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Моето корейско лято, или как заобичах кимчи

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Докато пътува само с раницата на гърба си, Дженифър се наслаждава на пищните природни гледки на Сораксан и вкусва автентични корейски ястия като бибимбап и кимчи. Натъква се на скрити в гората будистки манастири и гостува на непознати, добродушни жители из малките селца по крайбрежието на Пусан. Лека-полека културата и хората, с които се среща, ѝ вдъхват ново усещане за душата на азиатската страна.

Веднага щом пристига, Дженифър Баркли се залавя да опознае Южна Корея отблизо. Разхожда се из градските паркове в Сеул, качва се до кулата Намсан и се потапя в историята на страната насред кралските палати на династията Чосон. Скоро решава да замени шума на метрополиса със спокойствието и живописта на корейската провинция.

Дженифър Баркли е пътешественик и писател. Работи дълги години в литературни агенции преди да основе своя собствена. В момента живее в Гърция.

264 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2008

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About the author

Jennifer Barclay

17 books57 followers
Author of Meeting Mr Kim, Falling in Honey, An Octopus in my Ouzo, Wild Abandon and Taverna by the Sea. Live mostly on a tiny island in Greece. www.octopus-in-my-ouzo.blogspot.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews
Profile Image for Emiliya Bozhilova.
1,561 reviews282 followers
August 15, 2021
През цялата първа от общо трите части на книгата авторката прекарва в Сеул, без изобщо да осъзнае къде се намира. Единственото, което читателят узнава, е че има смог, корейците са слаби и фини, а неговорещите корейски и незаетите с някаква професионална дейност в Южна Корея ще си останат с няколко непонятни туристически забележителности и досадно зазубрените откъси от историята на двете Кореи (с англоезични автори, разбира се). Вайкането как никой не говори с Баркли не секва нито за миг, а тя е зле с корейския и не се занимава с нищо смислено, тъй че изолацията и е абсолютна. Коментарите и по историческата част са истинско недоразумение - разказва например как военните са изтезавали един от протестиращите през 1980 г., по-късно първи демократичен президент на Южна Корея (Ким Де Чун), а единственият и глупав коментар е, че това лекинко накърнило международната репутация на страната, видите ли.

Изключително досадно и безполезно писание, неоправдаващо надеждите от заглавието и анотацията. Предвид изчетеното от първата третина, няма никаква надежда за подобрение, и зарязвам това недоразумение. Дори в псевдоисторическите корейски сериали, напомнящи предимно пропагандно-целомъдрена приказка, има повече за историята на този регион.
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,059 reviews194 followers
June 2, 2021
I picked this up because I really liked the cover, I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover but I did and I also liked the title so I had to buy it. I started reading it without any prior notions and without knowing anything about the author.

This is mainly based on author's travels through Korea with her boyfriend at the time who was in the band. It's a difficult book to review as parts of I liked and then there were parts where I wasn't so sure if I should continue reading. Writing was a bit repetitive but I did laugh out loud at some things and overall it's not that good but it's not completely terrible either.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for Мария.
114 reviews56 followers
January 9, 2022
Книгата за мен започна много интересно и увлекателно. Дженифър описва пътешествието й в Южна Корея, описва подробно храмовете и забележителностите, които посещава, храната, която яде, нравите и обичаите на корейския народ. Паралелно с това ни предава кратка история на Северна и Южна Корея. И до там. Като изключим тези две неща всичко останало са едни безсмислени обяснения какво казала тя, какво казал той ... скука. Някъде към средата установих, че така ще е до края. Доволна съм, но не е нещо супер впечатляващо.
Profile Image for Paul.
2,174 reviews
November 6, 2013
Chances are you are reading this on one of the devices that is made in Korea, and yet around 25 years ago this was a almost unknown country, famous only as a place that America had fought a war in.

This is a few years old now, and even then Westerners were not that common in South Korea. Barclay was there on an extended holiday with a guy who had been given a short term contract to play with his band in a hotel in Seoul. She hadn't visited the country at all, and in this book she describes her feelings and experiences. It has maintained it's unique culture even though is has been the subject of many invasions form China and Japan, and is still occupied by American soldiers as they are technically still at war with North Korea.

It does sound like a fascinating country, she found that Seoul was less welcoming than other parts. As she moved out into the country the people were much more welcoming and friend as a whole. She found the countryside and scenery stunning, and the book helpfully list a set of experience to undertake if you are fortunate to visit.

Great little travel book, and whilst I can believe that it has change more since this was written, I think that a lot of things will have remained the same.
Profile Image for Helen  Cortezano.
174 reviews9 followers
December 4, 2017
This is a basically a journal of Ms. Barclay's three month travel to South Korea in the early 2000s, hence the writing was very personal and unfortunately, monotonous. There are bits and pieces of interesting quotes about life and solo traveling. One can also learn a thing or two about Buddhism and Japan. If you read for excitement, this will make you sleepy. But if you're into Korean food, you'll find the Kimchi recipe at the end of the book very useful. In fact, I can't wait to try it after knowing it was that easy (according to her recipe, though).
Profile Image for Kris.
65 reviews
August 12, 2022
Най-после да прочета книгата. Не помня кога я започнах. В началото ми беше интересно, но след това всичко сякаш започна да се повтаря, пътуване в планината от храм на храм, места, които не познавам. Съжалявам, но ми стана малко скучно и за известно време в оставих. Скоро реших да си я дочета и ето днес приключих и последната страница. Очаквах повече действие, динамика, но сякаш всичко беше като будизма - насочено към философия, хармония, природата и спокойния начин на живот. Все пак се радвам, че я завърших, хареса ми като цяло, особено последните страници. 🙂
Profile Image for John.
2,066 reviews196 followers
March 14, 2013
Rather a slow start, and perhaps not as ... polished as Theroux or Bryson, but once the author sets off on her own for trips outside Seoul, meeting ordinary Koreans, the book comes to life.
Profile Image for Daniela  Daneva.
219 reviews8 followers
November 13, 2021
Разочарована съм.
Не намерих смисъл защо са включени историческите факти.
Останалата част от книгата е "отидохме тук, видяхме това" ...
Скучновата ми беше като цяло.
Profile Image for Kim  .
20 reviews14 followers
September 30, 2019
This book is a mixed bag for me.
I found the style of writing mostly without finesse; and most of the 'events' in the book quite monotonous. Given the short time the author was in South Korea, she was only able to share a surface snapshot of the country, as perceived by a Westerner on an extended holiday, so didn't truly get under the 'skin of the country'.
What I did enjoy, is that the book introduced me to a country that I knew very little about. Who knew that spitting was so prevalent? I also enjoyed that it introduced me to a broader understanding of Buddhism; and 'new' authors I now want to explore, such as Yukio Mishima.
Reading through other readers' comments on this book I was surprised that nobody had mentioned their surprise at how trusting Barclay was, with jumping into and out of strangers cars in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night. I appreciate that these moments opened up memorable experiences that she would otherwise not have discovered, but I still felt that the fickle finger of fate only brought good, kind men her way.
The aspect of the book that I really enjoyed was Barclay's spirit and sense of adventure; and in particular her thoughts on the joys and surprises of travelling on one's own, which particularly resonated with me. Barclays' last paragraph sums up her philosophy nicely:
'I'm happy that I explored Korea in my own way, not the systematic Korean way but blundering into strange situations and finding my own path. Wandering is good for surprises, and I still prefer unpredictable travel. ... Let a path lead you somewhere and see where you end up.'
Profile Image for Nicole A..
50 reviews
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 14, 2023
Май отива за ДНФ. Нямам опит с пътеписи, но нормално ли е всяка глава да започва или свършва с копи-пейст от Уикипедия за държавата? Някак ми дотегна и пояснението надълго и широко какво прави бандата на Гавин, както и колко не на място и отчуждена се чувства тази бяла жена в Корея. Милата, каква изненада - бял човек в източноазиатска страна да бъде игнориран! Няма лошо да отиваш на ново място, без да се запознаеш с културата, но често е необходимо, за да не мрънкаш после каква яка компания си и как никой гаден кореец не иска да те забива като бат Георги от съседния блок.

Не схващам и какъв е смисъла автора да пише по десет пъти на глава колко гнусен е Сеул, колко боклук има и колко затворени в себе си са хората. Да, разбрахме първите пет пъти, щом го написа, мерси.

Също няма да коментирам превода, те издателствата в България напоследък не знам дали не си бият преводачите през главата, че толкова зле и без желание превеждат, пък и елементарни грешки докускат.
Profile Image for Sevda.
20 reviews1 follower
May 18, 2024
Книгата разказва пътуването на главната героиня в Корея, като тя главно пребивава в столицата Сеул, но обикаля и храмовете в страната.
Не бих казала, че стилът на авторката ми допадаше много. Не ми беше толкова интересно животът на главната героиня, много по-заинтригуващо за мен беше опознаването на страната.
От книгата научаваш много интересни неща, които никога не съм знаела преди както за историята на Корея, така и за ежедневието на корейците.
Фактите, които ми направиха най-голямо впечатление или ми бяха най-интересни, са:

- Ястията с ориз се ядат с лъжица
- Някои спагети са толкова твърди, че трябва да ги режеш с ножица
- Кимчи е националното ястие на Корея
- Корейската храна е люта
- Корея означа високи планини и блещукащи реки
- “Наздраве” на корейски е “Комбе”

Въпреки, че книгата не ми хареса толкова много, аз се радвам, че е прочетох, защото научих нови неща.
Profile Image for Roberta.
Author 2 books10 followers
September 5, 2023
Първоначално мислех, че книгата е лошо написана. След това забелязах, че въпреки че книгата е повърхностна и героинята не е разбрала кой знае какво от корейската култура, всъщност е приемливо леко четиво за хора които не знаят нищо за Корея. Обаче преводът и редакторската работа върху българската версия са трагични - повторени думи, липсващи думи, едно и също корейско название изписано по два различни начина на една страница, печатни грешки, но най-страшното: фактуални грешки. "Японската писателка Юкио Мишима"??? Книгата е публикувана 2008 година и преводът е излязъл 2021, така че липсата на информация по никакъв начин не може да е оправдание. Трябвало е да се потрудят повече по тази книга!
Profile Image for Solar.
148 reviews25 followers
May 8, 2023
Противно на многото негативни коментари относно книгата аз мисля, че проблемът не е в авторката, а в нашите очакванията относно непознатата и далечна Южна Корея. Аз като човек, който никога не е посещавал страната, също очаквах да прочета романтична книга за далечна приказна страна, но пък вярвам, че прочетох един реалистичен пътепис за страна, която не е приятелски настроена към чужденци, столицата е със сиво и забързано капиталистическо ежедневие и има само малко "приказни" елементи в провинцията, където може да се усети нещо като "дзен".
Profile Image for Милена Игнатова.
11 reviews1 follower
December 21, 2021
All the things the author has seen, felt, the places she has visited and the people she has met are an amazing experience. She made me feel her emotions and enjoy the atmosphere, even though I wasn't in Korea. Very well written book.
7 reviews1 follower
December 4, 2021
An easy and relaxing read about a personal trip to Korea before western tourists seemingly 'discovered' Korea more recently.
Profile Image for Silviya Banova.
17 reviews1 follower
April 12, 2022
Доста трудна за четене и проследяване на историята. Разказите на авторката нямаха последователност и не носят никаква информация на четящите.
Profile Image for Milena Bullock.
7 reviews1 follower
February 11, 2023
Преводът на български е ужасен! Зарязвам тази книга и няма да си губя времето с Google translate.
Profile Image for Andy Plonka.
3,627 reviews15 followers
September 20, 2023
Good travelogue of Korea with a lot of information about Korean food and how to make and eat it.
Profile Image for Lesley.
14 reviews1 follower
October 18, 2012
What a fun way to get a peek into Korea! This is good armchair travel reading. The story follows one foreigner, unfamiliar with everything Korean, as she lives in and explores the country. Each chapter begins with historical info, so readers learn about Korean rulers, religions, wars, etc, including the progression and regression toward a unified Korean peninsula. This is helpful info - I feel like I can talk about Korea with some knowledge after reading this book, and I might even be able to identify some Korean dishes in the future. At times, I appreciated her personal storyline too, which seemed a way to keep the action moving forward or introduce a new subject. However, other times I felt that the personal details were unnecessary. Overall, a book filled with happy memories of Korea, and I recommend it. Recommended for travelers and those with little Asian history or knowledge about Korea.
Profile Image for Joshua.
15 reviews
February 13, 2012
It's been several years since publication, but this book is still such a fresh outlook on the still relatively unknown nation that is Korea. Even with the "Korean Wave" all people know about korea is the dramas, and celebrities and the songs, if anything at all. But that isn't Korea. It's a face of korea, and in my opinion the most unimportant part of it. Jennifer Barclay had the chance to experience this in a way not many other people can boast to have. She had an amazing experience that most foreigners don't, and also an experience most koreans will never have. The chances are Koreans are too busy and when they're not, do the korean thing and take photos next to famous things. Just like Barclay pointed it out. I am extremely jealous of Jennifer Barclay, and this was a very good read.
Profile Image for Jan.
7 reviews2 followers
April 21, 2014
When looking for a book on South Korea, the options seemed rather limited. I kept running into this book, which got decent to good reviews.

I found, however, that it was badly written. Certain sentences made me read and re-read them several times to grasp what was being said. Odd
and difficult words were used in otherwise simple sentences. On the whole, the writing just felt cumbersome. I've never thought about a book that it was badly written. I told a friend about it and he said "well, then it must be really bad".

The authors' personal love life that runs throughout the book is hardly interesting either, and quite self-indulgent.

I can't recommend anything else on Korea, but if you want a good travelogue from the far east, try Hokkaido Highway Blues.
Profile Image for erica.
5 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2009
I liked the way she added all the bits of history to the beginning of each chapter....without it it could have been a pointless book, especially for someone who has never been nor will ever go to Korea. But for someone experiencing Korea, it is great. It's refreshing to have someone really talk about and see the good, positive aspect of Korea and it's people/culture. Too often the foreigners here rave about all the terrible things.
Profile Image for Saturday's Child.
1,300 reviews
April 26, 2013
Reviews of this book almost made me not read it however I wanted to find out for myself what it was like. It should not be read for a background of nor a history of South Korea It should be read for the enjoyment of knowing how a person found her daily life in a foreign country. The author has a great way of telling her story by giving some details of South Korea at the beginning of each chapter.
32 reviews
October 17, 2013
Although a little out-of-date now I thought it was a pretty good read. I agree with below reviewer Jan that it was badly written at times "Odd and difficult words were used in otherwise simple sentences" which I found irritating. But the historical information preceding chapters was really well done and very informative, especially as I am currently living in Korea. Many of her adventures and the personalities she meets are true to my own experience of Korea.
9 reviews3 followers
September 19, 2011
It's an entertaining, spot-on description of the Korean people(at least from the perspective of an outsider), and it captures the big-city vibe of Seoul along with the hospitality of the countryside. It's also just the antidote for the expat spending too much time in Seoul! The historical bits were also well done and nicely introduce Korean history to the reader.
Profile Image for Liz Wager.
232 reviews8 followers
December 6, 2012
Not brilliantly written, and it turned out that Barclay only spent 3 months in Korea, which hardly seems enough time to justify writing about it -- but quite good if you are heading here, but I'd recommend Simon Winchester's book first
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
172 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2015
A very enjoyable travelogue of the author's time in Korea. She follows her new boyfriend to Seoul with his band gets a gig at a high-end hotel there. She travels the country while he works meeting incredibly welcoming people and visiting some pretty amazing places.
Profile Image for Sydney.
374 reviews6 followers
July 11, 2014
A fun read before going to Korea! I got some great ideas for my travels and enjoyed Barclay's narrative.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews

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