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Fogas Chronicles #4

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В разгара на знойната горещина и заобиколен от жителите на Фогас, спорещи за своето бъдеще, влюбеният, но готов за битка заместинк-кмет, трябва да реши дали наистина в любовта и войната всичко е разрешено.
Лято във френските Пиренеи.
В община Фогас е празник. Кристиан Дюпюи обаче няма никакво време за фриволностите на всички, дошли да празнуват. Като за начало, той тъкмо е прободен от стрелите на любовта и няма идея как да достигне до жената, откраднала сърцето му.
После се появява и не толкова незначителната местна политика, с която Кристиан трябва да влезе в спор, за да запази мястото, за което така милее и да се пребори с опитите тяхното общество да бъде изтрито от картата.

364 pages, Paperback

First published April 2, 2014

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About the author

Julia Stagg

12 books68 followers
Julia Stagg has led a nomadic existence, spending most of her adult life abroad. She is the author of the Fogas Chronicles (Hodder) set in the idyllic French Pyrenees. Most recently, she has turned her hand to crime and is writing the Dales Detective Series (Pan) under the name of Julia Chapman. The first in the Yorkshire-set series makes its debut in March 2017. Contact her on facebook (Julia Stagg or Dales Detective) or on Twitter @DalesWriter

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Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
July 24, 2016
Авторката набляга много на описанията на природата, до степен че ти се иска да я видиш. Френските автори за мен са много различни, повечето които съм чела.
Стилово има огромна разлика между тях и английските .
По-близко до моя вкус, обаче , са английските.
751 reviews
November 11, 2022
Rating: 3.5 rounded up to four stars. Somehow I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as the previous books, possibly because I thought it has taken far too long for Christian to sort out his love life but these stories are about the community as a whole so that was only a part of the tale. There is one final instalment in this series which I will get back to soon while I am still familiar with the villagers.
307 reviews1 follower
January 19, 2022
This is book 4 of 5. I found the first half a bit slow and frustrating. It felt like the ongoing stories were being stretched to their limits. The second half was much more satisfying. The books are light and frothy.... and not at all like my experience of living in France.... but a good way to pass the time on a winter's day.
2 reviews
February 19, 2022

Another brilliant novel! I didn’t want it to end, but fortunately there’s another one that I downloaded in the series. I just wish there were more after that one. Julia Stagg / Chapman has a wonderful gift of drawing you in to each story she tells. She is one of the most amazing authors I have come across for this genre.
219 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2023
How pleased was I to discover there is one more of these in the series. This has been a holiday reading series for the previous three years and am delighted that I’ve got one more year to go!
Utterly charming. The characters are kind, humorous and true to French village life.
Highly highly recommended.
November 6, 2020
Great entertainment and a way to escape!

Feel good fun. You can't help loving the characters and laughing and despairing at their antics. I read these too fast and then feel like I am missing out when they end.
9 reviews
March 15, 2019

An easy read with lots of twists and turns albeit detectable. Start from the beginning with L’Auberge to get the most out of these chronicles.
June 7, 2021
Very good

Really enjoyable instalment. This is a lovely series. Just sad it is coming to an end. Worth giving it a go.
Profile Image for Sophie (Blogger).
156 reviews10 followers
September 8, 2014
A Fete To Remember is the perfect book to read this summer, it combines community, love, friendship and dedication all together to make this fantastic book that I could help but fall in love with. It was also so nice to see how a community can pull together no matter the differences they have, to fight for their community and history.
There is so much happening in Fogas this summer, the fete and the issues with the commune are just to name a couple. Being the deputy of Fogas Christian is trying to be the voice of reason but everytime the Postmistress is near him, he can't help long to tell her his feelings. Whilst he isn't good at speaking his feelings, he is good at conveying the communities wishes and helping out friends who need someone to listen or help give a hand. Although, with the pressing issue of the commune, his feelings have had to take the back seat for a while.
With the changing community, not much stays the same for long, combining the bar and the post office was perfect, not just for Veronique but also for Josette. With the lose of losing her husband, a extra hand in the bar is a great help, and so is the company. I love the friendship that these two have, it is so lovely to read about.
Fabian and Stephanie have been dating for a while, so when he decides it is time to propose, he isn't prepared for all the distractions and things that get in the way. Although, Stephanie has other things on her mind, her daughter seems to have hit her teenager years well before she is meant to with her challenging behaviour, Stephanie has no idea what has gotten into her daughter.
There is also the nearly ex-husband she longs to forget to add to the pressure and the sudden reappearance from someone who she has history with, makes her life even more confusing and complicated that it already was.
There are so many entraining characters throughout the book, that you can't help but want to know more about them. From Rene, Bernard, Serge, Fatima, Paul and Lorna, I loved see their characters fill the pages of the book as they were all so different yet special in their own way.
One of my favourite parts of the book was when it was focused on Jacques, who still lives on in the bar looking over his wife and the residents of the community. He sees things that people wouldn't and his way of communicating with Josette and also Chloe is such unique thing to read about.
The book was full of old characters and new characters that added excitement to the storyline, from the mystery blog to Christian singing to the Bull who had escape his field, I laughed with the characters, got excited about the events that happened throughout the book and then felt sad at the end as it was over. I simply can't wait for the next book in the Fogas Chronicles.
A Fete To Remember is a great, light read that has just the right of drama and romance that it leave you wanting more at the end of each chapter. With its budding friendships, relationships and passion for their great little community, it was entraining and charming all at the same time.
If I had to sum this book up in three words, they would be Beautiful, Entertaining and Fantastic.
Profile Image for Zarina.
988 reviews153 followers
April 24, 2015

The small commune of Fogas in the French Pyrenees is a source of unexpected romance, rebellious children, buried secrets and most of all plenty of drama. From the villagers' own escapades to local politicians putting the small town at risk as a proposed merger with a neighbouring village could lead to Fogas being absorbed completely and losing its own identity.

I've been putting off writing this review, which is never a good sign. As soon as I opened the pages I realised this novel was part of a larger series, none of which I had read prior to this one. It didn't necessarily follow one particular storyline explored in a previous instalment, but I did feel that I was missing important background information from the characters, which for the first few chapters made it hard to differentiate between the wealth of people mentioned and understand all their underlying connections and relationships.

Furthermore, because there were so many characters, there wasn't one protagonist the story focused on - unless we count Fogas itself - which not only made it a struggle to keep them all apart, but it also didn't provide much space for characterisation and relatability. This made it near impossible to sympathise with what the characters were going through and this lack of connection I felt led to me almost not finishing the novel. After all, if I don't care what they get up to next or how the story ends, what it the incentive for me to keep reading until the final page?

While the descriptive writing made this also quite a slow novel to digest, it did create an excellent sense of place. I really felt myself being transported to the French Pyrenees and despite having never had a particular desire to visit, author Julia Stagg made the village sound so charming that I instantly wanted to pack my bags and travel down to a picturesque little town in the French mountains and perhaps even get the opportunity to witness an authentic fête.

If you're already familiar with Julia Stagg's The Fogas Chronicles and would like to know more about the villagers and their lives, then A Fête to Remember will no doubt be right up your alley. But if Fogas is as of yet unfamiliar territory then perhaps the fourth novel in the series isn't the best place to start reading about the rural French town.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
375 reviews27 followers
October 12, 2014
A Fête to Remember is the fourth book in Julia's series of tales from the Pyrenean commune of Fogas. Over the years I've become a big fan of Julia's work and the anticipation and excitement to once again feast my eyes on the goings on of this community had me all tingly inside and from the first sentence I knew I wasn't going to be disappointed as I was already laughing. The ease at which my mind slipped back into Fogas is testament to Julia's skill as a writer, as despite it being a year since I read the last book I was immediately back and feeling very much at home. Although I do recommend reading the previous books this book could be enjoyed with no prior knowledge of the commune.

We join the residents as they try to fight the bigger boys in order to keep the village independent, but whatever the outcome things look set to change for everyone and more than one character gets more than they were hoping for. There is love, but not quite romance, mysterious appearances, disappearances and an anonymous supporter whose identity leads to suspicion and trouble. We find ourselves in a community fighting together but at the same time where friends and family members were often at odds and emotions were running high. The intense passions often had my heart racing and my mind screaming at the pages. The food, the mountain scenery and village life were described to perfection making me laugh, cry and hungry. Knowing a bit about village life in France and now dipping my toes into local politics I can't fault Julia's research into the French bureaucracy facts that make her fiction so plausible.

I reached the end with a huge grin on my face, but did suffer an end of book hangover - after finishing on a high I quickly experienced the gloomy doldrums when the reality of having to wait a year for the next book sunk in. There will be trouble ahead I'm sure, but I can't wait to see what will happen next. So far in Fogas we've had fetes, fires and fights. New arrivals, new births and new bears. Deaths, dangers, drama and even the Tour de France. I'm really hoping the last book will give us a wedding!

If you haven't read the other books yet, do go and check them out as they are all humorous, fun and exciting and make perfect holiday reading, especially if you're not lucky enough to be holidaying in France this year.
Profile Image for Bernice.
8 reviews2 followers
April 5, 2015
I was looking for a light, quick read before starting a book about WWII, especially since just finishing the Count of Monte Cristo and some other heavy books before this book. This book just proved to me once again that I don't do "candy floss" literature. Sooooo boring. Took me 150 pages to get into it. I was hoping to finish it in 2 days, as I was just needing a quick in-between book. In the end it took me a few days to complete as I kept on falling asleep (and I'm an insomniac who can read for hours into the night). It was so predictable and without substance. I suspected it would be when I first read the cover, but oh you knew you could get me buying this damn book just because it plays off in French countryside! Add a few french words and I'm hooked! I won't be caught again!!!
Profile Image for Sue Robinson.
Author 1 book4 followers
December 7, 2016
This series is the best I have read of its kind. If the stories were a soap on TV it would be a hit. The characters shine out with brilliance and you are swept into their lives and actually feel for them. My husband reads the books too and even he admits to crying in this latest story.
Profile Image for Robert Harrell.
Author 97 books1 follower
October 21, 2014
Lovely to see everybody again. Glad that Serge is coming back to his old self. Looking forward to the next.
Profile Image for Sheila.
907 reviews3 followers
December 5, 2015
More fun in Fogas...and some nefarious doings and problems along the way. I always enjoy visiting with the inhabitants of Fogas, old and new. I love this series.
Profile Image for Tracy.
59 reviews1 follower
September 27, 2016
Enjoyed this book, unaware that it was part of a set, now need to read others in the set
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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