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The Travelling Shops #2

Пътуващата книжарница на Ария

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След „Пътуващото кафене на Роузи“ Ребека Рейзин ще ни разказаже тайнствената история на Ария - най-добрата приятелка на Роузи.

Ария Самърс твърдо знае какво иска – волен живот по пътя с любимия ван, превърнат в малка книжарница, в компанията на най-добрата ѝ приятелка Роузи и нейните божествени сладкиши. И никаква, ама никаква романтика!

Но след едно съдбовно падане – подпомогнато от твърде много вино – от караоке сцена право в обятията на Джонатан нещо се разбужда в нея. Нещо, което е смятала за изчезнало завинаги.

Ребека Рейзин ни повежда отново в любимата си Франция за още една история за свобода, ранени сърца и любовта, която може да лекува…
Безнадеждната романтичка Ария вече е срещнала и загубила любовта на живота си – и се е заклела никога повече да не се влюбва… освен ако не става въпрос за някоя книга, разбира се. Една истинска любов ѝ е достатъчна за цял живот.

Затова ще направи всичко възможно да забрави Джонатан и да се наслади на безметежно лято във Франция, докато един неочакван дневник от миналото не ѝ помага да започне да лекува болката отляво.

Но кой ли може да избяга от любовта?

304 pages, Paperback

First published April 8, 2020

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Rebecca Raisin

33 books1,069 followers

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Profile Image for Julie.
4,146 reviews38.2k followers
March 31, 2020
Aria’s Travelling Bookshop by Rebecca Raisin is a 2020 HQ Digital publication.

A lovely story about overcoming grief, the healing power of books, and a wonderful homage to romance novels and authors!

After losing her husband, TJ, to cancer three years ago, Aria had been living a nomadic life as a ‘Van Lifer’ and selling books is her trade. Now, she and her best friend, Rosie, are heading to France!

The last person Aria expected to run into was Jonathan- the man that has awakened feelings she thought had died with TJ.

But. despite her attraction to Jonathan, she prefers to enjoy romance vicariously, via her beloved romance novels, because she has promised TJ, she would never fall in love again. He was her once in a lifetime true love and no one will ever be able to take his place in her heart.

However, when Aria’s estranged mother-in-law forwards her TJ’s diary, it is both a blessing and an emotional drain. While reading TJ’s words, Aria feels his presence,as though he is sending Aria a clear message-one she can’t bring herself to accept.

With the help of Rosie’s gentle urgings, TJ’s diary, and Jonathan’s easy charm, Aria begins to entertain the possibility of giving love another chance. Can she make peace with her in laws and open her heart up to love a second time?

While the story is not heavy, be assured there is plenty of depth and emotion to it. I pulled out one of my precious, rationed tissues on at least one occasion. I also loved how prominently romance novels were featured- reminding me of how healing and cathartic love stories are, especially when one’s mind and heart are troubled. Aria has pretty good taste in books, giving a shoutout to a few great authors along the way. (Maeve Binchey is an author everyone should read at least once.)

For those who read the first book in this series, Rosie and Max are very involved in this second installment and have a few surprises coming their way too.

Anytime I pick up a book by Rebecca Raisin it’s a real treat. I’ve been a fan for a good while now and it has been a pleasure to see how well this author has blossomed as a writer and storyteller. This story is a wonderful, cathartic tale that will appeal to book lovers in general, but it will especially touch those who are romantics at heart. Aria’s journey is poignant and bittersweet as she searches her soul, fighting her way through grief and loneliness.

This is a touching story, which ultimately leads Aria to consider a future full of promise, hope and new beginnings. Raisin’s stories are good, healthy, uplifting stories that are good for the soul. But, this past week, this book has been a soothing balm for me. This is just the type of gentle, heart lifting story we could all use right now.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,781 reviews1 follower
August 1, 2022
This is a Cute Romance. Aria's is trying to get over losing her husband, and she is now living the van life/traveling life style. I really loved the characters in this book, and Aria is everything I want in a character. The storyline is just the best. I loved the writing style in this book. I love how they explain Aria's van as a Travelling Book Shop. This is a great summer cute read with great characters. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Harlequin) or author (Rebecca Raisin) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.
Profile Image for Judy.
1,292 reviews35 followers
June 25, 2021
What reader can resist anything with Book Shop in the title? Not me. This was a fun, sweet romance set against the interesting backdrop of Van Life. Aria has a travelling book shop operated out of a van. She goes from town to town to festivals and sets up and sells her books from her van. She travels with other Van Lifers, some go to the same places, and others drop in and out. Aria started doing this after the love of her life, TJ, died of cancer. before he died they travelled in a van so that he could see the Lake District he had always wanted to see. Aria just continued that nomadic lifestyle after his death. Aria meets Jonathan along the way and feels a pull of something towards him - but she promised TJ she would neve love anyone else, so she puts her feelings aside.

The story was sweet and I enjoyed it. I liked the writing style and found it character driven while still providing great descriptions of some of the areas visited. The characters were fun and a little quirky.

Thanks to Harper 360 / HQ Digital through Netgalley for an advance copy.
Profile Image for Jasmine from How Useful It Is.
1,445 reviews368 followers
February 18, 2022
An excellent read! This book was full of humor, friendship, and love. The main character, Aria is a bookworm. She got excited when she spotted a cute bookstore and I got excited with her. The love between her and her late husband TJ is admirable. I liked Rosie and Max too. Rosie loves foods and doesn’t shy away from carbs. Max’s clueless about women crushing on men but not wanting to speak out their feelings was funny. I laughed out loud at the author event when Aria’s lies got backfired. I would say it’s a slow burning romance because Aria took baby steps to moving on and falling for the new guy and letting go off her late husband. I loved indications of bookworms and bookworms problems because I can relate to reading into the early hours.

This book started with a prologue following Aria, told in the first person point of view as she waited for her best friend Rosie to decide where to go next while the globe spin. Rosie owned a tea shop van and Aria owned a book shop van. Then the story began in London as they said their goodbyes to other Van Lifers around them to set out for their new adventure with Rosie’s boyfriend Max who owned a green cafe van. They all are a Van Lifer. While they are sipping wine, Aria and Rosie noticed Jonathan stood at the bar. Aria met him at a music festival last year. They got to know each other and Jonathan was fascinated by Aria’s van life. Aria was fascinated by him too, the first person she felt for since her husband, TJ, died 3 years ago. Aria liked him but hesitant to move on because she still loved her husband. Aria loved romance novels and her van was full of preloved books to sell and to read. She made money by ordering rare books and selling it to her customers for a small fee. She also has an online bookstore. They travel to each stop and set up their van to sell their products while sightseeing/experiencing the locals.

Aria’s Traveling Book Shop was an interesting read and it sure makes me want to experience this van life. All that sightseeing at every location they stopped sounded fantastic. It’s cool to know there are many people leading this lifestyle, even fictional. I’m interested to see a movie for this type of lifestyle too. This book also dealt with grief because Aria had to learn how to let go of her late husband and open up to new love and new future. It also had friendship with someone like Tori having trouble making friends to Rosie, the best kind of friends. Furthermore, it dealt with forgiveness because Aria’s mother-in-law blamed Aria for keeping her sick son away from her even though Aria only did what he wanted. There were sure a lot packed in this book. I loved most was the love story.

xoxo, Jasmine at www.Howusefulitis.com for more details

Many thanks to HarperCollins 360 for the opportunity to read and review. Please be assured that my opinions are honest.
Profile Image for Mackey.
1,110 reviews362 followers
April 9, 2020
Last year I read and reviewed about the hilarious and often perilous adventures of Rosie in Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop where we first were introduced to Rosie and Aria so, naturally, I was anxious to continue on the journey with these van-lifers. I'm thrilled that I did!

Unlike Rosie, whose unspeakably awful husband walked out on her, which led to her joining the life of the van-lifers, Aria's husband and the love of her life died three years old. Aria was devastated by the loss and swore that she never would love another soul again - outside of those found in her beloved books. But then she met Jonathan last year at the final festival of the season. Now he has shown up on the tour circuit again and, despite their attraction, Aria is determined to stay true to her oath. As the travelling vans wind their way through Paris, the city of love, will she be able to keep her feelings in the check or will Paris take over her heart and allow her a second chance at love?

There are very few romance authors who I truly love and enjoy reading and, let me tell you, Rebecca Raisin is right there at the top of my list of favorites! Her characters are realistically funny, heart-breaking and lovable, their humor is very much like my own and the story lines always are interesting and FUN! I find myself reading these books in one sitting because, once started, I cannot stop until I know how they end. This series is particularly interesting because I find the travelling vans so intriguing. I think this would be a lifestyle that I would enjoy and so reading about their triumphs as well as their pitfalls is very compelling. Obviously, I recommend Aria's Travelling Book Shop to all, as well as the first in the series, Rosies Travelling Tea Shop. Read them both and enjoy!!
Profile Image for Cynthia (Bingeing On Books).
1,659 reviews125 followers
April 7, 2020
I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

I loved Rosie's Traveling Tea Shop and I was really hoping that I would love this one, especially since I can relate to Aria's love of books so much. I can relate to her wanting to escape into the world of books and the fact that her van/living space was completely covered in books sounded like a dream. The problem was that I was a bit bored with the story. Rosie and Aria spent way more time than necessary talking about Aria's vow to never love again. That topic seriously came up ALL THE TIME. It was frustrating because these two grown women couldn't seem to talk about anything but men. Oy. I still don't understand why Aria was so determined to never love again. I can understand her thinking that she couldn't possibly find another man to love as much as she loved her husband. That I get. But it just felt contrived to have her say over and over and over again that it would be disrespectful of TJ to fall in love with someone else, especially since he had told her the complete opposite. Another problem was that I felt zero chemistry between Jonathan and Aria and there was no relationship development. Apparently, they spent a day together off the pages of the book (basically before the story started) and they only spent a handful of scenes with him and those scenes were always just awkward. Aria spent more time discussing Jonathan with Rosie than she did with Jonathan himself. Sorry, but I was not a fan of this one.
Profile Image for theliterateleprechaun.
1,710 reviews27 followers
November 28, 2022
Hop in! There’s room for one more in this van adventure to France; read books, drink wine, nibble cheese and ease your wanderlust. What I wouldn’t give for an adventure in a camper van filled with books and a bestie who fed me tea and cake as well as planned each stop of a fantastic summer in France!

After losing her husband to cancer three years ago, Aria bought herself a van, filled it with books and now lives a nomadic lifestyle as a ‘van-lifer’ selling books. She belongs to an eclectic group, a gaggle of Van Lifers, who hop from festival to festival, living life on the road. Her heartbroken bff, Rosie, who owns a tea shop van suggested they travel to France, so Aria has packed up the Little Bookshop of Happy Ever After and is heading off with other nomads for an epic adventure.

The night before they leave London, they head to the Squeaky Pig for drinks with friends and Aria runs into the last person she ever thought she’d meet again, Jonathan. She met him at a festival last year and was shocked at her attraction to him. She’d promised her husband that after his death she was never going to fall in love again. Is a bookish romance enough for Aria? Will this summer change her life? Hop in, let’s find out.

Hesitant about the romance genre, I was happy to be encouraged to choose my first Rebecca Raisin read. I was told that she writes about characters I’d instantly love and writes a clean romance. I’d eagerly recommend this author! Her characters were individuals with exceedingly big hearts who cared about their relationships with others and believed in true romance. I see myself quite like Aria. She’s a girl who loves books as much as I do, she has a big heart, knows what she wants, and is filled with wanderlust. It resonated with me when she contacted her mother-in-law and cleared up old wounds. Forgiveness and acceptance are so important for us all to be able to put the past behind and move on. How bittersweet it was to read about her searching her soul, determined to fight through grief and loneliness. As her trip comes to a close, we see her overcoming her grief, thanks to the healing power of books and her bookish friends.

Calling all romantics and bookish friends: you’ll want to add this bookish romance to your list. It’s a quick read, stuffed with the perfect mix of teary moments, laugh out loud comedy, and thought-provoking prose.

Thank you to Rebecca Raisin, Harper Collins and Edelweiss for the gift of this digital copy. I received it free and was under no obligation to provide a review.
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,059 reviews194 followers
July 18, 2022
There’s nothing like the magic of reading to ease the most damaged heart.

Aria Summers runs a travelling book shop from her little camper-van. She loves life as a nomad as no two days are the same and she gets to do what she loves which is selling books whilst travelling. Aria generally goes from place to place and meets new people but her best friend is Rosie whom she's known for over a year and has been travelling with her since then and also Max, who is with Rosie but has his own separate travelling business. They decide to leave London and head over to the French Riviera for the summer. Rosie plans everything as she's a planner and Aria and Max and a few others are along for the ride.

Aria lost her husband to cancer three years ago and since then she's shut herself from love mainly because she thinks that she can't feel for anyone else what she felt for her late husband, TJ but when she feels a spark between herself and Jonathan, she's conflicted further because she thinks that she's betraying her late husband's memory. She's relieved a little when she's leaving Jonathan back in London as she's going to travel to French Riviera but when Jonathan pops up in France, she's not sure what to make of it. Aria struggles with her feelings. Would she be able to find her peace?

Besides, you can’t really plan when you’re a nomad.

First of all, I didn't know that this was the second book in the series when I started reading it but that's all right as the first book was not about Aria even though she did appear in that and this kinda works as a stand-alone for the most part. Secondly, the laid-back book cover caught my eye and the blurb sounds nice too.

It started out good at least the first couple of chapters but I have to say that this was quite cring-y right from the beginning. Aria is a thirty-something woman but the way she acted won't tell you that. And there is no story here. Aria, Rosie, and Max travel to French Riviera with some others and meet new Van Lifers there. They attend some fairs and cash-in. They meet Jonathan who turns out to be a famous French writer but Aria didn't know that and she can't understand (I wondered that too) why a famous, rich, and handsome French writer would be interested in her and at the same time, she doesn't want to think about love. I mean this is it. We keep circling about this pretty much the entire book right until the end with a couple of other things thrown in there.

I don't understand why Aria was so against love whilst thinking about love even though her late husband had told her to live her life happily and find love. As I said, this got repetitive. I do have to say that I felt no chemistry between Aria and Jonathan. It is revealed that Aria and Jonathan spent a day reading together some time ago but not much else so the whole thing felt forced to me. It could be because I didn't read the first book but I wasn't a fan of their romance.

Then there's Jonathan's past where his marriage failed with his ex-wife and they were childhood sweethearts. It is made out to be that it was all his ex-wife's fault even though he was equally responsible for that but he took no responsibility. And this infuriated me. He says that his wife didn't understand what he was going through but he didn't even try to tell her and just left her to go live in seclusion and didn't contact her much, he says this. After all this, he expected a better outcome for his marriage. Seriously? Now, I am totally against infidelity but again he was equally responsible for that outcome.

Aria loves books. She lives and breaths books. She sells books. She buys books. I get it. I never thought that I'd say this but the words bookworm, book nerd, book lover, etc. were thrown in there so many times that those felt overkill. And honestly, the use of those words in every paragraph didn't feel organic.

I liked that Aria found her peace and I liked her friendship with Rosie.

This was my first read from Rebecca Raisin and I don't know if I'll give her other books a chance as I was so bored with this one. I tried, I really tried but I couldn't really care for any of the characters. I think this could have benefitted from editing too as I found so many errors in my copy. Even the lazy, idyllic, summer-laden, and beautiful backdrop of the French Riviera wasn't enough for me to love this. And that ending felt abrupt too or maybe it was just me but I was hoping for an epilogue to see how they'd manage the relationship. Overall, a disappointing read.

1.7 stars
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,588 reviews215 followers
April 2, 2020
Having read Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop, I was so eager to get my hands on the second installment of the talented author Rebecca Raisin. Her books really make my heart smile. They are light but deep, shadowed yet joyous and always filled with hope and love.

Aria loved TJ and he died 3 years ago. She had promised never to love again. Yet a hint of love came in the form of Jonathan. With her best friend Rosie and a long lost diary from TJ, she soon gave a second chance to life and love.

Having read many works of this talented author, I waited for the right day to read this book as I knew things about the world out would pull me down, then I would need an uplifter. It was today, and this was the book which brought me peace for a few hours.

Emotions made my heart tremble as I read Aria's story as she healed and found closure. The Rebecca's love for books was well reflected in Aria. Works of many great authors were mentioned in the prose. Friendships and relationships formed the core while forgiveness and acceptance were seen in the pages.

I was transported from my home to the land of France as the book camper van traveled to different places and found little gems of bookshops on the way. Love too returned with Jonathan, Rosie and her husband had a few surprises up their sleeves.

The book was everything I hoped and more. I was turbulent and angry, and it soothed me with its gentle words. What blessed peace from my thoughts for a few hours!!
Profile Image for Wendy W..
518 reviews161 followers
June 16, 2021
Aria’s Travelling Book Shop by Rebecca Rasin was a whole lot of fun! I’m fascinated with the Nomad lifestyle here in the US, but this was so much better as we get a peek inside the lifestyle in Europe. The escapades of Aria, Rose, Max, and friends are delightful as is Aria’s journey toward love.

Aria lives a nomadic lifestyle driving a traveling book shop, focusing on romantic novels. She decides, along with best friend Rose, and her partner Max, to spend the summer in France, traveling to the festivals to sell her books with all her van-life friends. Aria is recently widowed by the love of her life TJ, and she deals with the grief by living vicariously through her romance novels, as she knows no real man could ever live up to the expectations of her first and final love.

When Aria runs into Jonathan, the feelings he brings up frightens her because she’s not ready for another love in her life, and she doesn’t believe she will ever be ready. However, when her mother-in-law sends her the diary her former husband TJ wrote during the final months of his life, she begins to heal.

This book was fun, and also emotionally satisfying. These characters were so real, they jumped off the pages and took me along with them in Aria’s van filled with romance novels. Their escapades traveling through France in their vans was so much fun, I felt like I was there with them. But, it’s the emotional journey that Aria was on that really sucked me in. How does someone move on from the one extraordinary love of a lifetime? Can she ever open herself up to love again? This book had me laughing out loud and then reaching for the tissues all in the same chapter.

I highly recommend this book to everyone!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Obsidian.
2,912 reviews1,047 followers
May 25, 2021
Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review.

I didn't realize this was a second book in a series, but I have to say that I still enjoyed it. I loved the whole idea behind the traveler's (the idea of picking up and going sounds awesome right now). Aria's backstory was sad, and I was glad to see her slowly opening up to meeting someone again. But for me the best part of this book was Aria and Rosie's friendship.

Aria has a traveling book shop. She and her best friend Rosie (who runs her own traveling business) move from place to place in order to sell their wares. Aria we find though is running from her past and the loss of her husband from a couple of years ago. When Aria though meets someone that makes her think about trying again, she gets scared to move on from her husband and their memories together. When her mother in law sends her, her husband's diary though, she gets even more of a push to finally move on.

I really liked the character of Aria. I thought her love of books was understandable and I loved the whole idea behind having a traveling bookshop. You also get why she's reluctant to move on. Her dead husband sounds awesome. That said, I know that romance readers tend to have thoughts about books featuring widows/widowers, but have to say that I think this one works out quite well. The only reason why I gave it 4 stars is that I thought the love interest was just a bit too perfect. It just didn't ring true to me in the end.

The flow of the book works and we just follow Aria around as she travels from England to France.

The ending was very sweet I thought and I would like to go back and read the first book in this series.
Profile Image for Dun's.
338 reviews19 followers
September 20, 2022
Seriously, what could be a better summer read than a lovely story set in a book-shop-and-camper-van-hybrid and travelling across France as a backdrop?

Aria’s Travelling Book Shop is shelved as romance, but I think it is more than that. It's a book about friendships (oh, how I love Rosie and the nomadic van lifer community), summer fairs and festivals, selling and reading books, dealing with grief, and moving on. The story is simply delightful and uplifting.

This is the second book in a series although I read it as a stand-alone book. I really like Rebecca Raisin's writing style, and look forward to reading her other books.
Profile Image for Gemma.
829 reviews65 followers
August 7, 2020
This started a little slow, I didn't feel pulled Into the story but was feeling invested in the characters .
Once it got going it was a lovely story, well written and a deeply moving read.
683 reviews75 followers
October 8, 2022
Kunagi raamatukogus tööd alustades teatasin suurelt, et armastusromaanid on iu. Kuid siis järjest ilmus noortekatest armastusromaane, mis olid täitsa söödavad, et pidin selle eelarvamuse matma. "Aria ratastel raamatupoodi" lugedes tuleb meelde, miks ma kunagi sellisel veendumusel olin - need pehmed, armsad, klišeesid täis armastuslood on hoopis need, mis mulle ei meeldi. Mind ärritab nende ebarealistlikkus. Minus ei ole seda optimistlikku ja "romantilist" meelt, et suudaks poolt sõnagi tõsiselt võtta, kuid tean et nii kui ma raamatu vanaemale viin ja talle tagakaane ette loen lähevad ta silmad särama. Kõigele on oma sihtgrupp ja nii ka romaanidele, mis on läbinist armsad ja soojad, täis lootust paremast tulevikust ja kus lugejana tead, et kõik läheb hästi.

"Aria ratastel raamatupood" on silmnähtavalt kirjutatud kellegi poolt, kes läbi ja lõhki armastab lugemist ja raamatuid (need on kaks erinevat armastust!) ning peab kiitma, et ta on osanud nii ehedalt panna see armastus raamatusse. Tegemist ei ole pelgalt poega, vaid elustiiliga. Tegemist ei ole lugemishobiga, vaid lugemiselustiiliga. Raamatud on lõhn, raamatud on boyfriendid, raamatud on töö, raamatud on mõtted, universum ja kõik mis midagi tähendab.

Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,134 reviews32 followers
July 15, 2021
Преди време много харесах „Малката книжарничка край Сена”, но тази нова книга на авторката имам чувството, че не я написала тя. Е, не съм чела други книги от нея, но усещанията ми са коренно различни от двата романа.
Не можах да се свържа емоционално с героите. Ария не ми беше симпатична, въпреки че е като мен – обича да чете книги. Тя има пътуваща книжарница във ван и е свързана с други номади като нея, които пътуват из градове и държави. Преди 3 години съпругът на Ария е починал, но тя му обещава на смъртния одър, че няма да се влюби в друг. След време среща Джонатан и оттам терзания, вайкания, инати, че не е вярна на съпруга си, че му изневерява. Е, авторка��а описва и изцелението на героинята, която разбира някои истини и че трябва да отвори сърцето си.
Имаше романтика в книгата, но не ми хареса елементарния език, на който е написана (дано не ставам параноична, но дали не е от превода, защото все пак сравнявам и другата ѝ книга, която харесах!?). Авторката преповтаря едно и също, сякаш не е знаела какво да напише.
Книжката, все пак е лятна, лека, незатормозяваща – четеш и забравяш. Има небрежни описания на храната и забележителностите на Франция. Казвам небрежни, защото са от типа „пред замъка имаше ров”, „��иренето е много вкусно”, „замъкът беше огромен”, но поне са споменати разни френски имена, градове и храни. Между 2 и 3 звезди давам.
April 20, 2020
Hello and welcome to another episode of The Inner Workings of Laura’s Mind aka A Scary Place. *snorts*

Contrary to popular opinion I haven’t lost the plot (well, no more than usual), and my intro will make total sense soon – I *pinky* promise! Just bear with me...

(Please note that you don’t have to read Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop before picking up ATBS.)

Now we all know there are some books that stay with us long after the last page has been turned. The stories that become part of us. For me, it’s the same with certain characters. I worry about them (don’t look at me like that – I can’t help it! *shrugs). #bookwormproblems

Especially those secondary characters that seem to be stuck in a limbo of sorts when a story ends. Aria was one of those characters for me after I had finished RTTS. I just couldn’t get her out of my mind. The slight reveal we had of her background story in Rosie’s book really tugged at my heartstrings (yes, I cried) and I wanted more for this awesome book nerd.

(See? I told you my mind was a scary place.)

Well, ask and you shall receive. Hallelujah! *snorts*

I (almost) couldn’t contain myself when I knew ATBS was coming out this year. But let me tell you, it. Was. So. Worth. The. Wait. And that says a lot for someone with zero patience. *smirks*

“True love doesn’t always last forever. We have to be prepared to open our hearts again, no matter how damaged we might be.”

Apparently my ‘sound effects’ whilst reading ATBS were something to behold (behear? I know it’s not a word). Lots of lol’ing, breath catching, sobbing, sighing and sniffing (in varying degrees).

I’m trying my best not to give anything away (pet hate in book reviews numero uno), but I was there with Aria, silently showing my support and geeing her on to take the plunge and dip her toes once more in matters of the heart.

Life is for the living and love will always find a way!

Ugh, I’m getting all philosophical here *rolls eyes*. I think I need a reboot.

I fervently hope this is not the last we hear from our intrepid group of wanderers. In fact, I’m worrying about another character as we speak. Go figure!
Profile Image for Ailsa.
168 reviews11 followers
June 6, 2021
On the one hand, this was a light, enjoyable read and a bit of travel escapism while we were all stuck at home during the pandemic. It's a delightful look at some French villages, as the bookshop van travels along. There's a lovely little community of several travelling shops who move along together, including Aria's friend Rosie (who stars in the first book of the series), and there's a really nice friendship between Aria and Rosie.

On the other, I don't think it holds up to other contemporary romance I've read & enjoyed in the last couple of years; I won't be going back to reread it. The encounters between Aria and Jonathan felt a bit awkward more often than not, and there's a lot of focus on the troubled relationship between Aria and the mother of her late husband. And maybe it's because I was pregnant while I read this, but there's a plotline I found particularly frustrating: one character, who's in a relationship, has some of the stereotypical signs of pregnancy and it takes everyone a long time to realise that's what's happening. Then, once it's confirmed, people try to wrap the woman in cotton wool and comment on what she's doing & what's "safe". I wanted to yell at these 'friends' and tell them she's pregnant not ill.

So, a light read with some travel escapism, but there are a whole bunch of other contemporary romance books I'd point you to before this one. 5/10.
[I received a digital copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Review first posted on my book blog.]
Profile Image for Amy Perera.
392 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2020
After reading Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop a few months ago, I couldn’t wait to read all about her friend Aria. Aria Summers lost her husband TJ to cancer three years ago and since then she’s been living a nomadic life, selling and reading books promising to never love again. That’s until Jonathan walks into her life ✨
This book was lovely and such a cosy read leaving you feel all warm inside. 4 🌟
Profile Image for Chantelle Hazelden.
1,467 reviews65 followers
July 6, 2020
What an utterly adorable tale.

I mean I'm a sucker for a novel that mentions books in its title anyway but I can honestly say that this story put a beaming smile on my face.

We follow Aria, who travels around in her van selling books. She is what's known as a van lifer, a nomad.

This woman is is made of strong stuff, having lost her husband TJ to cancer 3 years ago, she is doing her best to keep going, moving on with her life. A life that won't see any love in it - except for the romance books that she continues to read - is it that she thinks she doesn't deserve to love again, or that TJ wouldn't approve of her moving on?

But in steps Jonathon.

Handsome, witty, charming oh and he just happens to be a best selling author.

Should Aria continue on her journey alone or could she open her heart up to the possibility of being able to love more than one person?

Aria's Travelling Book Shop is the perfect light-hearted book.

There is a beautiful mix of friendship, family and feelings. The love that blossoms is felt with each and every word read.

Rebecca has written a story that is meaningful without becoming bogged down with unnecessary drama. I kept turning the pages because I believed in Aria's story and was eager to know where she would be led.

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Kelly.
490 reviews10 followers
May 2, 2020
A bittersweet read of letting go and finding new love and a way forward. I loved the preceding book and it was great to catch up with known characters. This book didn’t share the same frothiness but is enjoyable none the less. I hoping further adventures with Aria and Rosie are on the cards in the future.

Thank you Netgalley
Profile Image for Amairo.
249 reviews48 followers
August 5, 2022
Страхотно интересна история, с която да разпусне човек след тежък ден, но пък и с много добро послание.
Profile Image for Kim.
2,084 reviews57 followers
March 26, 2020
This was such a lovely book. Aria and Rosie are great friends and enjoy a nomadic life travelling with their vans to markets and festivals. Rosie has a book shop on wheels and is drawn to other book shops and book lovers. They are traveling through France and you can feel the magic of their travelling life and romance sparkles in the air.
It deals with past heartbreak, close friendships, romance and travel. You really feel as though you are going along on the journey.
It would be lovely to read a follow on book!
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
2,986 reviews542 followers
May 30, 2020
If only I had put 2 and 2 together sooner, I would have read this months ago when it first landed on my kindle. I can't believe I didn't twig that this although not necessarily a sequel is set with the same characters, although different lead, that were in Rebecca Raisin's previous book Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop!

Thankfully I twigged within a few pages, and I was ecstatic to be amongst my favourite group of nomads, and that this book featured so much more of Rosie and Max's story, in addition to us getting to know Aria even better.

And Aria really is a character you want to get to know, she is the ultimate bookworm, especially loves romances, and I think any book lover would love to visit her campervan shop, given it is filled to the rafters with books, and barely has any room for her to sleep in it!

She is a widow and has been on the van circuit of festivals travelling for 3 years now, but while knowing that TJ was her one true love, she meets Jonathan and starts to wonder all sorts of things about romance and whether you can in fact fall in love again.

All of this is set to a backdrop of a summer travelling around France, taking in Rouen, Bordeaux and the French Riviera to name a few of the spots, and they sound idyllic.

There is plenty of french food to make your mouth water, and there are some surprises along the way too, as well as a beautiful way of Aria discovering she may just be ready to allow a new special person into her life.

I spent a wonderfully sunny afternoon in my garden, completely entranced by this story, loving every word of it, and at the same time I'm really hoping this isn't the last we have seen of the van lifers - we need more, I need to know how their stories continue!!

Another gem of a book from the always pleasurable to read Rebecca Raisin.

Thank you to HQ Digital and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Leith Devine.
1,637 reviews96 followers
November 25, 2021
Aria started a traveling bookshop after her husband died from cancer. She likes her life in the van, and it gets even better after she meets Rosie, her runs a traveling tea shop. They join forces and travel through France during the summer. Aria swore off men after her husband died, but when she meets Jonathan again, she wonders if she shouldn’t give him a chance.

I loved reading about their “van life”, it was fun to go along with them on their travels. 4 stars.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Luminea.
351 reviews1 follower
January 9, 2023
Such a delightful read! It made me giggle frequently, grin like a fool, and wipe away a tear or two at times. Aria's journey of grieving and healing was very tender and sweet but also sprinkled with humour. While I enjoyed the romance in this book, I also loved reading about the friendship between Aria and Rosie. I liked meeting them for the first time in the previous book (Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop) and it was so awesome to see them grow into best friends and soul sisters despite their different personalities. I really hope that their stories continue in future books! This was a lovely romcom and I can't wait to read more of this series, as well as other books by Rebecca Raisin!
Profile Image for Nicola “Shortbookthyme”.
1,779 reviews139 followers
January 5, 2023
Traveling around England and France with others in vans is an adventure for Aria and her friends.
Definitely a light, humorous read with sweet characters.
Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Helena.
373 reviews
August 23, 2022
Aus olla, siis ma olin kahevahel, kas ma tohin ikka selle raamatu siin loetuks märkida, sest ma suutsin lugeda vaid kolmveerand. Siis ma mõtlesin millist pingutust see minult nõudis ja tühja sellest, et veerand lugemata jäi (sai ju minna ainult hullemaks see jutt).

Üldiselt padu naistekaid ma väldin, seekord mõtlesin oh raamatubuss, äkki miskit vahvat. Aga kohe algusest peale hakkasid mind häirima loogika errorid, mida ma oma peas ei suutnud kokku juhtida. Nt peategelasel oli matkabuss (ümberehitatud raamatupoeks), siis ma olen matkabusse näinud küll ja küll, need on päris pisikesed ja seal EI ANNA korraga elada ja pidada poodi.

Teiseks päris nii see ei käi, et sul on äri ja sa sõidad välismaale ning muudkui kaupled (teises riigis on hoopis teised maksud, sina pead aga tulu näitama oma riigis. Peab omama teises riigis kauplemisluba jne. Peategelane oli paras tuisupea ja hipi laadne lisaks ehk tõenenäoliselt ta ajas must äri :P).

Mis kõige hullem -peategelased naised räägivad (õigem oleks öelda ohivad) ainult meestest. Oi mu mees suri ära, ma ei tohi kedagi tahta, aga oi see Jonathan on nii kuum ja oi ma suudlesin teda, aga oi ma ei tohi teda tahta, aga oi saatuse poolt oleme kokku loodud - OMG tooge keegi kirves ja lõpetage mu piinad :)
See on korraga kurb, hale ja masendav, kui ühel naisel tõesti pole sõbrannaga muust kui meestest rääkida.

Kuid olge hooleta, see raamat hakkab väga paljudele naistele meeldima. Kõik need, kes suutsid midagi imelist leida "Väike nurgapood" sarjas ja olid kuude kaupa järjekorras, vot see on nüüd täpselt teie maitsele raamat.

Profile Image for Louise.
363 reviews17 followers
May 1, 2020
I adored this book, it has everything I love….a heartbroken bookworm trying to escape her feelings in a camper van turned bookshop, a mysterious author, a stunning location and a bunch of quirky and kind hearted nomadic friends!

I loved how Aria spoke of her love for books and how she read avidly into the small hours with the characters coming completely alive in her imagination.

It’s obvious from the start that Aria is desperately running from her past and escaping into an imaginary world. I’m so glad that she had best friend Rosie and her partner Max by her side, patiently guiding her into the next step of her life.

The trio travel through France with other ‘van lifers’ stopping off at various fetes and fairs along the way. They keep bumping into author Jonathon at book events and Aria can’t help but feel a strong connection towards him. She reads chapters from a diary written by her late husband TJ and gains the strength she needs to open her heart again.

This is truly heart warming, written with great love and warmth. There’s a strong theme of forgiveness, friendship and new beginnings. The plot just carries you along and Aria and Rosie become like the friends you always wished you had. The descriptions of France in the summer just transport you there and the story gives you a feeling that good things will return.

For bookworms, hopeless romantics or anyone who loves a heartwarming, uplifting read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 544 reviews

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