? But they were all likable.

Thank you Netgalley for this free copy!
Profile Image for Amairo.
249 reviews48 followers
December 25, 2020
Прекрасна история, с която направих коледния ден по-уютен и приятен. В нея наистина се усеща коледния дух, създаден от топлината, която само едно задружно семейство може да създаде. А пък краят ме накара да се размечтая.
Profile Image for Robin Loves Reading.
2,393 reviews402 followers
October 20, 2019
My Rating: 4.5 Stars

Scarlett Bailey is joining her family for what could end up being the very last time they celebrate the holiday together at her grandmother’s hotel. The establishment is bleeding money and the family plans on letting Scarlett’s grandmother know the hotel must be sold.

This truly breaks Scarlett’s heart. She has the most delightful memories. She does not have the heart to tell her grandmother. Instead, she is determined to do whatever she can to save the hotel. Christmas traditions are in full force. This is a happy, warm family, and Scarlett does not want these memories to come to an end.

Scarlett thinks she has found the answer when she hears that a rich, well-known property developer, Charlie Bryant, is staying in the town of Silver Falls during the holidays. Scarlett tried to find a way to get Charlie to buy the hotel, while at the same time, keeping her grandmother at the helm.

However, Charlie has something going on. Something deep that changed his life. Despite the fact that is is more than drawn to Scarlett, something is holding him back. Something happens and now Charlie is suddenly forced to face his past.

Charlie is the perfect hero. Oh, he certainly is not a perfect man. As a matter of fact, he was a ruthless businessman. But somewhere along the way he was able to learn some important life lessons. In so doing, what he represented to Scarlett, and ultimately the hotel, and even the town, was truly amazing. Watching a character go through changes that end up for the better is truly endearing.

As we approach the season, a story such as this helps to remind what family is all about. I absolutely loved the emotional impact that this story had on me. I truly love Jenny Hale and have enjoyed every single book I have read by her so far. I look forward to digging into her backlist while remaining eager for future books by this talented author.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC to review. This is my honest opinion.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 290 reviews

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